all the way to fairy

Chapter 125 Recasting Mo Li

Chapter 125 Recasting Mo Li (1)

"Do you feel something is wrong?" Wei Lin took out the Mo Li sword, how could a mortal sword be connected with that magical feather.

Yunli also took out the feather, held it side by side with Li Li, felt it carefully again, and she affirmed: "It's not wrong, there is a connection."

Wei Lin still believed in Yunli's intuition, could this feather really make Li Li a magic weapon?
Seeing that he was already shaken, Yunli urged: "Let's set off as soon as it's still dark. The sword furnace is still in Dongmie Peak thousands of miles away."

When it was dark, the two of them finally arrived at Dongmie Peak, completed the Jiantong entry procedures, and came to the independent courtyard assigned for this trip.

Yunli petrified, she expected that the conditions would not be too good, but she really didn't expect the environment to be so bad. When she opened the courtyard door, the weeds in the courtyard were taller than hers, and some grasses were knotted between the grasses. There are cobwebs!
How long has it been unoccupied?
She seriously suspected that there were some snakes, insects, rats and ants in the grass. No wonder the old man ran away immediately after giving her the identity card, as if he was afraid of her repentance.

After all, it is also the second largest refining family in the Canglan Continent. Is Jiantong so difficult to recruit?She was a little worried about her future workload.

Wei Lin squinted at her, and with a wave of his sleeve, all the weeds in the courtyard were cut off at the same root, and fell down in one direction. Yunli threw a fireball, and after a billow of thick smoke, the weeds finally burned with difficulty up.

After the fire was exhausted, no trace of snakes, insects, rats and ants was found, so she walked into the yard with confidence.

Fortunately, they are monks, so it is not too convenient to clean up. After a few dust removal techniques, the dusty room becomes as clean as new.

The next day, Yunli and Yunli walked towards Dongmi Peak under the leadership of a small steward.

Surprisingly, the outside of Dongmie Peak was covered with snow, and the crystal clear snowflakes shone in the sunlight, which was completely different from Yunli's imagination of the place where the smoke was billowing and the heat was blowing.

The little steward raised his head proudly: "Our Ye family's refining rooms are all underground, using the high temperature of the underground lava, and using hundreds of fire crystals to form formations, with the central melting furnace as the center, running through the upper middle On the lower three floors, each floor surrounds the central melting furnace, and there are hundreds of large and small refining rooms, and each refining room has a separate melting furnace, which is guided from the central melting furnace through an array."

Stepping into the interior along the stone steps, what you see is not magma and lava, but a wide and staggered corridor. Between the corridors, some fiery red magma is steaming.

In the center is a huge smelting furnace that runs through the entire Dongmie Peak. There is a formation above it to deal with the roiling heat waves. No wonder the outside of Dongmie Peak can be kept covered with snow.

Continuing down, the temperature is getting higher and higher, and the road under your feet is slowly turning red. Through the gaps, you can faintly see red magma. The magma flowing on both sides of the road is boiling, and magma splashes from time to time, which is very dangerous.

When you get down to the height of the ground, it is the official smelting and forging place. There are rows of refining rooms of different sizes. Some rooms are full of strong fire spirit, while others are clanging. Non-stop, and there are very few refining rooms that are empty.

The little steward led them down to the bottom floor, and said to a slovenly old Jindanqi man in a short shirt, with disheveled hair and a bright red face, "Master Zhang, this is the new sword boy, you"

"What!" Before he finished speaking, the old man jumped up, pointed at Wei Linchong and roared, "Just this thin arm and thin leg, can he be a sword boy?"

"And this delicate little girl, what can she do? Wipe the sword with a handkerchief?"

The two of Yunli and Li took a step back together, and it was another person who was talking and spitting.

The little steward who was sprayed with saliva wiped his face, and said stiffly: "This is recruited by the master!"

"It's outrageous, it's really outrageous," the old man blew his beard angrily, "it's getting more and more outrageous, all kinds of people come in."

The little steward secretly rolled his eyes, Jiantong is just a hard job, there is no way out, except for those physical practitioners who can't get along, who would want to do this job!

