all the way to fairy

Chapter 118 Magic Sand

Chapter 118 Magic Sand
However, building a foundation is not something that can be accomplished overnight, and it cannot solve the problem of escaping in the short term. The best way to escape across realms is naturally the teleportation talisman. It is difficult for her to comprehend the attribute of space!
Yunli plucked her hair irritably. Now she really wanted to drag Wen Xueluo out and beat her up. If she hadn't snatched Yunshu's Immortal Mansion, there would be no need to worry about it, but she would just hide in the Immortal Mansion.

If she couldn't beat Wen Xueluo, she could only curse him viciously for staying in the turtle shell, preferably for a hundred or eighty years.

Inside the house, Wei Lin leaned softly on the bed, and took out a small wooden sign upon hearing the words: "It's not that bad, this wooden sign has a self-defense formation, it's no problem to block the blow of Jin Danqi, with the buffer time, the escape talisman will work.”

Yunli glanced at the wooden sign, her eyes lit up, according to the information given, that real person Zhou was at the mid-stage Golden Core, and his attacking small wooden sign was easily blocked, and the upper limit of the defensive formation of the wooden sign may not exceed the mid-stage Golden Core.

In this way, it is very likely that Yuanying and below can stop it, and with her Shu Fangyi, there is still hope for escape.

After Shufang completely passed the effect of the medicine, the two continued to do the task. This time it went smoothly without any problems. After completing the basic task, they returned to the Canye Pavilion and handed in the task. Wei Lin, who was about to retreat, received Shen Yi summoned.

Wei Lin looked at the task list in his hand, and his face turned cold. There was nothing unusual about the difficulty of the task, they were all orders to assassinate the Foundation Establishment cultivator.

But this list is too long, these tasks alone are not enough for special summoning, but now they are combined together to give him a special summoning task, do you want him to waste time on the task and have no time to practice?Or do you want to use someone else's hand to get rid of him?Or, both?
As soon as Shen raised his eyes, he glanced at the room behind him from the corner of his eye, feeling helpless and disdainful in his heart, a majestic Jindan stage real person had to embarrass a young Qi training disciple.

These deacons have all heard about the grievances between Jing Shi and Qian Jiu. Speaking of this matter, Qian Jiu is also a victim. Jing Shi has nothing to do with the real culprit, so he blamed Qian Jiu who was also at the accident site.

In the past, Qianjiu was a personal descendant of lore, an elite in the cabinet, so he was naturally afraid, but now if Lord Jing Zhe hadn't sever ties with Qianjiu in the open, Jing Shi would probably do it himself.

Speaking of which, he had seen Jing Shi's daughter before, and she had a very violent temper. Since her father was the chief manager of the city building, she would shout and shout at them, the deacons of the foundation period, let alone the younger disciples below.

She has offended many people overtly and secretly. If she hadn't had a good father, she would have been punished by someone. The murder in the secret realm might also be because of these.

Seeing Shen Yi's subtle movements, Wei Lin sneered, he really respected him, from exchanging items in the market to tasks, his hands stretched out longer and longer.

However, one is the steward of the city building, one is a young disciple, one is a real person in the late stage of Jindan, and the other has not yet established a foundation, so it is not appropriate to head-on.

He took the list, turned and left.

Time flies, three years fly by.

On the forest path, the black-robed girl's apricot eyes sparkled, she stretched out her hand, and asked expectantly, "Which one?"

In her pink palms lay two grains of sand. The young man in blue and white looked down, thought for a while, and said, "The one on the left is real."

"Ah." Yunli raised her hand and threw away the grains of sand, like a defeated rooster, "It's so difficult."

In the past three years, they have spent almost all of their time outside, and unfortunately they have encountered Jindan monks again, but with Shu Fangyi's powerful 'Ruanjinsan', they can always escape narrowly.

Yunli's breath-holding talisman has been drawn with ease, and the ground-level crane talisman can also be made. In the past three years, she has spent more energy on illusions.

After all, it is a technique that comes with Hongchen Kungfu, and it will not always be useless, but the progress is very touching. So far, she has not even been able to transform a grain of sand.

