all the way to fairy

Chapter 129 Thunder Tribulation

Chapter 129 Thunder Tribulation (1)

Then Yunli also stretched out her hand, and tapped the other side of the blade. The drop of golden liquid in the sword was drawn by her blood. Taking advantage of this opportunity, a crimson flame rose from her hand, further melting the golden liquid, tempering it. blade.

Under the double high temperature of the golden liquid and the flame, Li Lijian hummed and trembled non-stop, she said softly: "Little cutie, don't be afraid, sister will not let you destroy it."

The corner of Wei Lin's mouth twitched, speechless: "This is a sword, I don't understand what you say."

That's right, Yunli looked at him, and said: "You are its master, it will definitely listen to you, you come to comfort it."

Wei Lin rolled his eyes at her, said as if he had raised a child, shook his head, he held the hilt of the sword, his mind sank into Li Lijian, and conveyed his thoughts to Mo Lijian.

After all, it was the sword he had used for many years, and Li Li still trusted him. After a while, although the blade was still humming, it no longer trembled.

With one move of Yunli's hand, all the golden liquid in the Huanshi Ling flew over, and under her guidance, it turned into a golden thread that spread from the tip of the sword to the hilt, and then she struck out mysterious runes one after another, dispersing those The golden thread was sealed in Li Lijian.

Looking at Wei Lin's puzzled eyes, she explained: "The energy of the gold liquid is too great, if you absorb it in one go, Li Li will destroy it directly. For now, let's smelt this drop first, and seal the rest in the body of the sword first, and slowly absorb it." .”

After finishing speaking, she took a deep breath and changed to holding the blade with both hands, "Now this drop of gold liquid must be completely melted into the blade."

One after another, complex formulas were formed under her hands and fell on the sword. At the same time, she tried to melt her spiritual thoughts into the gold liquid and Li Lijian, so as to establish a connection between the two.

Must succeed, must succeed.
She kept chanting silently in her heart, under the effect of blood, crimson fire and divine thoughts, the golden liquid gradually became docile, no longer resisting and blending into the body of Mo Li's sword, and Mo Li was no longer afraid of the golden liquid, the golden liquid separated into strands , penetrating into the sword body little by little.

At this time, a layer of faint blue suddenly appeared on Mo Li's sword, covering the body of the sword. There seemed to be some subtle connection between the faint blue and the golden liquid. With its appearance, the barrier between the golden liquid and Mo Li disappeared completely. It melted into the sword body in an instant.

what is this?
Yunli was stunned for a moment, and then found that the gold liquid had been completely integrated into one body, and she didn't care to find out the reason at the moment, and concentrated on controlling the crimson flame to temper the sword body over and over again.

The Mo Li sword was already a finished product. Zhang Zhenren had polished it again after adding other materials, and the blade was more perfect. Now there is no need to beat it. After finishing the last tempering, the crimson flame sank into her palm.

She tilted her head and smiled openly: "You're done!"

The body of the sword is like autumn water. Compared with before, it no longer exudes a cold light, but the edge is restrained. A faint golden color in the center spreads from the sword frame to the tip of the sword, adding a bit of warmth to the cold sword.

Yunli wiped the sweat from her forehead, and smiled with crooked eyebrows: "Although it is only a middle-grade magic weapon of the heaven rank now, I will absorb the remaining gold liquid in the future, not to mention treasure weapons and Dao weapons, even higher-level magic weapons are very good." possible!"

The golden liquid melted by Lingyu only absorbed a small drop, less than one percent, and it has changed from a mysterious-rank magic weapon to a heavenly-rank middle-grade magic weapon, and the rest of the gold liquid can be absorbed!

Wei Lin stared at Mo Li with scorching eyes, the corners of his eyes were reddish, this was his sword, and it was also a heavenly magic weapon, no worse than Zhaoying. Mo Lijian's joy and intimacy.

Yunli urged: "Hurry up and start the sacrifice, it's almost dawn."

Now that they have been smelted, they must leave before Zhang Zhenren comes back, otherwise, how can they explain that the feathers that have not changed for seven months have not only melted overnight, but also melted into the sword body, perfect recasting.

Wei Lin raised his hand and brushed the long sword, the blade buzzed, and the faint blue light flashed, as if responding to his caress, he no longer hesitated, one after another sacrificial refining formula fell into the Li Li sword from his hand .