In the past, the Ye family was powerful, and the spirit stones they gave were generous, so it was easy to recruit people. In recent years, the Ye family has gradually declined, and the spirit stones given are less, and no one is willing to come. However, Zhang Zhenren is very weird. Jiantong left after less than three months under his command.

The lowest floor is the place with the highest temperature in the entire sword furnace, and it is extremely hot inside. If a sword boy with a low cultivation base does not have a strong physique, he will be in danger of being roasted if he stays for a long time. The environment is a hundred times more difficult than the two floors. No one wants to come.

But who is the master of the craftsman? He has some attainments. Even the members of the Ye family have something to ask him for advice on crafts. Thinking of this, the little steward suppressed the anger in his heart and said with a good temper: " They were recruited by Master Hu himself, so there must be something special about them, Master Hu will not deceive you."

Zhang Zhenren thought about it, although Ye Hu was a bit of a rascal, he still had some bottom line, he looked at Yunli and Yunli dubiously, "Go and move that pile of materials to the refining room."

Looking in the direction of his finger, various unfamiliar metal stones piled up into a mountain, Yunli blinked, and asked blankly: "Move all?"

Daoist Zhang gave a flat acknowledgment.

She rolled her eyes, and ran over to pick it up. Judging by the manager's attitude, this sloppy old man should be a very good craftsman, and he might need his help to recast Li Li in the future.

The old man was slightly surprised when he saw that she was lifting a large piece of star steel with ease. Star steel is much heavier than ordinary refining materials. Such a large piece would make it difficult for a fifth-level physical practitioner to refine it. The young man was not lazy, and with his nine-level qi training, it would be fine to move some materials.

He didn't find it just to fool him, he felt better, walked into the refining room to look at the sword embryos inserted in the refining furnace, and then played a formula to adjust the fire flowing from the central refining furnace.

Time passed, and in the blink of an eye, it has been three months. Except for the agreed meeting with Lan Shu, the two have been staying in Dongmie Peak to work honestly, earnestly fulfilling the tasks assigned by Zhang Zhenren, and finally barely won his approval.

This day, Master Zhang stopped the two who had finished carrying the materials, pointed to the jar next to it, and said to Yunli, "You carry this here."

This jar made of unknown material was brought by Zhang Zhenren today. They had never seen it before, but she didn't ask. Zhang Zhenren has a very bad temper. When casting swords, he doesn't like others to ask questions and disturb him thoughts.

Unexpectedly, she didn't move it, she was stunned for a moment, what is so heavy?

Instead, he grabbed the edge of the jar with both hands, exerted all his strength, and finally hugged it tremblingly.

A smile appeared on the corner of Zhang Zhenren's mouth, and he opened his mouth in a rare way: "This is weak water mithril, a small drop, and it is incredibly heavy. It can be used on magic weapons. First, it can increase the weight of magic weapons, and second, it can also improve The quality of the magic weapon."

He took out a brush and dipped it in the silver liquid, and carefully brushed along the line of the sword body, with a proud expression on his face: "With the brush of this old man, this sword can be promoted from the low grade of the Xuan rank to the middle rank of the Xuan rank." Taste."

"So powerful?!" Yunli was a little skeptical, is it too exaggerated?
Zhang Zhenren chuckled, "Don't believe me?"

"I believe!"

Wei Lin raised his hand to help Yunli hold the bottom of the jar. Over the past three years, he deliberately learned about the relevant materials of the magic weapon, and he knew all kinds of refining materials.

Zhang Zhenren glanced at him, "Just show your earnestness. If you have the strength of Yun girl, you will definitely be a very good craftsman."

In the past three months, the little girl has been working as long as she is working, with no distractions, but this kid is looking here and there, and is still thinking about it with the book "The First Explanation of Refining Weapons".

Yunli rolled her eyes while hugging the jar, can you stop using words like 'a handful of strength' to describe her?

An hour later, Zhang Zhenren finally painted the whole sword with weak water mithril, and inserted the sword into the fuse again. Yunli put the jar aside, paralyzed from exhaustion.

Wei Lin flicked his sore wrist, and with a thought, he took out Li Li, who was broken in two, and asked, "Can the real man show me this sword?"

Zhenren Zhang paused for wiping his sweaty hands, and asked in surprise, "An ordinary sword?"

Wei Lin nodded.

(End of this chapter)

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