Chapter 124
The old man finally raised his head, took a look at her, and rolled his eyes: "Where is it cool, don't stay there. Jiantong is going to carry stones and materials. What can you do with your small body?"

Yunli glanced at the three huge stone mills next to the booth, which should be used to test the strength of the applicants. She walked to the largest stone mill, grabbed both sides of the stone mill with both hands, and lifted it easily with all her strength. stand up.

The old man's muddy eyeballs almost popped out of his shriveled eye sockets. This is a stone mill of twenty stones. Being able to lift this stone mill shows that her strength has reached at least the fifth level of strength training!
After a while, he withdrew his protruding eyeballs and squeezed out a kind smile, "The little girl is really strong, and she is a good seedling to be a sword boy. Being a sword boy in our Ye family not only pays a lot of money, but also has an independent courtyard for you." Rest, there will be a rich spiritual meal every day, and most importantly, there will be a first-class casting master who will teach you how to forge weapons, how about it, do you want to come to our Ye family to be a sword boy?"

Yunli: "."

The family-like tone and inflammatory language, are you sure this is not a pyramid scheme?
Being Jian Tongzhen is so good, how could his stall be empty.

But don't worry about these, she smiled at the old man embarrassedly: "I really want to go, but I still have a brother, can he also be a sword boy?"

"Your senior brother?" The old man was taken aback for a moment, then his eyes glowed green, "Can he also lift a 20 stone mill?"

"He's not a physical trainer, but he's already practiced at the ninth level."

Yunli has a black lined face, lifting a stone to grind is a method for physical training to test her level during the training period, and this old man regards her as a physical training.

The old man didn't care, and said: "Of course, what's your brother's name, I'll give you an identity certificate."

Is it so casual?Yunli was a little confused, anyway, the Ye family is also the second largest weapon refining family in the Canglan Continent, so it's not too casual to hire people.


Yunli regained her senses, without thinking about the reasons for the mess, she opened her mouth and said, "My name is Yun Xiaoman, and my senior brother's name is Wei Xiaozhuang."

Facing these two extremely careless aliases, the old man didn't even move his eyebrows. He drew two talisman papers and threw them to her, "Take this and go to the sword furnace to report."

After finishing speaking, the old man looked at the sky, "It's getting late, it's time to call it a day."

Then he got up quickly and disappeared at the end of the street, leaving Yunli standing alone in front of the empty stall, chaotic in the wind.

She looked down at the rough talisman paper in her hand, is this the proof of identity? !

Too sloppy!
Also, don't the stalls charge you?
Looking again, a broken wooden table with cracks, a low stool, and three stone mills, there is really nothing to clean up.

Forget it, that's all it takes to achieve her goal, she put away the talisman paper, turned around and left the city.

"I got the news!"

Wen Ming opened his mouth in shock. It took only a day to gain the trust of the other party so quickly and break into the enemy's interior? !
She smiled brightly: "Isn't it a coincidence that Qin Fei just knew the news about Dong Lu, so he didn't have to bother to enter Ye's house."

Wen Ming still couldn't believe it, maybe it was too fast, then no matter how straightforward Qin Fei was, he would never open his heart and confide such important news to a person who was rescued by the side of the road.

Yunli smiled slyly: "It's a little trick, maybe it's because he wasn't wary enough of me that I left the mark on his clothes so easily."

Wei Lin answered: "Brother Wen, don't doubt it, she has a magic weapon that can leave marks on people's bodies, and with this mark, you can hear other people's conversations."

This was what they had discussed before, and they couldn't fully reveal the truth.

Wen Ming was taken aback, there was a method that Yuanying Zhenjun hadn't discovered, wouldn't it be.
"It's not that great either."

Yunli interrupted his conjecture, and said, "It's not because it's relatively close to Ye's family. Patriarch Ye doesn't have any precautions against Qin Fei, and this mark can only last for a quarter of an hour."

Wen Mingxin breathed a sigh of relief, as long as there are restrictions, if there are no restrictions on such methods, then wouldn't it mean that she can eavesdrop on whoever she wants.

Wen Mingdao: "I have to go back and inform the Pavilion Master immediately."

