all the way to fairy

Chapter 115 Dream

Chapter 115 Dream

"Well, Guixu, the name of the small world, I don't know what's going on in the small world."

To get rid of the inexplicable feeling, she blinked and asked in confusion: "Teleport when it is about to open? Is there a fixed time for the opening of Return to the Ruins?"

Wei Lin frowned, hesitantly said: "About that?"

There is no specific moment in the relevant information, but judging from its semantics, it should mean that.

"Oh." Yunli nodded, her eyes lit up for a moment, and the thief said: "You can enter the Guixu once you reach the formation just now, doesn't that mean that as long as you can reach the formation, you can sneak into the Guixu !"

Wei Lin: "... This wooden sign can teleport three people at a time."

"I think this method can still be carefully considered, it is a way to make money."

The corner of Wei Lin's mouth twitched, except that he was a little poor when he first came, and he has never been short of her since then, why is he so obsessed with Lingshi?
After thinking about it, if he could really figure out a way, he would indeed be able to make a lot of money. He couldn't help muttering: "We need to use the magic circle for cross-dimensional teleportation, and the number of people who can enter the ruins should be limited."

Yun Li gave him a white look, "What eyes, this is the plane teleportation circle!"

"Plane Teleportation Array?" What is it?
Yunli explained: "The space teleportation array is used to teleport between different spaces on the same plane, and the plane teleportation array is used to teleport between different planes. For example, from our Canglan Continent to the upper realm, it is the plane. send."

Wei Lin was a little confused: "Isn't that Ascension?"

"The normal way to enter a higher plane from a low-level plane is to ascend through practice, but this interface is an abnormal means of teleportation."

Speaking of this, she suddenly frowned, "It stands to reason that this kind of formation can only appear in high-level planes, why does it appear here?"

Wei Lin's eyes were heavy, not only was it a question of how this wooden sign appeared here, but also this kind of knowledge should not appear in Canglan Continent.

In addition, they hadn't had much contact with the formation before. He only knew about such a profound and complicated formation because of the imprint of his spiritual consciousness. How did Ah Li know about it?

Thinking of the spirit just now, his heart sank to the bottom, could it be that Ah Li has been taken away?

"How do you know this?"

"You'll know when you see me." Yunli said naturally, this is not the first time this kind of thing has happened, she is used to it, and she can even judge whether it is a rare treasure or not by whether it happens or not .

Wait, what's the tone of this questioning!

"Could you be suspecting that I've been taken away by your expression?!"

Wei Lin didn't speak, just stared at her, the meaning was self-evident.

Yunli was speechless, "How can things like being taken away be so silent, and I often had some knowledge in my mind before."

That's right, Wei Lin's eyebrows stretched loosely, she had known some strange things for no reason before, and it seemed reasonable to know this formation.

As the night approached, the crowds on the street gradually dispersed, and the street filled with various lights was a bit cold for a while.

Yunli yawned heavily, and suggested, "I'm sleepy, let's find a place to sleep."

Well, his words fell on deaf ears again, and he still refused to cultivate hard, so he let her go before, but not now.

"Cultivate hard first, and after the foundation is established, drive out the spirit, and sleep as you like, I will never stop you."

Yunli pointed to her eyelids which were already fighting: "But I'm sleepy now."

At the moment of life and death, he still wanted to sleep and be lazy, Wei Lin was angry and helpless, took a deep breath, and suppressed the roiling anger in his heart, he was about to continue admonishing, when his right arm suddenly sank, and then a long breath came from his ear Voice.

Wei Lin: "."

If she had this ability to act in cultivation, she wouldn't be at the fourth level of Qi training now.

He endured and endured, so he didn't pull her up.

After a long time, he murmured: "Forget it, today is the Lantern Festival, just take a rest."

As he spoke, he lifted someone's head that was about to slide down.

"Kill—chong—ah—" the deafening sound of fighting resounded through the sky.

Who, the sound of watching dramas is so loud!

