Chapter 119
Along the big river outside Moyun City, various wooden houses are arranged row by row with a riverbed in the middle as the center of a circle. Unlike the densely packed houses on the outside, there are only two wooden buildings on the inside.

In the room on the right, Jing Zhe slowly opened his eyes, his eyes fell calmly on the front, pondered for a while, there seemed to be joy in his eyes, he glanced to the side, saw that Bai Lu was not cultivating, so he got up and walked out, saying: "I'll go back to the pavilion."

A look of doubt flashed across Bai Lu's brows, but she didn't ask any further questions, she just said, "Okay."

"What?" Zhenjun Xingye stood up, his face full of disbelief.

Jing Zhe also had a dignified expression on his face, he just nodded at him and did not speak.

Xing Ye slowly sat down, with the word "Chuan" on his brows. He thought carefully about his cultivation these days, but he didn't notice before that the recent cultivation is indeed much easier than before.

In the past, he only acted like this when he had recently cultivated successfully, and he didn't think about the aura at all. Now that he thinks about it, there is indeed more aura in the world than before, but the extra amount is very small, and the earth-level monks can't feel it at all.

Even those monks in the Nascent Soul stage would not be able to feel it if they were not sensitive to aura.

A high-level monk needs a lot of aura to breathe out. The higher the level of cultivation, the more sensitive to the abundance of the aura of heaven and earth. If it was in the glorious era, with the cultivation level of Jingzhe, he would have been able to ascend long ago. His perception should not be Wrong.

There was a shock in his heart, and he murmured: "The aura of heaven and earth is recovering, so it means that Donglu is going to reappear?"

Dazzling brilliance erupted in his eyes, as if a pool of stagnant water had been injected with living water, and his whole body came alive. After a long time, he took a deep breath, suppressed his ups and downs, and said loudly: "Recall all elite disciples, you are solely responsible for this matter." , the Yunshu Immortal Mansion will be temporarily handed over to Bai Lu."

Yunli and Yunli went back to the pavilion to complete the task, and they were told that they were not allowed to leave the pavilion or retreat in the near future, and they were on standby at any time.

One after another, the news gathered in the meeting hall of Canye Pavilion like snowflakes. As soon as the news from all parties was consolidated, Zhenjun Xingye was furious, and he was furious at Bai Lu, the head of the intelligence organization.

Since the summer four years ago, Four Seasons Valley has sent people to the Lost Lands frequently, and the other three factions have also changed frequently, and these guys didn't notice it!
After roaring, Zhenjun Xingye finally calmed down and began to discuss the follow-up arrangements.

The four major sects have been passed down for tens of thousands of years, and their background is not comparable to that of a rookie who has risen for a thousand years. Over the years, their intelligence work in the four major sects has progressed very slowly.

This is also inevitable. Disciples with too much talent will definitely attract the attention of high-level officials, and they will be easily exposed, while those with insignificant talents will find it difficult to get in touch with high-level people.

The current situation is unclear, and it is still not easy to startle the enemy. After discussion, it was decided to send the elite disciples of the foundation building stage and the late stage of Qi training to the aristocratic families related to the four sects to inquire about news from them.

Three days later, Wei Lin received a special call and went to Nanling City with Lan Shu and others.

Almost at the same time, the restraint outside the house vibrated, and he raised his hand to summon the sound transmission talisman, and Lan Shu's voice sounded: "Junior Brother Qianjiu, come to our courtyard quickly to discuss."

Yunli curled her lips, and muttered: "It's next door, just shout outside, it's a waste of a sound transmission talisman."

"Let's go." Wei Lin stood up, the atmosphere in the pavilion was a bit weird recently, several lore came back one after another, and even the Yunshu Immortal Mansion was handed over to several other Yuanying Zhenjun to guard.

After entering the small courtyard, Lan Shu saw Yunli, he hesitated to speak, Yunli pretended nothing had happened, secretly glanced upstairs, at some point, Mo You no longer lived here, it is not clear where exactly he went Without saying anything, it quietly faded out of people's sight.

After waiting for a while, a few more people came outside the courtyard, they were all acquaintances, they were Wen Ming and Yue Yi.

As soon as Fu entered the room, Yue Yi jumped up, pointed at Yunli and said, "Why is she here?"

