Chapter 116
The pattering spring rain fell for several days in a row, Lan Shu withdrew from his cultivation, walked slowly to the window, stretched out his hand, the raindrops fell on the palm of his hand, it was cool, with the slight chill of early spring.

It was spring again, she looked away from the raindrops in her palm, and looked at the misty rain in the distance. From time to time, disciples hurried past on the muddy path, which made the two figures on the right look extraordinarily leisurely.

The two figures walked side by side, their bodies were covered with aura, and the corners of their clothes were not wet, clean as new.

That is, Qianjiu and Qianshi? !
Hands clinging to the window sills, it's really them!

Lan Shu squinted her eyes, feeling horrified. The two late-stage foundation-establishment cultivators failed to stop her. Could it be that they were hiding their cultivation? !
No, she has only been in the Remnant Night Pavilion for just over two years, and she has not exchanged any foundation establishment pills, nor can she drive the flying magic weapon, and the chance of her foundation establishment is almost non-existent.

Without Foundation Establishment, she shouldn't be an opponent in the later stage of Foundation Establishment anyway. She glanced at Wei Lin next to her. Is it because of him?How did they come back together?Did you run into each other on the road?
The next day, mission hall.

"Master Uncle Shen, let's take on the basic mission." Wei Lin's tone was light, polite and polite.

Shen Yi put down the scroll in his hand, raised his eyes to look at them, he still had that gentle appearance, and smiled warmly: "It's still you two who work hard, and you finish the basic tasks early every year."

Yunli smiled modestly, and continued, "Isn't this afraid of forgetting?"

Shen Yi unfolded the mission scroll, turned around and pulled out another scroll, and said: "Your mission is still the same, Martial Nephew Qianjiu is already at the ninth level of Qi training, the mission list should be changed."

Wei Lin raised his eyebrows, "What reform?"

"Only when you enter the ninth level of Qi training can you officially become an assassin. Therefore, the basic tasks are all assassination tasks."

He opened the scroll while talking: "Naturally, the rewards should also be mentioned. Not only are there contribution points, but the employer's reward spirit stones can also be divided into one share, three or seven times."

Yunli poked her head over to look, hey, good guy, as usual, there are no contribution points for basic tasks, but the bounty spirit stones offered by the employer are still half-to-zero. As far as she can see, the lowest bounty is 5000 low-grade spirit stones. If it is seven times, it is 1500 Lingshi.

In addition, the deceased's storage bag and other items, except those specifically mentioned by the employer, belong to the killer. As for the artifacts that the employer named, they are naturally also the mission objectives, and they need to be counted as spirit stones.

Ordinary tasks are even more serious, in addition to spirit stones, there are also contribution points.

This is the real gold belt for murder and arson!
With this policy, it is no wonder that Can Ye Pavilion can rise rapidly in just a thousand years and become the king of the night. In addition to Devil May Cry to ensure that his subordinates will not betray, the huge profits in it can also ensure the enthusiasm of all killers to do tasks.

At the end of the practice, most of the exercises have been selected. Apart from all kinds of secret skills, what is most needed is the spiritual stone to improve the cultivation base. Adding the spiritual stone to the task rewards can ensure that the cultivation base will not fall.

It has to be said that Can Ye Pavilion is quite a few blocks behind those famous and decent families in terms of killer training.

Here, as long as there is strength, there will be no shortage of resources!

After quickly browsing the task list, Wei Lin quickly accepted three tasks. For the next three years, he was going to retreat and build a foundation in one fell swoop.

There was no need to think about Yunli's mission, so he chose a few at random, and the two left the mission hall and went to the city building instead.

Since you have to go out to do missions, you need to prepare some pills and spiritual meals.

After choosing the items and listening to the price quoted by the steward, Yunli really wanted to set up a shop, not to mention the discount benefits for elite disciples, the price quoted by the steward almost caught up with the shop outside Canye Pavilion.

Almond eyes narrowed slightly, she said coldly: "What do you mean?"

"What do you mean, the price has increased." The steward didn't care.

Yunli pointed to a female cultivator next to her who was about to leave after exchanging: "She didn't even pay any price!"

The steward stood with arms folded, laughing rascally: "It didn't go up just now, but now I'm in a bad mood, so the price has gone up. After a while, I'll be in a better mood, maybe it won't go up again!"

Yunli was furious when she heard this, she was just targeting them!
Wei Lin pressed down on her who was about to explode, looked around with a cold face, glanced at the top, and said, "Let's go."

