all the way to fairy

Chapter 120 Plan

Chapter 120 Plan
Lan Shu nodded, "The Lost Land originally belonged to Donglu, and it was the only small piece of land left by the disappeared Donglu. After Donglu disappeared, the entire eastern sea area also became a forbidden area. The vast white mist shrouded everyone, no matter who Whether it is a cultivator or a demon cultivator, they will lose their way after entering, fall into endless illusions, and die of poisoning after a long time."

Yunli blinked, why does this scene sound familiar?
In a flash of inspiration, what the fuck, isn't that the swamp in the west of Liang State?
Wei Lin leaned slightly, raised his hand to stroke his hair, and flung the sleeves he brought up on Yunli's face. She regained her senses, put away the shock in her eyes, and continued to listen to Lan Shu: "Until a hundred years ago, that The white mist cleared, and it was also at this time that people discovered that the Eastern Continent hadn't all disappeared, and that the easternmost mortal settlement remained."

Yunli lowered her eyes, hiding the complexity in her eyes. A hundred years ago, the prince of Zhou Kingdom was discovered by immortal cultivators, and the place where he left behind was their Liang Kingdom.

"The hateful thing is that the land left behind by the four major parties is strictly guarded, and no other forces are allowed to intervene."

Lan Shu's words continued, but Yunli's thoughts drifted away. Children aged six to 15 were tested every ten years. The four major factions tested all Liang people. Who are they looking for?

After the science popularization, Lan Shu sternly said: "The task of our team is to find out the exact time of Donglu's present life from the family members in Nanling City and Four Seasons Valley!"

Wei Lin froze.

Yunli didn't know whether to laugh or cry, all the patriarchs in Nanling City had seen their senior brother, and they all wanted to silence him.

"Junior Brother Qianjiu?" Seeing his expression changed, Wen Ming couldn't help asking: "But what's the inconvenience?"

Wei Lin shook his head, and wrote lightly: "No, it's just that there was a little accident in Nanling City during the previous mission."

Lan Shu took out a blueprint and unfolded it on the table, saying: "There are seven families in Nanling City that are closely related to Four Seasons Valley, and three of them are the third of the four big families. It is difficult to enter and it is easy to scare the snake. I will not consider these three families for the time being. .”

"Of the other four, I am most optimistic about the Ye family and the Xue family. The Ye family is a millennium weapon refining family with a deep foundation in Nanling City. It is more or less related to various major forces. It has a wide range of sources. Zhenjun Yanshi, the head of Gu Zhuqi Peak, is also a member of the Ye family, and the Ye family must know about the news of Donglu's present life."

"The Xue family is completely dependent on Four Seasons Valley. All the talented disciples in the family went to Four Seasons Valley after they became adults. There are even members of the family who are elders in the Four Seasons Valley Deacon Hall. No news about Four Seasons Valley can be hidden from them."

Wei Lin: "."

Other families who have seen him are almost limited to the patriarch and a small number of personal guards, but in the Ye family, except for the patriarch, some of the younger generations of the Ye family know him, and the patriarch Ye hates him so much. Everyone can recognize him; he has lived in the Xue family for nearly a month, and more people know him.

After discussing, they set off for Nanling City. Just after leaving the Qinghe Valley, a first-order Xuelingxiang rabbit passed under the tree in front, and Yue Yi, who was a few steps behind, stepped forward and killed it with a sword.

Amid everyone's confusion, he took out a square scarf and slowly wiped the Zhaoying Sword. Then, as if remembering something, he smiled and said to Wei Lin: "Senior Brother Qian Jiu has entered the ninth level of Qi training for more than three years. It must be that the foundation is about to be established, senior brother, have you chosen your natal magic weapon?"

The eyes of the four people fell on the Zhaoying sword in his hand, and their expressions were ugly for a while. Needless to say, Wei Lin's face was as black as the bottom of a pot. mud;

These words clearly pierced Wei Lin's heart, Yunli was naturally upset;

Lan Shu was afraid of being defeated by Wei Lin and lost his prestige, so he built the foundation ahead of time, so he passed by Zhaoyingjian, and seeing Yueda show off Zhaoyingjian was also uncomfortable;
Wen Ming is even more, logically he is Xiaobi's second, and Zhaoyingjian should have given it to him if he didn't recognize Wei Lin, but because of the pavilion master's balance of the lore forces, Yue Yi was cheaper, and immediately turned cold.

"Since we have decided to go to Xue Ye's family, we have to share a point."