She sat up, the sky was gloomy, filled with violent and thick black air, she stood up, what place is this?
As she got up, her silver-white armor was shining brightly, like a blazing light, tearing apart the oppressive atmosphere, a gust of wind blew, and the cloak fluttered.

When did I have such a cool armor?

Yunli was stunned, and in the next moment, with an uncontrollable wave of her arm, the Huanshi Ling spread thousands of miles away, clearing away the black air around her. Only then did she realize that the black air in the air was living beings, there were people, beasts, and even All kinds of mythical beasts!

Naturally, she understood that it was the Demon Race; the one fighting the Demon Race was the Immortal.

She was stunned, her body was out of control again, and she flew to the back of the demons. With a wave of Huanshi Ling, where the orange damask passed, thousands of demons were turned into dust, and the immortals burst into enthusiastic cheers.

Ignoring the cheers, her body was completely empty, and she turned around and flew to a place where the demon army was densely packed. Huanshiling swung it again, killing the neatly lined army phalanx.

Time passed slowly, Huanshiling kept dancing, but the demon army seemed endless, no matter how many she killed, it only took a while for that vacancy to be filled.

Disgust, fear, panic, and loneliness surfaced in her heart, and the depression around her made her feel suffocated even more.

No, this is a dream, this is a dream, just wake up, what is she doing before going to sleep.

The lantern festival, the wooden sign, by the way, the spirit in the wooden sign, could it be that the spirit wants to take her away while she is asleep? !

She struggled violently, trying her best to gain control of her body, she couldn't be taken away, what would senior brother do if she was taken away, he was so unlucky, without her being a koi by his side, he would have been bullied to death by Dao that day!

She sat up abruptly, opened her eyes in the twilight of the eastern sky, exhaled a few breaths quickly, and wiped the cold sweat from her forehead, it turned out to be a dream.

Wei Lin opened his eyes and asked, "What's wrong?"

"I'm having a nightmare," Yunli closed her eyes, trying to calm her messy thoughts, "I dreamed that I was taken away, it scared me to death."

To prevent you from cultivating well, Wei Lin wanted to say this, but swallowed the words, comforting him: "Dreams are always the opposite."

After thinking for a while, he added: "It's all broken into pieces like that, and there's no tricks to turn it around. Cultivate with peace of mind and build a foundation as soon as possible."

Yunli pursed her lips. She was really practicing hard. Except for sleeping, she spent the rest of her time either practicing spells or making talismans, all of which were related to cultivation. It was really no fun. !

Wei Lin looked up at the sky: "Okay, it's getting late, let's go."

This small town is a bit far from Canye Pavilion, so we have to leave early.

Not far from the small town, Yunli found two people waiting in front of him, among them was the young man who wanted to snatch their wooden token from last night, and the other boy was at the ninth level of Qi training.

Here comes, Yang Yan's expression is startled, he was passing by by accident, but he also encountered a chance, although he didn't know what the purpose of the wooden sign is, but judging from the posture of the two who are bound to win, it must be something extraordinary.

Yang Yan suppressed his excitement, and said to his companion next to him: "For a while, you first drag the ninth level of Qi training, and I will help you immediately after I finish the little girl on the fourth level of Qi training."

Tao Shi nodded, and couldn't help muttering: "Aren't you too cautious, a kid who is only on the fourth level of Qi training, don't care what she does."

"We have to prevent her from doing evil things."

Tao Shi shrugged his shoulders, still a little unconcerned, but didn't say anything else.

Seeing the two of them approaching, they no longer concealed and rushed forward. Yang Yan waved his long sword at Yunli, and turned around to help Taoshi.

In his expectation, this little girl who was trained on the fourth level of qi training would be seriously injured if this sword went down, but he didn't want his sword to be easily caught by the little girl.

His pupils shrank, how could it be possible!

In his unbelievable gaze, he saw the little girl's five fingers holding the blade of the sword hard, and the blade snapped moment by inch.

He didn't react until the cold blade pierced his heart. When he fell, he vaguely saw a familiar figure also fell.

(End of this chapter)

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