Chapter 123

Satisfied, he put down the pen, dried the ink with a wave of his sleeve, and stood by the window with the portrait in his hand, waiting for Qin Fei to come back, while perfecting the draft.

After waiting for half an hour, Qin Fei hadn't come back yet, thinking about it again, it seemed deliberate to stay in the house for a long time and step out to inquire when Qin Fei came back.

She went downstairs, first called Xiaoer over, held up the portrait and asked, "This little brother, have you seen this person?"

Xiao Er looked at the portrait seriously, then shook his head: "I haven't seen it before."

Xiao Er probably knew Qin Fei, or at least Qin Fei's spirit stone, and was very kind to her. Seeing her eyes dim, he said enthusiastically, "Why, sir, are you looking for someone?"

"Yeah, look for my brother, we got separated"

After chatting briefly, Xiao Er agreed to help her pay attention to the person in the portrait.

She thanked her, took the portrait out of the inn, pulled a passerby and asked, "Excuse me, have you seen this person?"

Passersby didn't even look at it and said indifferently: "I haven't seen it."

She didn't care, walked out for a while, and asked people again, mostly perfunctory, only a few people stopped to look at the portrait in her hand carefully.

Time passed slowly, she walked all the nearby streets, but Qin Fei still didn't come back, well, the performance is almost over, let's go back to the inn and continue asking.

She held the portrait and started walking towards the inn with her head down. Before arriving at the inn, Qin Fei's figure appeared in her consciousness. With a twitch of her mouth, she finally came back.

After turning a few street corners, Qin Fei could see a slumped girl from a distance, slowly moving towards the inn. The afterglow of the setting sun stretched her shadow long, giving people an inexplicable sense of sadness and loneliness.

He froze for a moment, why did she come out?
Just when he was wondering, he saw the wilting Yunli suddenly raised his head, held up the portrait, mustered up the courage to stop a passerby who was in a hurry, and asked timidly, "Excuse me, have you seen this person before? He probably looks like this"

Before she finished speaking, passers-by waved her away impatiently, "Go, go, don't follow my advice."

"sorry Sorry."

Amidst her repeated apologies, passers-by cursed and left.

Qin Fei frowned, what are you doing?
Over there, Yunli had already entered the inn, and asked a few more guests. As usual, she got a bunch of blank eyes. The waiter in the inn saw her and couldn't help asking: "Is there still no news?"

Yunli smiled wryly and shook her head.

Xiao Er comforted again: "Look slowly, you will always find it, and I will help you pay attention."

"Thank you little brother, you are such a nice person."

After thanking her, she was about to go upstairs when she suddenly remembered something and asked, "Second Brother, who is Zhenjun Yanshi?"

Xiaoer opened his mouth wide in surprise, and it took him a while to laugh, "Don't you know Master Yanshi?"

Yunli shook her head and smiled embarrassingly: "There are not many monks in our village. I have been looking for my brother since I came out, and I have never been in contact with these great sects."

Qin Fei was taken aback for a moment. She didn't know the master and the relationship between the master and the Ye family, so it wasn't intentional provocation. In this way, what she said was true.

Over the years, accidents happened one after another in the Ye family's property. Master had long suspected that someone was secretly targeting the Ye family, but the enemy was hidden in the dark and could not be caught.

The strange behavior of the city lord three years ago made the master focus on the city lord's mansion. Now it seems that the target of the Ye family may not be one family, the Ye's firm is also involved, or there may be other aristocratic families.

Seeing that he was about to enter the inn, Yunli hurriedly said goodbye to Xiao Er and returned to the house a few steps. Her confusion can only be used on one person for the time being, and she still has to choose a quiet place to tell stories.

As soon as she opened the door and entered, Qin Fei's voice sounded behind her: "Did you just come back?"

Yunli froze at first, then relaxed, turned around, hid the portrait behind her back, and said reluctantly: "Yes."

Qin Fei walked into the room and sat down on the bench beside the table: "I heard Xiao Er said that you are looking for brother?"

What did Xiao Er say, you heard it with your own ears, after she finished slandering, she saw that she couldn't hide it, annoyance appeared on her face, she bit her lip, and whispered: "I didn't mean to hide it from you, just me"

"Understand, understand, you must be defensive."

