all the way to fairy

Chapter 126 Recasting Mo Li

Chapter 126 Recasting Mo Li (2)

"Don't you kid want to recast this mortal sword?"

Yunli leaned over and looked at him eagerly: "Is it okay?"

The two of them didn't know anything about refining weapons, not to mention reforming, even if they remelted the broken sword, their eyes were smeared.

Master Zhang took Mo Li and praised, "Good sword!"

Although it is a mundane material, everything from pattern making, smelting to casting, and quenching is perfect, exhausting the swordsmith's hard work, and he couldn't help but admire again: "The swordsmith who wants to cast this sword is also a master in the mundane world. Famous master!"

Yunli hurriedly asked: "Can it be transformed into a magic weapon?"

Wei Lin also watched expectantly.

Daoist Zhang lightly brushed the cold and cold sword, looked at Wei Lin, "It's okay, but, are you sure you want to do this?"

Wei Lin nodded, he understood what Zhang Zhenren meant, the mundane weapons were transformed into magic weapons, and the quality was not much higher due to the burden of the original materials, but he had no choice.

"What materials have you prepared?"

Yunli showed him the feathers, with a very low posture: "After all, we are laymen, so we have prepared this material. What materials do you think are missing? We can buy them."

"That's why you came to be sword boys."

Zhang Zhenren glanced at Wei Lin. At such a young age, he has already practiced the ninth level of Qi. This kind of talent is not low. Even in the Four Seasons Valley, there are not many people at the ninth level of Qi training at this age. How could he become a sword boy for no reason.

Wei Lin readily admitted: "Yes."

Yunli smiled sheepishly, and added: "Hey, I also admire the real person."

Zhang Zhenren glanced at her sideways, and didn't believe her words at all. How did they know that there was such a real Zhang before that, his eyes fell on the feather in her hand, and his eyes showed doubts: "Huh, your feather?"

Yunli was a little nervous. Except for the miraculous performance when they got it that day, the back was always dusty, and there was nothing magical about it. That's why she dared to take it out.

Now that Zhang Zhenren looks like this, could it be that he recognizes Feather?

She asked nervously, "What happened to the feather?"

When I said that, I felt that I was too nervous, and I was afraid that it would attract people's suspicion, so I continued: "Is it not possible to use it as a refining material?"

"That's not true." Zhang Zhenren was a little puzzled. He didn't see what kind of monster's feather it was. After thinking about it, he had been concentrating on refining weapons all his life. There were so many monsters that he had never seen before. Not unusual.

He made a list of the required materials and gave it to Wei Lin, he said: "You have to connect the broken sword first, you can consider using Tianhe hair crystals, you don't need a lot, about five or six bundles, not only can play a role It is very good for connecting the sword body, and at the same time Tianhe hair crystal is a natural medium for fusing various materials, with it, subsequent materials can be better fused in, but Tianhe hair crystal is extremely rare, what is the price?"

Yunli stared at him firmly and said: "It doesn't matter, what do you think can make this sword more perfect, just do it, Lingshi, we will find a way!"

Wei Lin couldn't help but turned his head and glanced at her, today is not normal, don't pick?

Zhang Zhenren waved his hand: "Listen to me first, Tianhe hair crystals are priceless in the market, even us craftsmen need to pre-order in advance."

"Ah? You mean you can't buy it?" Yunli was dumbfounded, is it so scarce?
Zhang Zhenren nodded, and there was a turning point in their lost eyes: "But."

"But what? You have it?!" The two of Yunli burst out with strong hopes again, staring at him scorchingly.

Zhang Zhenren looked very embarrassed, "Yes, there is, but it was reserved by a son of the Wang family."

Hearing this, Wei Lin calmed down, half-closed his phoenix eyes, and there was a bit of insight in his eyes: "You haven't forged the magic weapon you reserved yet, have you?"

"Not yet, there are so many lists, you have to cast them one by one, there is no rush."

Yunli hurriedly said: "Then you sell it to us first, and then you will have time to pre-order again later."

"Well, if the young master of the Wang family finds out, it won't ruin my reputation." Zhenren Zhang made it even more difficult.

Yunli also came to realize that since he specifically proposed it, it could be moved, but he was in a dilemma, he wanted to benefit.

