all the way to fairy

Chapter 128 Recasting Mo Li

Chapter 128 Recasting Mo Li (4)

She jumped up and slapped her forehead with her hands, quickly stopping the flames from spreading and keeping the rest of her hair.

With a flash, Wei Lin removed her hand covering her forehead, "Let me see."

After checking, except that the hair in front was scorched, but there was no burn, he let go of his hanging heart, gave her a blank look, and said angrily, "Why are you so close when you have nothing to do?"

"I, I, I was fine before. Who knew that a spark exploded just now, and that's it. Wait, I won't be disfigured, right?!"

She was a little bit wronged at first, but she immediately put her grievances out of the blue, hurriedly got out of the water mirror, saw her dark forehead in the mirror, and quickly applied the dust removal technique, "Huh, it's okay, there is no disfigurement."

Except for the bangs and broken hair that were burned off, the skin was only a little red, and as time went by, the redness began to fade slowly.

"Huh? Why is your forehead bleeding?"

Wei Lin frowned, and between the two eyebrows, there was a drop of blood the size of a fingernail. At first, she rubbed it with her hand, and it was completely covered, and then her dust removal technique combined the blood stains together. Cleaned it up and didn't notice the forehead bleeding until now.

Yunli thought for a while, "It seems that I was too anxious just now and bumped against the feather."

As she said that, she subconsciously turned her head to look at the feather, but was surprised to find that the feather that had not moved for seven months was actually glowing!

She rushed over excitedly: "Is it finally going to melt!"

Wei Lin hurried over, and in the eyes of the two of them, a faint brilliance flashed and then disappeared.

It went out!Yunli was about to spit out a mouthful of blood, if she didn't play tricks like this, she would give a little hope, and then quickly extinguish it.

Wei Lin looked at the feathers and fell into deep thought. At the bottom of the lake, he had been digging for three whole days, but there was no response. When A Li touched it, the pillars instantly turned into feathers; now it is like this again, and it has been smelted for seven months, and there is no change at all. , as soon as it touched her blood, it glowed. Could it be that this feather recognizes people?

Thinking of this, he suggested, "Why don't you try it?"

"try what?"

"Melting, this feather seems to only respond to you."

Yunli looked at the feather and thought about it carefully, it seems that it really looks like this, but how to smelt it?
After thinking for a while, she turned on all the switches of the central furnace. There was no pill fire, and she knew nothing about refining weapons, so she had to rely on a melting furnace. Yuzhong.

A quarter of an hour later, Ling Yu didn't respond, she looked at Wei Lin suspiciously, is this method reliable?She has never learned any smelting techniques, so she can rely on the most basic fire spirit technique, can she do it?

Half an hour later, there was still no change. She felt that her hands were a little tired, and her eyes were staring at the red fire, which was also a little blurry.

It seems that this method will not work, Wei Lin has given up hope, and was about to tell her to stop, when she saw that she was already a little confused, her gestures changed suddenly, and the color of the flames that appeared suddenly changed, and then followed by spiritual power Pulling clusters of crimson flames to the feathers in the smelting furnace.

In an instant, Lingyu burst into a golden-red flame, burning sizzlingly, a scorching temperature erupted, spreading around Lingyu as the center, Yunli was shocked by the heat wave, her sleepiness dissipated, and she could see clearly the melting The situation in the furnace, she couldn't help exclaiming: "I'm going, what's the situation?"

"Don't you feel it yourself?"


"Look at the cluster of flames, do you see anything special?"

Looking in the direction of Wei Lin's finger, among the red flames, there is a group of colors that are obviously different from other flames, not as eye-catching as other flames, but where it passes, other flames retreat one after another, as if they are greeting their king .

And the feathers burned by it slowly softened after the sizzling sound, showing signs of melting.

"I did this?" Yunli's eyes widened, how did it come out?I have no impression at all!
The crimson flames lingered around the feathers and burned, and finally the outer shell melted, and a golden liquid flowed out from the inside. An extreme sense of danger appeared in the hearts of the two of them. The raging flames in the central furnace surged towards this place as if being pulled, The huge furnace body shook, and the furnace wall around the liquid even cracked.