The carefree Qin Fei seemed extraordinarily considerate at this time, and it would be more suspicious if he vomited everything like beans to a stranger.

A blush of shame appeared on Yunli's face, she closed the door, walked to sit opposite him, and said in a sad tone, "Three years ago, my brother and I went out to practice, and we encountered a second-level monster white-nosed bear. I dragged the monster and jumped off the cliff."

"I," she sniffed, stopped her sobs, and continued tremblingly: "I searched under the cliff for a long time, but I only saw the body of the white-nosed bear, but not my brother, so he must still be alive."

Qin Fei showed sympathy, "He may have been eaten by other monsters."


Yunli became excited, and said sharply: "My brother is very talented, and his swordsmanship is superb. The patriarch grandpa said that he is a good young swordsman, and he can't die! He used to say that when he becomes a powerful swordsman Take me to slay demons and demons, and save the common people!"

Yunli spoke confidently, but her almond eyes were a little misty, "Besides, someone said they saw a man in black taking my brother away."

Qin Fei looked at her sympathetically, those people probably couldn't bear to tell her the truth, and thought of such a young man with the same ambition as his own being buried in the belly of a beast, he felt sad.

It's now!

There was a faint orange light in the depths of the almond eyes, and Qin Fei's eyes were a little dull for a moment, Yunli asked quickly: "When will Donglu show up?"

Qin Fei said blankly: "80 years later."

He sure knows!
Yunli suppressed her surprise, and the orange glow faded from her eyes. She seemed to be trying to convince him, but also seemed to be convincing herself: "Besides, some people said that they saw my brother appear in Nanling City, so I came here to look for him."

Qin Fei shook his head and ruthlessly pierced her fantasy: "If your brother is still alive, why didn't he go back to find you?"

Yunli's face turned pale for a moment, her eyes blinked, and the corners of her eyes were wet with crystal water, but she insisted stubbornly: "He, he must have some difficulties, yes, that's right, he has some unavoidable difficulties!"

Seeing more sympathy in Qin Fei's eyes, her pupils glowed orange again, and she asked, "Is there any restriction on Donglu's entry? How can I get in?"

She discovered just now that the duration of confusion was much longer than the last time it was used, which should be enough to ask two questions, but Qin Fei remained in a daze and did not answer.

Yunli's heart skipped a beat, has she been discovered?
No, his eyes were still in a dull state. She collected herself and continued to mutter to herself: "My brother will not abandon me, he must have some unavoidable difficulties."

Qin Fei recovered from his sluggishness, but there was still nothing unusual.

Dong Lu's affairs were kept too secret, how much Qin Fei, a junior, could know, and the exact time of Dong Lu's reappearance, was already because he was one of the more favored disciples among Zhenjun Yanshi's disciples.

After portraying the stubborn, weak and heart-wrenching image of the Xun brothers and sisters, Yunli was about to withdraw, and Qin Fei was also anxious to report the latest progress of the enemies of the Ye family to Zhenjun Yanshi, and bid farewell to Yunli the next day.

After bidding farewell to Qin Fei, Yunli started to wander around the city. Who knows if Qin Fei arranged for someone to follow her secretly. She walked around until sunset and saw no one following her. She couldn't help being surprised, she didn't expect Qin Fei to be so relieved of her!
It seems that she judges the belly of a gentleman with the heart of a villain.

Since there was no one, she was going to go out of the city to meet Wei Lin and Wen Ming. When passing by a street market, she accidentally caught a glimpse of an unattended recruitment booth. The word "Sword Boy" firmly attracted her. Hire someone?
The Ye family is the second family of craftsmen in the Canglan Continent. Their casting equipment is top-notch. After thinking about it, she stepped forward and asked, "Is the sword boy working in the sword furnace?"

The recruiting old man didn't even raise his eyelids, and said angrily when he heard the words: "Jiantong is not working in Jianlu, you want to drink tea at the master's house."

"If you perform well, can you learn how to forge a sword?"

The old man said impatiently: "Yes."

Yunli straightened her body: "Then what do you think of me?"

(End of this chapter)

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