Without waiting for anyone's reaction, he said coldly: "Go out, this is not something you can participate in."

Yunli secretly rolled her eyes, and didn't bother to talk to him. He didn't have the final say on this matter. It was obvious that Lan Shu was the person in charge of this operation. Since she didn't ask her to go out just now, she tacitly agreed that she also participated this action.

Sure enough, at the next moment, Lan Shu stopped Yue Yi, saying: "Junior Sister Qian Shi's performance in the competition is obvious to all, I believe it won't hold us back."

She smiled and teased Yue Yi: "Even Junior Brother Yue Yi, you may not be able to defeat her."

Yunli lowered her head, her eyes were rolling to the sky, and she was giving her hatred again. Yue Yi's heart is smaller than the tip of a needle. Hearing what she said, wouldn't she want to bear a grudge against herself, even though she was telling the truth, But people have to be humble.

Wei Lin was thoughtful, speaking of it, Ah Li's strength is probably the highest among them.

"Just her?" Yue Yi was humiliated as expected, he majestically killed the closed disciple, compared with a barbarian who practiced Qi at the fourth level, it was a shame and a shame!
Yunli, who had been lowering her head all the time, just raised her head at this moment, and the expression on her face fell into Yue Yi's eyes unabashedly, and Yue Yi's blood rushed to the top of her head immediately: "You—"

Seeing that Yue Yi was on the verge of collapse, Wen Ming held him back and said, "Okay, it's important."

Wen Ming let go of the suppression after Xiaobi three years ago and successfully established the foundation. Now he has touched the edge of the middle stage of foundation establishment, and he is the great-grandson of Mangzhong, so he still has to give him some face.

Seeing Yue Yi calm down, Lan Shu said: "The task this time is to investigate the news of Dong Lu's present life."

Yue Yi was puzzled: "Donglu?"

His eyes paused on him, and then Lan Shu remembered that he was from the common people, and the secrets of the Canglan Continent were not clear, so he first explained to him: "3 years ago, a purple light fell from the sky. For a time, the Canglan Continent The mountains shook, the sky shook, and after one night, the shaking stopped, but the eastern part of the mainland disappeared mysteriously."

"Disappeared?" Yue Yi was taken aback.

Lan Shu's eyes were full of fear: "That's right, the large piece of land extending to the sea in the east of Taiyizong disappeared out of thin air, and a large amount of spiritual energy disappeared with it. Almost overnight, all major spiritual veins were exhausted. Many The monk stopped there."

"Hiss!" Yue Yi gasped, Wei Lin was thoughtful, is this the change in the continent that Lan Shu mentioned earlier?

Wen Ming's expression was dignified. Although it was not the first time he had heard of it, he couldn't help but change his face every time he heard it. Yunli frowned, thinking about what kind of means could make a piece of land disappear out of thin air.

Lan Shu's voice became a little low: "The most desperate thing is that the ascension door to the upper realm has also been closed. Since the mutation, the aura of the mainland is still disappearing out of thin air. The sages can guess, Those auras should have also flowed into the vanished East Land. The glorious era ended, the Dharma-ending era arrived, and the Canglan Continent fell into chaos, killing people and seizing treasures, sects attacked, families fought, and geniuses fell."

After talking about that heavy period of history, her eyes swept over everyone one by one: "Just a few days ago, when Master Jingzhe was practicing, he discovered that the aura of heaven and earth was slowly increasing."

Wei Lin was taken aback, it turned out that the master had already returned.

"So, Donglu, which has disappeared for more than 3 years, is about to reappear. Is the Ascension Gate leading to the upper realm..."

Yue Yi was a little incoherent. Since he practiced, his inability to ascend was like a mountain, which weighed heavily on his heart, especially the decadence from the bottom of his heart under the appearance of Master Bai Lu's lack of desire and desire, made him even more frustrated and hopeless.

I am afraid that one day I will face such a situation. When my lifespan comes to an end, my cultivation base is also reached, but I will not be able to ascend.

Lan Shu's eyes were gloomy: "We still need to determine whether it is true or not. Over the years, the four major factions have been firmly controlling the Lost Land, and they have far more information than us."

Lost place?What kind of place is this?Yunli was a little confused, but tried not to ask.

The next moment, Yue Yi asked for her.

"The Lost Land? That island country in the eastern sea?"

(End of this chapter)

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