After that little competition that day, for a long period of time, he subconsciously went through this set of sacrificial alchemy formulas in his mind every day. When he encountered a magic weapon, no matter what its rank, he also subconsciously tried it, but he never once Succeeded.

After repeated failures, he was completely heartbroken. He thought that he would never use this set of sacrificial exercises in his life. He even thought about becoming a pure Dharma cultivator, but it turned out that his sword was always by his side. It was just like him, it just hadn't grown up yet.

Mo Lijian seemed to feel his mood, and the hilt of the sword was slightly warm, as if comforting him.

After the completion of the first stage of sacrificial and refining formulas, he forced out the essence of blood, drew out his spiritual consciousness, and merged them into the Li Li sword. Come.

He raised the corners of his lips, and without hesitation forced a few more drops of blood to drip in. Li Lijian was even more excited, and Qingyue's sword sound resounded through the sword furnace.

A sword boy on the upper floor noticed the movement here and wanted to come down to check.

Hearing the sound of footsteps, Yunli passed by with a gust of wind, blocked the entrance of the descending steps at the corner, and said to the sword boys who came: "The refiners on this floor are not here, what's the matter with you?"

"It's you." A sword boy who lived in the yard next to them recognized her and asked, "We heard the sound of swords from above, but what happened below?"

Yunli flatly denied it: "No."

A male cultivator next to her pointed at the flickering and flickering lights behind her: "Is this all right?"

Yunli gave him a sideways glance, as if he was an idiot: "This is a refining furnace, the fire in the furnace varies from time to time, and the light changes are normal."

The light behind him changed more rapidly, and the light became more intense. The dazzling blue light almost illuminated the entire bottom floor. The eyes of several people showed eagerness, and they said forcefully: "Get out of the way, we have to go in and check, only the two of you are on the bottom floor. Who knows if you are stealing some good materials for your own personal gain!"

"Hey! You still want to force your way!"

Yunli took out the epee from the storage bag and stuck it on the steps. Da Lala stood in the middle of the road and said viciously: "I want to see which grandson can break through under the hands of this Taoist nun today!"

Really capable, a bunch of small Qi training, dare to shout in front of her!
These people are all sword boys, they don't have the ability to make swords, and they still have a bit of discerning eyesight. They immediately saw that the sword in her hand was not light, and the other materials were not clear. They still knew each other, and they all changed their faces. Those who can be a sword boy at the bottom for so long are indeed very talented.

The sword boy with the highest cultivation among the crowd frowned: "Why are you swearing?"

Yunli sneered: "Curse people? Heh, this nun still wants to hit people, do you want to try!"

As she spoke, she lifted the epee and spun it around, and the air flow brought by it rushed towards everyone. The sword boys retreated in unison, feeling the intention to retreat. Not to mention anything else, with just this epee, there was not a single one of them is her opponent.

Seeing their intention to retreat, Yunli went on to say: "You can enter the refining room on our floor as soon as you say, when Jiantong will be able to rush through the door!"

As soon as this remark came out, if those sword boys were unwilling or dared to bring it up for inspection, Jian Furnace had clearly stipulated that sword boys could only operate in the area they were responsible for. If these sword boys ran around, they would be lost It is not clear what materials and items are responsible.

Watching the group of sword boys leave, Yunli put a restraint on the steps before turning around.

Wei Lin's sacrificial training also came to the last moment, after pouring in the last drop of heart blood, he began to enter the magic formula again, and after an hour, the heart blood and spiritual consciousness were completely integrated into Li Lijian.

At the moment when it was finally completed, the faint blue color on Mo Li's sword became more and more intense, and it shot straight into the sky. A beam of brilliant heavenly power passed through the rock and locked on Mo Li's sword. Wei Lin's heart beat wildly, like a glow on his back.

"Not good, Mo Lijian triggered Thunder Calamity!"

Yunli exclaimed, and then found that a small object on the forging platform was about to be shaken from above, and then the ground under her feet was also shaking, and what was even more frightening was that the central melting furnace also began to shake, and the magma fire inside began to collide with the furnace wall .

"Get out!" Yunli yelled, and turned around to find that Wei Lin had already turned into an afterimage and rushed outside.

(End of this chapter)

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