Chapter 122

On the flying sword, Yunli grabbed the boy's clothes and looked back frequently in horror. Qin Fei comforted him: "Don't worry, Nanling City is ahead, and they won't dare to chase after entering Nanling City."

Yunli squeezed out a smile, and thanked with a trembling voice: "Thank you fellow daoist for your help. If it weren't for fellow daoist today, I'm afraid I would be killed by the gangster's sword."

Qin Fei grinned and waved his hands boldly: "It's just a matter of raising your hands, it's just a matter of raising your hands."

After finishing speaking, he asked curiously again: "Why did they kill you?"

Yunli's eyes turned red, and she became frightened again, speaking incoherently: "I, I dare not say."

Qin Fei didn't expect her to be so timid, she was so far away from those two people, and she didn't dare to say anything, so she couldn't help being speechless: "There's nothing to be afraid of, they won't be able to catch up."

It's not that I haven't figured out how to make it up yet, Yunli has a struggling look on her face, her mind is spinning fast, how to make it up?

She shook her eyelashes, and said eagerly: "Yes, it's like this. When I passed by today, I heard them talking about some secrets, and they wanted to kill me."

"What secret?"

"It's related, it's related to the many families in Nanling City, fellow Taoists, it's better not to know." Her apricot eyes were full of fear, and she hesitated to speak.

If you haven't figured it out yet, don't ask!

Unexpectedly, Qin Fei in front of him was startled, put it away casually, turned his head and asked solemnly: "Is it related to the Nanling City family?!"

Yunli was stunned for a moment, this reaction, could it be that the Nanling family really has something tricky?
He is the disciple of Zhenjun Yanshi, suddenly he is so anxious, does the matter have something to do with the Ye family?Or was he also from a certain family in Nanling?

Yunli suddenly regretted that she should have listened to Wen Ming's introduction of his details before doing anything.

Under the young man's burning eyes, she nodded and was thinking about how to answer later. When Nanling City arrived, the young man said solemnly: "Now is not the place to talk. When we get to the city, please tell me the details."

Lowering the flying sword, Qin Fei took her into the city, found an inn, ordered Xiaoer not to disturb, set up an isolation formation, and hurriedly said: "I am Qin Fei, a disciple of Zhenjun Sijigu Yanshi, and I am not If you are afraid of those aristocratic families, please tell your fellow Taoists."

Yunli suddenly realized, showing admiration on her face: "It turns out that Fellow Daoist is a high-ranking disciple of Four Seasons Valley. No wonder he is such a young hero. I must know everything and say everything!"

Along the way, Yunli had almost thought about it. She didn't know about Qin Fei's other information, and the story had to be made up around Ye's family. Thinking about the incident involving the Nanling family that her senior brother was involved in three years ago, it was only possible for Ye Xue Colluding with the Canye Pavilion, when the situation was uncertain, the city lord dragged all the Nanling family members to conduct a special investigation, which was not in line with the family's rules.

The aristocratic family loves face, and when there are signs, according to common sense, the city lord's mansion should come forward to detain Ye Xue and search for the soul in private. I got some hush money and sold the Ye family a favor; if there are other people involved, the matter is too big, so I convened a group of aristocratic families to discuss how to deal with it.

Their posture clearly means that no matter what the result is, they will charge the Ye family with the crime of collusion with Canye Pavilion. If the result of the final soul search was not unexpected, Nanling City would have changed a long time ago.

After sorting out these things, the story is naturally easy to make up. She first looked out the window vigilantly, and then said in fear: "They are dating people from the City Lord's Mansion, complaining about the hard life, and saying that if it wasn't for three years ago There was an accident in the plan, there is no Ye family in Nanling City now."

Speaking of this, she frowned, and thought for a while: "What other Ye's firm is also involved, and I was discovered by them after hearing this."

The expression on Qin Fei's face changed, three years ago?There is also Ye's firm, could it be that Ye Xue colluded with Canye Pavilion's oolong?
After that incident, all the families also went to investigate the double-headed lizard cave in Matou Village, and there was nothing abnormal. After further investigation, they only found that the storage bag was a gas training second floor in the village below Matou Village. A little monk, but the little Qi training disappeared half a year before Ye Xue picked up the storage bag.