But who asked them to use it urgently? Nanling City doesn't know how long it will last, and the opportunity should not be missed. She asked, "How many spirit stones do you need for this Tianhe hair crystal?"

Zhenren Zhang pondered for a while: "The price we got from Ye's Trading Company is 20 spirit stones per bundle, and you need 5 bundles for this sword."

"Hiss—" Yunli gasped, and took a few steps back, suspecting that she was hallucinating, 20 a bunch, 5 bunches would cost 100 million spirit stones!

She swallowed hard, with a mournful face: "You mean low-grade spirit stones, right?"

"Naturally." Zhang Zhenren said with sincerity on his face, "There is a reason why you are expensive. As long as Tianhe hair crystal is added, I can guarantee that the sword after recasting will be at least a low-grade Xuan rank!"

After all, it is a natal magic weapon, and it will take a long time to use. If possible, I should not change the magic weapon again in the future, so it should be more expensive!

She gritted her teeth, and said with pain in her heart: "We want it, and there is a real laborer."

"This Prince"

"Naturally, the prince made a concession in good faith, so we naturally have to express it."

She deliberately bites the words "Wang Gongzi" hard, so she is very angry, but she still has to keep smiling.

Zhenren Zhang enthusiastically said: "Well, let me tell you for you, and let Mr. Wang give you 25 bunches."

Yunli clutched her heart and staggered a few steps again, her heart ached so badly that she couldn't breathe, another 25 was about to leave her.

Wei Lin was both amused and moved, to make this money fan agree to buy five bundles of materials with 125 million spirit stones just to transform him into a magic weapon. It seems that in her heart, she is still more important than spirit stones.

He smiled, took out the storage bag, and gave 125 middle-grade spirit stones to Zhenren Zhang. He was willing to give more spirit stones to transform Mo Lijian into a magic weapon.

Zhang Zhenzhen was stunned. He didn't expect him to take it out immediately. This is 125 pieces of medium-grade spirit stones, not low-grade. A small nine-level Qi training monk can take out 125 pieces of medium-grade spirit stones without blinking an eye. Pin Lingshi, could this be the son of some great family?
The more he thought about it, the more he felt it was possible. Who would spend so many spiritual stones on an ordinary monk to transform a mortal sword? With 125 medium-grade spiritual stones, you can't choose the Xuan-level magic weapon of Ye's Trading Company, even the ground-level ones. May be available.

After accepting the Lingshi, Zhang Zhenren immediately beamed with joy, his eyebrows became kind, and he took the purchase list listed earlier and explained to Wei Lin the precautions for other required materials, as well as some common methods to distinguish the quality of materials.

Yunli's heart bleeds again, and only then did she realize that 125 million is just the spirit stone of Tianhe's hair crystal, and other materials still need spirit stones!
I can't think about 125 million anymore, it's too distressing, she comforted herself, it's not much, it's only 125 yuan when converted into middle-grade spirit stones, and it's only half a stone if converted into top-grade spirit stones.

Thinking about it this way made me feel better.

Fortunately, their net worth is still relatively rich. In the past three years, the commissions that the senior brothers have done one by one, the spirit stones she earned from making talismans, and the spirit stones sold as trophies. The sum of zero and zero should be enough. Secondary material purchases.

Seeing that it was still early, Yunli decided that since today is a day to spend money, taking advantage of her heartache so numb, she should just buy everything she should buy, so as not to have to go through it again later, which is too much torture.

Zhang Zhenren earned 25 Lingshi for no reason, and he was in a good mood. He generously approved their vacation, and told them which material to buy from which is more affordable.

After going to various shops to buy all the materials, not only Wei Lin's purse was empty, her purse was also half empty, and 100 million, bah, 100 middle-grade spirit stones left her.

As soon as she left the shop, she could no longer lie to herself, and suddenly felt that there was nothing to love in life. After three or four years of hard work, she returned to before liberation.

Wei Lin looked at her with a slumped head, and didn't know what to say, isn't it just a spirit stone, if it's gone, you can earn more, as for this?
He, a person who cultivated by spirit stones, is fine, but she, who is cultivated by demon pills, looks like she is dying, she is really speechless.

(End of this chapter)

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