all the way to fairy

Chapter 127 Recasting Mo Li

Chapter 127 Recasting Mo Li (3)

Yunli sighed for the [-]th time, then turned her head to Wei Lin and said, "Why don't you stay away from me?"

Wei Lin:? ? ?
What the hell?

She murmured: "In this way, maybe someone will rob me, and I can take their storage bag as a matter of course."

Wei Lin: "."

In Wei Lin's white eyes, Yunli was crying: "I just want to get blood back."

Wei Lin rolled his eyes at her again, walked around her, and strode away.

Yunli, who followed sadly and sadly, suddenly felt a familiar aura, and when she looked up, she suddenly regained her spirits. Isn't that Ye Chuchen, the payment has not yet been settled!

She quickly took out the jade pendant, and ran over with a gust of wind, her eyes burning: "Young Master Ye, do you want to buy the jade pendant?"

Wei Lin looked at her who suddenly rushed to the front, and couldn't help but cover his face, is this going to get passers-by to buy and sell by force?
When Ye Chuchen saw her suddenly appearing, his face suddenly became colorful, and his heart was tense. In the past few years, he tried various methods, various papers and pens, even the heaven-level talisman pen and talisman paper, He also failed to draw the contract rune.

I also tried to dictate to the talisman teacher, but I opened my mouth but found that I didn't know where to start to describe it, as if there was a mysterious force in the dark to stop him.

"Young Master Ye?"

Seeing that he didn't say anything, Yunli yelled again, this guy must be trying to hack her Lingshi!
Thinking of this possibility, her complexion immediately turned ugly. Whoever dares to prevent her from recovering blood today, she will definitely look good!

Wei Lin stepped forward and glared at her, and smiled apologetically at Ye Chuchen: "I'm sorry, she was just joking with you."

After finishing speaking, he was about to pull Yunli away.

Yunli turned around, broke free from his hand, and blinked: "I'm not messing around, this Young Master Ye really wants to buy the jade pendant."

She turned her head and smiled sweetly at Ye Chuchen: "Isn't that right, Mr. Ye?"

Mr. Ye?
Wei Lin frowned and thought about it, and remembered that the person who helped deal with the Frostfall Magical Artifact, he looked around vigilantly, and then stared at Ye Chuchen, although there was a contract to restrain him, there was no guarantee that he would not take the risk.

Ye Chuchen's eyes fell on Wei Lin, who is this young man?

Just as he was thinking like this, his consciousness suddenly stabbed, and then he received Yunli's cold voice transmission: "Don't think about using him to threaten me, as I said, I can detect any malicious intentions you have towards me .”

His face turned pale, he handed over a storage bag tremblingly, and said through gritted teeth, "Yes, I want to buy a jade pendant."

Yunli rolled her eyes, and complained to Wei Lin via sound transmission: "I just want to get our spirit stone back, it's like I'm bullying him."

Wei Lin was speechless, weren't you bullying others just now?

From such a close distance, he naturally saw the flickering pain on Ye Chuchen's face. It was obvious that Ah Li had used the contract.

Putting the jade pendant into Ye Chuchen's hand, pointing at Wei Lin, Yunli said via voice transmission: "One more thing, all information about him must not be disclosed to anyone."

After finishing speaking, without waiting for his answer, he turned around and left. After spending more than 200 million yuan, he got back 50 yuan, which is still very uncomfortable.

And if she got the 50 spirit stones at other times, she would definitely be spinning around excitedly, but in the face of today's huge expenditure, she didn't feel the joy of getting 50 at all.

Wei Lin looked at Ye Chuchen sympathetically, and comforted him, "Don't mind, she is in a bad mood today."

Seeing the two walking away, Ye Chuchen's face was very ugly. He wanted to send someone to follow him, but he didn't dare to act rashly when he thought of the mysterious contract.

Three years ago, she had to call out the rune and squeeze it to punish him, but she didn't do anything just now, and he was warned when she thought about it.