"Not good!" Yunli yelled, and Huan Shiling flew into the furnace.

"Don't!" Wei Lin stretched out his hand to grab her hand, wanting to stop her, he could feel the huge energy contained in that liquid, the extreme high temperature seemed to be able to burn everything to ashes.

With such a temperature, if Huanshiling was damaged because of this, wouldn't the gain outweigh the loss, but it was too late for him to stop, Huanshiling had already flown into the furnace, wrapped her feathers and dragged it out entirely.

With the input of spiritual power, a layer of halo spread out on the thin phantom silk like water waves. The halo of spiritual power only blocked for a moment, and then turned into steam under the high temperature. Yunli quickly spread another layer of spiritual power to block, Evaporated, then covered, and this cycle, in just a few breaths, the spiritual power in her body will bottom out.

"Ah, what should I do? My spiritual power is almost gone!"

Wei Lin picked up the jar containing the liquid from Zhenren Zhang's casting table, "Put it here."

Before he could finish his sentence, the jar he had just approached turned into soot under the high temperature. He quickly tried a few more, no matter what kind of container it was made of, let alone filled it, all of them were reduced to ashes as soon as they approached.

Yunli was also frightened by the power of the golden liquid, she was out of her wits for a while, and her voice was distorted: "Brother, think of a way quickly, you really have no spiritual power!"

Wei Lin condensed his spiritual power shield with his backhand to take the hot potato, but found that his spiritual power shield was not as good as those special containers.

This liquid recognizes people!
In his panic, he didn't care about so much anymore. He took out the Mo Li sword, recalled Zhang Zhenren's techniques, and his learning results in the past few months, and began to play a series of formulas, drawing the spiritual liquid to melt into the Mo Li sword. It can't be in full bloom, so just melt into the sword!
The first drop of liquid melted in smoothly, Yunli's eyes lit up, there was hope!
Unexpectedly, immediately after Li Lijian buzzed, he started to soften, "Don't—"

Li Li is the brother's last hope, and he must not be destroyed!
She screamed and grabbed it subconsciously. The moment she swung her claws out, she remembered whether it was a sword blade or a sword blade that had been burned red. However, her movements were too fast and the distance was too close. At that time, her hand had already grabbed it.

She closed her eyes in fright, it's over, it's over, it's almost roasted pig's trotters, there is a sizzling sound of fat burning in her ears, but she doesn't feel any pain.

what happened?

She opened her eyes, and saw Wei Lin's distorted face at a glance, "Master, brother?"

With a bad premonition in his heart, he lowered his head, under her claws, Wei Lin's hand was placed underneath, and her claws pressed hard on the sword.

She quickly took her hand away, her heart trembling: "You, you let go!"

The burning red blade is like a soldering iron, it hurts even thinking about it.

Wei Lin's face became more ferocious, and his consciousness was also a little trance, he said in pain: "It's stuck, I can't move it."

Yunli was in a hurry, and the red dust kung fu in her body was running rapidly, absorbing the spiritual energy in the air and turning it into her own spiritual power, while inputting spiritual power into the Huanshi Ling to control the rest of the golden liquid, while gently covering Wei Wei with the other hand. On Lin's hand, a steady stream of spiritual power was input, seeping into it bit by bit, using her spiritual power to create a barrier between the sword and his hand.

The injured brother, the Li Li sword that was on the verge of breaking, and the golden liquid that was about to drip from the fantasy silk, her brain calmed down after being panicked to the extreme, and some more information about tempering appeared in her mind.

She stopped and stared at Wei Lin, her eyes burst into light: "I have a solution!"

"What way?" Without the feeling of stickiness, Wei Lin was about to move his hand away, but she stopped him.

She smiled slightly, grabbed his hand and held it on the sword with her backhand, and slammed down from the tip of the sword, bright red blood spread down from the tip of the sword.


Wei Lin gasped in pain, the previous burn hadn't been treated, and two deep blood grooves were drawn on his palm again. If it wasn't for the person in front of him who was familiar with him from appearance to breath, he might not be able to bear it. Stop shooting.

(End of this chapter)

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