Everyone nodded, and he said to Wei Lin: "Junior Brother Qianjiu, how about our partner?"

"Okay." Wei Lin agreed without even thinking about it. Among the three, the only one he liked was Wen Ming. Although he was arrogant, he had a clear resentment and hatred. There were not so many twists and turns, and it was easy to get along with each other. some.

After the decision was made, Wen Ming immediately sacrificed the flying sword, and carried Wei Linyunli and the two away.

Yue Yi stayed where he was, his face turned red, Lan Shu glanced at him, and said coldly, "Let's go."

After Xiaobi, Lan Shu and Qian Jiu stopped communicating in private. He thought that Lan Shu was willing to see if he made things difficult for Qian Jiu; mind.

Yue Yi took a deep breath, calmed down the ferocious look on his face, and landed on Lan Shu's flying sword.

On the flying sword, Wei Lin glanced at Wen Ming, who was concentrating on driving the flying sword, and suddenly sent a voice transmission to Yunli: "This time spying on the news, you should behave well, your phantom can reveal some information."


Yunli was puzzled, it would be difficult for this quiet method to be effective if people knew about it.

Wei Lin said, "What do you think Lan Shu's identity is in the pavilion?"

The old lady of the deputy pavilion master, the apprentice of the pavilion master, these are all on the surface, what the senior brother wants to ask is definitely not this, she thought for a while, and said: "Looks like the heir cultivated by the pavilion master."

Lan Shu managed all the affairs of the yellow-rank killers during the Qi training period. After the foundation was established, she also started to take over the tasks of the mysterious-rank killers. And the delivery incident in Tianyun City last time, it can be seen that she can actually mobilize For some prefecture-level killers, such power obviously cannot be possessed by a mere disciple of the pavilion master.

Wei Lin looked at the sea of ​​clouds below calmly with his side eyes, and said via voice transmission: "She is bound to win your Huanshiling, and as she wields more power, if you still stay in the Remnant Night Pavilion, you must be in danger. If you don’t get hit by Devil May Cry, leave early.”

"No!" Yunli interrupted him, "If I escape, they will definitely deal with you."

Wei Lin was speechless, and preached angrily: "I'm not tired of living yet, who told you to run away in the open?"

Yunli said embarrassingly, "It's not like running away directly."

"Looking at the Donglu incident this time, Canye Pavilion has not penetrated enough into the four sects."

Yunli understood that if she had already penetrated into the core, she wouldn't rush out and send them out to inquire about the news, and she was so cowardly that she didn't dare to inquire directly from the four major factions.

"The recovery of spiritual energy is so slow, it is obviously impossible for Donglu to appear in this world in a short period of time, and the four major sects are firmly in control of all affairs in Donglu, preventing other people from intervening."

Yunli tasted a little bit, "You mean, in order to get a piece of the pie, in the next time pavilion, the infiltration of the four major factions will definitely be increased, and I can take the opportunity to be a spy?!"

"Now that you've shown your talent in information acquisition, and you'll be able to work on it later, you'll be able to go there easily. If you leave the Remnant Night Pavilion, it won't matter how long Lan Shu's hands are."

This is indeed a good way. It can stay away from Remnant Night Pavilion without betraying them on the surface. Although it is dangerous to be an undercover agent in other factions, her two spells of confusion and illusion can completely allow her to steal intelligence, the risk factor is greatly reduced.

Just about to agree, she thought of another thing: "No, I'm leaving, who will be the koi for you? Or let's go together as secret agents?"

"I can't leave, let alone my talent is too eye-catching, even Jing Shi will not let me go."

"Then kill him!"

Wen Ming, who was in front of him, suddenly shook his body, released his consciousness to look around vigilantly, and said, "There is murderous intent!"

Yunli quickly suppressed the excited killing intent in her heart, and looked around in a daze: "Where?"

Wei Lin glared at her secretly, and immediately put on a solemn expression, frowning tightly: "It's gone."

Wen Ming let out a sigh of relief: "Fortunately, the murderous intent was not aimed at us."

The murderous aura came and went quickly, but the decisive killing intent of meeting gods and killing gods and killing demons made people shudder.

"Maybe there is a powerful person passing by, let's go quickly." After Wen Ming finished speaking, he accelerated the speed of Feijian.

After Wen Ming in front of him gradually relaxed, Wei Lin continued the voice transmission: "Not only Jing Shi, but others will not let me out of their sight."

(End of this chapter)

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