all the way to fairy

Chapter 117 Assassination Mission

Chapter 117 Assassination Mission
Someone shouted loudly, and the entire Zhou Mansion moved for a while, and some even ran towards this side.

What the hell!

Zhou Qun's father is back.

The two of them fled outside, not caring whether they were exposed or not.

As a biological son, Zhou Qun will naturally greet his father when he comes back. As for a father, the first thing he does when he returns home is naturally to care about his son. In a short while, the news of Zhou Qun's death will be over. It will spread throughout the whole government, how can they escape.

In no time, Zhou Zhenren almost landed on the ground, and his spiritual sense swept towards his son's residence. The two people who were running wildly and Zhou Qun, who was still in the room, naturally fell into his eyes completely.


Zhou Zhenren was about to burst into tears, he stepped over the two of them with one step, and reached out to grab it, his whole body was stirred up, making the surrounding space almost viscous, making people feel like a mire.

The Golden Core Stage is different from the Foundation Establishment Stage. In addition to the stronger and solidified spiritual power, the most important thing is the Spirit Gang. It can not only protect itself, but also restrict opponents. It is similar to the sword power. The difference is that the sword power is Restrict the opponent and attack, while Linggang restricts the opponent to protect itself.

Seeing that he couldn't dodge, Wei Lin turned around and sacrificed his long sword, pieces of green leaves flew down, trying to contain the opponent's spirit gang with the power of the sword, so as to create a chance for himself to escape, it doesn't take long, just a few breaths.

However, his sword power only reached half a breath before he was torn apart by the domineering spirit gang, and then he was slapped backwards by a palm.

Zhou Zhenren was surprised at first, and groaned coldly in his heart, no wonder he dared to be so arrogant, and even dared to break into his Zhou's house to commit murder even after a small practice of Qi, it turned out that he had already realized the power of the sword!
Thinking of his dead son, he was furious, no matter how talented you are, you will definitely die today!
After he slapped his palm, his anger stagnated slightly and turned into ecstasy. This kid is carrying a strange treasure!

Wei Lin flipped around in the air and landed, clutching his waist. Fortunately, because Ah Li wanted to study the runes of the wooden sign recently, after using it, he didn't put it back into the storage bag, but stuffed it into the girdle.

Just now, Master Zhou's palm happened to slap the wooden tablet around his waist, which activated the protective magic circle that came with the wooden tablet and blocked the blow for him. Otherwise, he would either die or be injured.

Zhou Zhenren clapped his palms into claws and grabbed Wei Lin. His hands were three inches away from Wei Lin. At this moment, an extreme sense of danger suddenly rose from his back, and his back was wet with cold sweat. Wei Lin, turned around and slapped it out.

Turning around, he realized that the person who made him feel extremely dangerous turned out to be the little girl on the fourth level of Qi training who had been completely ignored by him, and the light orange long silk passed through the body protection spirit around him without any hindrance.

The moment he turned around, Na Ling chopped off a large piece of flesh from his inner arm. If he hadn't dodged in time, it would have been more than just a piece of flesh, the whole arm might have been cut off!

He looked surprised, what kind of magic weapon is this, it can ignore the body-protecting spirit gang of the golden core stage!
He was apprehensive and ecstatic at the same time, if such a treasure was in his hands, he would be able to fight against those Nascent Soul True Monarchs.

Spiritual power lingered in the palm of her hand, a whip of spiritual power was thrown out and entwined with Huanshi Ling, and Yunli on the other side of Ling was dragged staggeringly. Holding Huanshiling tightly together, they barely stopped being pulled over.

At the same time, commanding Huan Shiling's unwrapped end to continue attacking the enemy, she was entangled by the enemy's backhand with a spiritual whip, and the pulling force on both sides made her move towards the enemy little by little.

Wei Lin, who was slowing down from behind, raised his sword and stabbed at him fiercely, but was blocked by his spirit handle, his arm was numb from the shock of the spirit handle, he turned around and came to Zhou Zhenren's side, turned his wrist, and the long sword wrapped Feng Rui The sword moved towards the spiritual power whip, and under the cutting of the green leaves, a hole appeared in the spiritual power whip.

Zhou Zhenren's eyes were fixed, and more majestic spiritual power rushed over, and the cut hole was instantly repaired. At the same time, the spiritual whip shook, smashing the surrounding green leaves.