Wei Lin saw that she was completely devoid of confidence, and comforted her: "Maybe I knew the sand was fake first, and compared it subconsciously, so it's easy to tell the difference. Others can take a closer look, maybe not."

"But you can tell the difference just by looking at it."

Yunli pouted and interrupted him. After being depressed for a while, she cheered up again and asked seriously: "So how on earth did you tell the difference between them? The appearance is obviously exactly the same."

Wei Lin smiled and said: "The appearance is quite similar, but this is like a painting. Can you distinguish the painting from the real thing?"

"Drawing?" Yunli didn't understand, she moved her fingertips slightly, and a piece of sand appeared in her hand again, "It's three-dimensional, how can it be the same as a plan?"

"Three-dimensional? Floor plan? What nonsense are you talking about?"

She ignored it, bent down and grabbed a handful of sand, closed her eyes, threw out all distracting thoughts, and tried her best to see the difference between the real sand and her illusion with the attitude of a bystander.

Gently rubbing the sand with her fingertips, she suddenly stood still, looked at her left hand, then at her right hand, and muttered to herself: "It's a little different, this, what is the difference? Well, it seems to be the texture, Yes, the texture is different!"

She jumped up and shouted excitedly: "I see, the texture is different!"

Just like genuine products and high imitations, the style and color are almost exactly the same, but the fake ones are fake ones, because the materials are different, the fineness of workmanship is different, and the texture displayed is also different.

Her sand is entirely composed of spiritual power. Except for the finely crafted outer contours, the inside is completely a mass of spiritual power. The monks have sharp eyesight and can easily see into the inside, so it is naturally easy to distinguish.

In order to make it infinitely close to real sand and not float on the surface, the innermost structure must be exactly the same as sand!
Just what is the structure of sand?

She frowned, trying to recall the knowledge she had learned before, if she remembered silicon, she couldn't remember the rest at all.

She shook her head, this direction was too difficult for her as a liberal arts student, or a scumbag of science majors, so don't embarrass yourself, change a method.

The divine sense penetrated into one grain of sand, observed bit by bit, and then changed to another grain of sand to observe. After experimenting with a dozen grains like this, she got a vague feeling in her mind, and her ten fingers flexibly and skillfully punched out the sand. With one law after another, a grain of sand slowly emerges from scratch, appearing little by little.

After accepting the tactic, she smiled, without having to ask others to confirm, she could clearly feel that this grain of sand has improved significantly compared to the previous illusion.

Wei Lin raised his eyebrows and praised: "Not bad, if you don't look carefully at this one, you won't realize it's a fake."

"Hey," Yunli's whole body was filled with joy, and after she was happy, she said modestly: "It's been three years, and I should have made some progress."

After finding the direction, it is good to practice more in this direction in the future. After solving the problem that has plagued her for three years, she was greatly relieved, but she couldn't help thinking, what is the use of this technique?
A flash of inspiration flashed in her mind, could the sand transformed entirely by her spiritual power be her 'eyes' like Huanshiling?

The Huanshiling is connected with her mind, and wherever it goes, her perception can also spread there. The phantom sand obviously cannot communicate with her mind, so what about the divine mind?

If you integrate divine thoughts during the illusion, then this thing is simply a weapon for eavesdropping. Just imagine, if a person goes to inquire, not only the target is big, but it is easy to finish the game if it is discovered; but a grain of sand that can be seen everywhere is inconspicuous. It will attract people's attention, even if it is discovered, at most it will lose a wisp of divine sense.

No, if you meet a cultivator who specializes in spiritual thoughts, it is very likely to use a touch of spiritual thoughts to counter her.

She frowned. Although there were flaws, she couldn't deny that this method was feasible. After all, there were very few monks who could counter people with just a ray of divine sense.

Thinking of this, she couldn't help feeling hot in her heart, wishing she could practice well now, and urged: "Let's go back, let's go back."

The deadline for this quest is approaching. After handing in the quest, whether she continues to take the quest or stay in the cabinet, she can always find time to practice and consolidate it.

(End of this chapter)

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