It wasn't until they found this place that the villagers knew that Xiao Lianqi was dead. That little Lianqi was usually withdrawn and solitary, and no one knew how he got his storage bag.

This matter is quite strange. Could it be that the city lord deliberately arranged it, but for some reason, something went wrong in the process?

He frowned and thought carefully, the more he thought about it, the more likely it was, it was originally a quarrel between Xue Ye and the younger generation, if it wasn't for the young man who suddenly said his heart-wrenching fruit, this matter would have turned into a trivial matter even if he entered the city lord's mansion.

What is more likely is that it is impossible to enter the city lord's mansion at all, the Xue Ye family settled it in private, he is just an insignificant collateral child, and he will die if he dies.

Thinking of how many aristocratic families have intentionally or unintentionally squeezed out the Ye family in recent years, he couldn't sit still, and wanted to pass this news on to his master, but could this girl be lying?

He looked suspiciously at the little girl in front of him, "Haven't you asked for the name of your fellow Taoist?"

"Me," Yunli withdrew her frightened eyes from the window, wrung her fingers, and her voice was as low as a mosquito: "I, my name is Yunli, I am a casual cultivator, I have no fixed residence, and I just arrived in Nanling City recently. , trying to find a job to support myself."

"That's it."

After much deliberation, he decided to go to the Ye family to remind him whether it was true or not, and then go back and report to his master.

Thinking of this, he said gently to Yunli: "You should have a good rest first, I have something to go out for a while."

Yunli was a little scared at first, then nodded obediently.

After confessing to her, Qin Fei hastily left the door, seeing clearly the aspect of his departure, Yunli secretly thought that it was not good, she played off, and the story was so well made, this guy is already in trouble, and he didn't take her to Ye's house!
Yunli really wanted to slap herself twice, how about pretending to be weak, making up something, if her story hadn't caught Qin Fei's attention, would he have taken her to talk in the inn in such a hurry.Instead of staying at the hotel, wouldn't it be a matter of course to take her to Ye's house?

She walked back and forth anxiously in the house, what if he finished his business at Ye's house and went straight home?
Thinking about it carefully, the corners of her mouth were bubbling with anxiety. With this kid's hot temper, this matter is very possible!

She stopped walking back and forth suddenly, wait, he is Zhenjun Yanshi's apprentice, or an apprentice he likes and is very optimistic about, so will he know the news about Donglu?

If he knew, wouldn't it be good to just get the words out of his mouth, why not go to Ye's house!
Thinking of this, she couldn't help feeling overwhelmed, picked up the teapot on the table and poured a few cups of water, forcing herself to calm down, and had to think about what to guide him to talk about when he came back so that he could relax.

If you just met him and didn't understand him at all, it would definitely not work to talk about him, and it would easily arouse his vigilance. It seems that you can only make up a miserable life experience for yourself.

What kind of story should I make up?
Yellow cabbage?

I don't know if the story of stepmother and scumbag is suitable among monks?

Moreover, I have never stayed in a formal family of cultivating immortals, and I am not clear about some rules that are different from those of ordinary families.
Abandoned by a scumbag?

No, I'm only 11 years old, it's not appropriate to talk about a relationship;

Fallen into a cult organization and trained as a cold-blooded killer?
Uh, this is the truth, and it will be revealed if it is said.

All kinds of gossip scripts flashed through my mind, and after a few times of piecing together, I finally settled on Brother Qianlixun's script, so that before Qin Fei came back, he would go downstairs with the portrait and ask a few people to pretend to ask, and he would be able to leave no trace, Naturally lead to the topic of life experience.

Perfect, very perfect!

She took out a pen and paper, and drew Yun Feng's appearance with a few strokes. After thinking about it, she felt that it was not right.

Judging from how much the four major parties value Liang Guo, and the white mist in the swamp in the west of Liang Guo, the entrance of this east road is probably in Liang Guo. What if Qin Fei goes to Liang Guo to see his brother in the future?
Knowing that she had lied to him, he couldn't guarantee that he wouldn't vent his anger on his brother. Thinking of this, she changed a few more strokes, and the finished portrait was only five times like Yunfeng's, plus the eighteen changes of the male, it was much safer .

(End of this chapter)

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