Yunli rolled her eyes and said, "80 years is just what Qin Fei said. If there is a discrepancy in his memory, he still has to compare it with Miss Lan Shu's information."

Wen Ming hesitated, this matter is now on par with Yunshu Immortal Mansion in the pavilion, it can be seen that the attention of the pavilion, if it is too late.
Yunli, who had been keeping an eye on his expression, took the opportunity to suggest: "If you are in a hurry, you can send the news back first. The two of us will stay and wait for Miss Lan Shu to get the news before going back together. Besides, I disappeared as soon as I arrived in Nanling City. It is unreasonable. It is easy to arouse suspicion.”

Wei Lin gave her a strange look, why did he suddenly want to stay in Nanling City?
Wen Ming nodded. This is a good way. It will not delay the delivery of news to the pavilion, but it can also remind Lan Shu and the others, and it can also dispel Qin Fei's suspicion. If it is useful in the future, Qin Fei can continue to be a source.

As for why he personally sent the message back, it was naturally because he was the only foundation cultivator among the three.

After discussing it, Wen Ming Yujian turned around, and when he walked away, Wei Lin raised his eyebrows and asked, "What the hell are you doing?"

"Good thing." Yunli smiled, "Have you brought your Mo Lijian?"

Wei Lin frowned: "I did, but why did you suddenly ask this?"

"Just bring it with you." Yunli glanced around, and changed to sound transmission: "I thought about it, since those swords don't recognize you as the master, why don't we turn the sword that recognizes you as the master into a magic weapon?" Is it?"

Wei Lin was stunned for a moment, "You mean Mo Lijian, but Mo Li is an ordinary sword."

This was blatant discrimination, and Yunli immediately retorted: "What's wrong with Fanjian? Mo Li's design and casting process are far superior to these so-called magic weapons, but the loss is in the material. It's good if we change the material." gone."

The excitement in Wei Lin's heart just started to splash, but was extinguished by her words. He thought it was a good idea, why is it so whimsical, is refining a weapon so simple?
"Ordinary materials can't survive the refining of weapons in the cultivation world, so how can we talk about changing materials? It's whimsical to want to transform ordinary weapons into magic weapons."

When he first arrived in the pavilion, he thought about repairing Li Li, and asked the craftsman in the pavilion specifically. If he wanted to recast a mortal weapon into a magic weapon used by monks, not only would he need a lot of materials, but he would also need a lot of materials to successfully The probability is extremely small, even if it is a fluke, the grade of the magic weapon will not be very high due to the burden of the original mortal materials.

This is also why he has such high expectations for the Shadow Sword. Speaking of it, Li Li is the sword he has used since he was a child, and has a faint spirituality, and he is quite friendly to him. Under the same conditions, the natal magic weapon is naturally Prioritize Mo Li.

Yunli disagreed, "Everything has a spirit. Since mortals can become monks through cultivation, why can't ordinary swords be tempered into magical weapons?"

This topic made Wei Lin a little annoyed, "Ordinary people need spiritual roots and immortal fate to cultivate."

"How do you know that Mo Lijian has no celestial karma, Mo Li already has a faint spirituality, it is not an ordinary mortal sword, it can produce spirituality with mortal copper and iron, it can be seen that its celestial relationship is not shallow."

Yunli tugged at his sleeve: "Brother, let's try it, what if it succeeds."

Wei Lin didn't speak, he was a little moved, and worried that he would be disappointed again. Even if Li Lijian was reforged into a magic weapon, it might not recognize him anymore. If it was the Li Lijian that he used since childhood, he wouldn't even recognize him. He, he will not be able to withstand such a blow.

"Try it, I have a hunch that it will be successful!" Yunli raised her head, "I have already thought about the materials, and I will use the feather I picked up in the swamp."

Wei Lin rubbed the space between his brows, "If it doesn't work, the feathers will be wasted, why bother?"

Those feathers are not ordinary products, and it is perfect to make daggers and short knives, how can they be wasted on slim chances.

"How can it be in vain? If it succeeds, this is your natal magic weapon, and I always feel that there seems to be a little connection between Li Lijian and this feather."

(End of this chapter)

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