The two returned to Winter Mie Peak, Zhang Zhenren was unambiguous, and started recasting the next day, butted the broken sword and placed it on the forging table, took out a blue crystal silk from a beautifully decorated box, and straightened it. Putting it on the Mo Li sword, a cluster of bright red flames suddenly appeared from the fingertips, pressed the Tianhe hair crystal and touched it, and the Tian He hair crystal merged into the Mo Li sword.

Wei Lin stared at his movements intently, and as the Tianhe hair crystals melted in, the fractures were reconnected. A bundle of Tianhe hair crystals was one hundred, and five hundred Tianhe hair crystals almost covered the body of the sword. He nodded. Although Zhang Zhenren was a little greedy, he had a good skill in sword casting. First, he used Tianhe hair crystals to spread the long sword, and then melted it. Not to mention other things, the toughness alone was much better than before.

Yunli is staring at the flame at his fingertips. This is the alchemy of the golden alchemy cultivator. Unlike ordinary fire spirits, the state of the alchemy is more stable and the temperature is higher. With the old man's movements, it seems There are also subtle changes. With the different parts of the sword body, his pill fire has also been slightly adjusted accordingly.

When the last Tianhe hair crystal was integrated into the sword body, Zhang Zhenren's face was pale and his breath was messy. Using the pill fire for a long time requires such precise control, and the consumption of Zhang Zhenren is not small.

He rested for a while, and said to Wei Lin: "Put it away first. After all, this sword is still ordinary copper and iron, and cannot be smelted with other materials. First melt the other materials, and then slowly melt them into the sword. Recasting a weapon into a magic weapon is a step-by-step process, there is no rush."

After that, Yunli and Yunli didn't go back to the small courtyard anymore, they took root in the smelting room, and kept guarding the smelting furnace every day. Zhang Zhenren was funny and speechless, and pretended to be angry: "Why, I'm afraid that the old man will swallow Is it enough without your materials?"

Yunli smiled and replied: "How can we, aren't we excited?"

It doesn't matter what else, what if someone comes in and takes the feather, they have to cry to death. Besides, if the feather is refined, it would be great if there are some visions or something, you still have to watch it to rest assured.

One month has passed, materials such as cold crystal stone pulp have been melted into Li Li sword, the feathers are still the same, there is no sign of being melted; three months have passed, another batch of materials have been melted into the sword body, feathers still no change;

Half a year later, other materials have been smelted and forged, and Mo Lijian has also successfully advanced into a mysterious magic weapon, waiting to be melted into the feather and quenched to complete the job, but the feather is still not smelted.

Reverend Zhang frowned and looked around, turned up the fire again, Yunli glanced at his expression carefully, and asked tentatively, "Reverend Zhang, how long will it take to refine this?"

He pondered for a while, and said: "This is probably the feather of a vicious bird, and it may take some time to completely refine it."

After a pause, he asked again, "Where did you get this feather?"

Wei Lin interjected, "I picked it up from the bottom of the lake."

He nodded and sighed: "It seems that you have a good chance, this Lingyu must be a seventh-level monster, or even an eighth-level or ninth-level monster! In this way, you look at the melting furnace, I will go back to Ye's house Check."

It's been a month since Zhang Zhenren left.

The night was dark, except for the two of Yunlin, there was no one on this floor, not only on this floor, but on the upper two floors, there was no one except for a few left-behind sword boys.

The new year is coming soon. It is said that this is the Ye family's once-in-a-century family banquet. All the craftsmen have gone back to participate in the banquet. Zhang Zhenren hasn't come back since he went to Ye's house a month ago. He probably plans to come back after the new year.

Yunli approached the red-burning smelting furnace, observed it for a long time, then turned her head and asked, "What kind of monster do you think this feather is? Is it really from the eighth or ninth-level monster?"

"No." Wei Lin put down the refining book in his hand, rubbed the center of his brows, and just because he dug for three days without digging to the bottom, he knew that this feather was definitely not the feather of an eighth or ninth rank monster.

What is this called? I know it's a good thing, but I can't refine it.

Yunli plucked her hair, feeling a little anxious: "I don't think this can go on anymore, I have a feeling that Master Zhang can't refine it."

While muttering to herself, she leaned closer, "For seven months, there is no sign of refining. Is it because of the fire? Or the method? Oh my hair!"

(End of this chapter)

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