No matter what happens in secret, on the surface he is still a personal descendant of lore. Since these people dare to blatantly humiliate, they must have been instigated by others. Things are going well.

Suddenly Yunli also thought of this, and couldn't help being speechless. Speaking of this matter, the senior brother was innocent, and it was fine if he was robbed of the opportunity.

She couldn't help but feel a little worried. Senior brother has been very sensitive to luck recently, and it's inevitable that he will feel uncomfortable if this happens.

Unexpectedly, Wei Linfeng's eyes narrowed slightly, and the corners of his lips curled into a taunt: "Everyone wants to trample the young master into the mud, but the young master wants to be on top of them forever and ever!"

Yunli saw that his expression did not seem to be fake, so she felt relieved, as long as he did not collapse and gave up his desire to cultivate, everything else would have its own solution.

It's just a pill and a spiritual meal. If you spend more spirit stones, it's the same if you buy it outside, and it won't have much impact.

The night is sultry, under the shadows of the lights, occasionally one or two stumbling figures stumble past.

On the second floor of Yuelai Inn, Yunli stood by the window, pushing aside the branches and looking in one direction.

She looked at the mansion a few blocks away. The target of this trip was Zhou Qun, the current Patriarch of the Zhou family in Ziguang City, whose cultivation was in the middle stage of foundation establishment. Normally, a middle stage of foundation establishment would not be a troublesome matter.

It's just that this Zhou Qun has always been timid, hiding in the Zhou family's mansion all the year round, and rarely coming out. Besides him, the Zhou family also has several cousins ​​in the late stage of foundation establishment.

In addition, Zhou Qun also has a father who is a deacon elder in Four Seasons Valley, with a golden core cultivation base, which is one of the reasons why he has the ability to overwhelm several cousins ​​to become the head of the family in the mid-stage of foundation establishment.

I don't know how such a cowardly otaku offended people, so angry that people wanted to offer a reward on his head.

Seeing a drunk young man staggering over with the help of a skinny servant, Wei Lin jumped down from the second floor, knocking out the two who hadn't reacted.

The young man is Zhou Qun's nephew, he spends his days drinking and drinking, and when he goes out, he must get drunk before returning home, which is convenient for them.

After changing their robes, Yunli pretended to be drunk and walked towards Zhou Mansion with Wei Lin's support.

Seeing the Zhou mansion from a distance, she staggered and rushed over, slamming the door.

The guard next to her was stunned for a moment, and wanted to come over to help her: "Seventh Young Master, be careful."

Wei Lin stepped forward in three or two steps, separated the guards calmly, and said sharply: "What are you doing in a daze, open the door quickly, and delay the son's business, can you bear it!"

Several guards ate and hung up, their faces turned green and white, and they opened the door for them holding their breath.

As long as you pass the protective barrier, the rest of the matter will be effortless.

After entering the mansion, the two of them went straight to the main courtyard without resting for a moment. Although the Zhou family was only a low-profile family, but because of the face of Zhou Qun's father, Sijigu, who was in charge of the elders, the family in the city would still sell the Zhou family some face. The Zhou family was exposed, and it was inevitable that they would not be hunted down by the Ziguang City family.

Logically speaking, Zhou Qun is the head of the family, and his residence should be the main courtyard in the mansion, but there are gossip that the main courtyard is just a cover, and he actually lives in the side courtyard on the east side.

It was inconvenient for them to verify whether it was true or false, so they simply stood alone. As soon as Wei Lin arrived in a remote area, he heard a person shout: "Who!"

He was speechless, this guy not only lived in the side courtyard, but also in the guard's room.

Pulling out the long sword, a blue light lingered on the sword, pieces of green leaves flew over, and fell down in the yard.

Zhou Qun in the house felt that the sound of breathing in the courtyard had stopped instantly, and couldn't help feeling flustered. He hurriedly slapped the Vajra Talisman on his body, and suddenly a sword was inserted silently from the outside, directly piercing his heart.

Wei Lin looked away, pulled out his sword, and took a handkerchief from the shelf next to him to wipe off the blood on the sword. He lived in a guard's yard well, and the defense was poor, don't you know?

Outside, Yun Li, who hadn't found anyone in the main courtyard, also rushed over. As soon as they met, the two were about to leave. At this moment, a rainbow light fell outside, and an astonishing momentum spread throughout the Zhou mansion.

"The ancestors are back!"

(End of this chapter)

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