People kept approaching all around, and other mansions next door also had their spiritual senses sweeping over, they couldn't delay any longer, they had to escape immediately, but how to escape?
Yunli tried her best to tug-of-war with Zhou Zhenren, her mind was spinning very fast, the earth escape talisman, it took time to play, and before the teleportation started, the opponent might slap them to death with one palm;
The Explosive Talisman, with the Linggang, can't kill the enemy, they may be disabled first; other attack techniques are the same as above, it can't penetrate the Linggang, and throwing it out is just a special effect
Suddenly, she thought of the huge Shu Fangyi. Because the age was too long, she was not willing to exchange it for contribution points. A huge light orange flower flew out of the spiritual consciousness communication storage bag. Spinning around, wrapping Huanshiling around her waist, she grabbed Shu Fangyi with her free hand and shook it violently at Zhou Zhenren.

The colorless and odorless gas continuously spewed out, and Zhou Zhenren, who had taken a big mouthful by surprise, suddenly became limp and his legs went limp, and the spiritual power whip in his hand also scattered. one place.

Yunli picked up the injured Wei Lin, slapped on the Earth Escape Talisman and started running away without stopping, who knows how long the effect of that thing will be on the Jindanqi real person.

In order to prevent herself from being unable to hold back Wei Lin's unlucky luck and teleporting it under the noses of some true monarch, she did not put Shu Fangyi away, but carried the person with one hand and hugged the flower with the other.

There is no need to doubt that although Ziguang City is not a first-tier big city like Nanling and Tianyun, it is also a gathering of aristocratic families. There are fewer true emperors in the Yuanying stage, but there are many real people in the Jindan stage.

Her worries were not unreasonable, the place where the escape talisman ended was the streets of the city, but there was a Golden Core Stage coming towards her.

The Jindan real person was also taken aback. On the dark street, an orange flower that was bigger than a washbasin suddenly appeared. Next to the flower, there was a man in black lying face down, with his feet dragging on the ground. on the ground.

Are the flowers perfect?Demon cultivator!
The real person had this idea in his mind, before he had time to think about it, he felt his whole body go limp, his body swayed, and he fell down. The moment he fell down, he realized that there was a little girl under the flower.

Yunli quickly took two more pictures of the escape talisman, and they passed them outside the city smoothly. Then she put away Shu Fangyi and fed Wei Lin a detoxification pill. After recovering a little bit of strength, Wei Lin protested softly: "Change, Change positions."

The face-down posture is really uncomfortable, and I feel inexplicably like being robbed by a civilian man.

"Oh? Oh." Yunli changed from being kind to supporting, and then used the newly acquired breath-suppressing talisman to choose a direction and continue to escape.

This breath-holding talisman is also a Xuan-level talisman, because it is an auxiliary talisman, not many people need it, and Yunli hasn't started learning it yet, these two are from the kid at the lantern festival who wanted to snatch their wooden token.

An hour later, the figure of Zhou Zhenren, who had recovered from the limp state, flickered, followed the scent to the outside of the city, and completely lost the trace of the two of them.

Burning in anger, he swore around the surrounding vegetation and creatures, and then turned back bloody.

In the woods thousands of miles away, Yunli was sitting on the threshold of the wooden house with her knees hugged. She was too rigid before, and the talismans and spells she learned were all geared towards attacking or assisting attacks.

For escaping, there is nothing else except Jinghong Footwork and Earth Escape Talisman.In addition, Jinghong footwork is mainly used for shifting and changing positions in battle, and is not suitable for long-distance escape.

The earth escape talisman is also very restrictive. Not only does it need to take effect, but it also has requirements for the transmission environment. The earth attribute talisman can only be used in a place with land, and the soil condensation technique can also limit its function.

Originally, their opponents were mostly Qi training and foundation building, and monks in these two realms didn't have much use for running for their lives, but the brother's luck was too bad, and there was no place where the combat power was limited. It's almost time to get married.

She sighed: "The means of escaping are too simple. When you meet a monk like Jindan Yuanying who can't be beaten, there is no way out. You have to think of a way."

She was thinking like this, but her mind was blank, and she couldn't think of anything else except the flight of the imperial weapon.

(End of this chapter)

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