all the way to fairy

Chapter 130 Thunder Tribulation

Chapter 130 Thunder Tribulation (2)

She followed closely behind and ran out. As soon as she got out of the refining room, she paused, Lingli carried a small pile of spirit stones on the forging platform, and then chased them out without looking back.

Not surprisingly, they will never come back again, and Zhang Zhenren will still be paid for forging.

Dark clouds rolled in the sky, and the wind was strong. Behind the dark clouds, thunder roared, lightning flashed, and there were a steady stream of dark clouds gathering in all directions.

Yunli swallowed her saliva, could this level of thunder be able to withstand it?
In the blink of an eye, she remembered that outside the sword furnace there was a special magic weapon to cross the tribulation protection formation, and hurriedly shouted to Wei Lin who was running ahead: "Go to the protection formation!"

Wei Lin also had this intention long ago, carrying Mo Li and rushing into the defensive formation, Yunli originally planned to stand outside and wait, but remembering Wei Lin's bad luck, she also walked into the defensive formation.

Although the sky was not yet bright at this time, the movement still attracted many people to come out to watch. The strange treasure that triggered the thunder calamity had not been refined for many years, and everyone couldn't help discussing it.

"Who has refined the peerless rare treasure, and even triggered Lei Jie?"

"I don't know, I haven't heard that any master is refining some peerless magic weapon recently?"

"Hey, look quickly! Isn't that girl the sword boy who stopped us just now?"

"I'll go! It's really her!"

The sword boys who had been blocked by Yunli couldn't believe it. How could a girl who practiced Qi at the fourth level refine the treasure that could trigger the thunder calamity?Not to mention the Qi training stage, even Jindan stage real people rarely can refine such a magic weapon!
"No, it's not her! There are two people inside." Someone with sharp eyes saw someone beside her from a distance, and immediately reminded her.

Everyone immediately thought that when the girl stopped them just now, there were still people in the refining room who hadn't come out, and they felt relieved.

For example, how could a fourth level of Qi training refine the rare treasure that could trigger the thunder calamity? It turned out to be someone else, and everyone couldn't wait to observe the large formation carefully, and finally found Wei Lin in a shadow.

"Huh? That's a boy too!"

Everyone was stunned, the male cultivator who lived in the courtyard next to the two thought for a while, and shouted: "It's another sword boy who is with her, and has a nine-level qi training."

As soon as his words fell, everyone was stunned. It was really the magic weapon that triggered the thunder calamity refined during the Qi training period!

The robbery cloud in the sky was still brewing, Wei Lin was sweating profusely, and Jieyun had been firmly locked on to Mo Lijian. As he moved, the aura also moved, and he felt the danger of Lei Jie more intuitively.

Under the traction of Qi, the spiritual energy around him lingered, forming a cyclone, and the surrounding spiritual energy was attracted, more and more, thicker and thicker. In the extreme tension, the gap between the ninth level of Qi training and the establishment of the foundation A layer of barrier shattered with a click, and the exercises in his body began to work involuntarily.

Yunli was stunned, this is the foundation building? !
After being stunned for a long time, she rushed over and confirmed, "You, are you going to build a foundation?"

Wei Lin also had a broken face. The thunder calamity is about to come, but he is going to build a foundation. Isn't this courting death? It is already very dangerous to deal with the thunder calamity. He has to break through the realm, condense the gas into liquid, expand the dantian, open up the sea of ​​consciousness, One pile after another, they all need to be dealt with attentively, without any distraction!
Yunli looked at the black clouds that were getting thicker and denser, and the sound of rolling thunder within was already close at hand. She swallowed hard, and asked weakly, "Can't this Foundation Establishment really be suppressed?"

Foundation establishment is such an important matter, can we find a safe place to do it slowly?
Wei Lin's eyebrows and hair were dyed with aura that had begun to liquefy, Bai Yu's face was flushed, and he squeezed it out from between his teeth: "Do you think I can hold it back?"

Opening his mouth, rich aura flowed out, and Yunli shut up, it really couldn't be suppressed like this.

Counting it, the senior brother has been in the ninth level of Qi training for four full years, and he has never slackened in his cultivation. His talent is even more excellent. He was able to build the foundation as early as three years ago. Thinking about it, it was such an unfortunate coincidence that I couldn't hold back right now!

Yunli took a deep breath, shook Huanshiling, and said, "You build the foundation first, and I'll block the thunder calamity!"

Wei Lin didn't give in to her either, it's better to finish the foundation building earlier if there is that time of wrangling, so as to relieve her some pressure.

Fortunately, the preparatory work was done well before, and without accident, the foundation establishment would not take a long time. He immediately stuck the Mo Li sword on the ground, meditated on the spot, concentrated on practicing the exercises, and sorted out the aura scurrying in the meridians.

After taking Jade Blood Ganoderma lucidum before, the tendons have widened by more than ten times. In addition, the three years of suppression have also gradually widened the meridians all over the body. The first step of widening the meridians went smoothly.

The next step is to liquefy the spirit power. This process requires a lot of spirit energy. He took out the Foundation Establishment Pill that he had prepared earlier and swallowed it without hesitation.

At this time, the robbery thunder in the sky roared down, and the protective array above the head lit up to block the attack of the robbery thunder. However, the sky and the earth roared, and the mountains and rivers shook, which was really not suitable for foundation building. , forming a veil around his body, isolating all noises.

After the light flickered and crackled, the power of the first tribulation thunder was finally digested by the protective array.

Inside the gauze tent, Wei Lin had no distractions. After taking the Zhuji Pill, a majestic spiritual energy swept through his body. He operated the technique to the extreme, and a large amount of spiritual energy completed the circulation in a few breaths and entered the dantian. For a while, the spiritual energy in the dantian Dense, the red and green spiritual roots shine.

After three years of continuously suppressing the spiritual power in his body, he had already touched the threshold of the liquefaction of the spiritual power. After a while, he heard a ticking sound, and liquid dripped from the cloud. As if it was raining, after a cup of tea time, two lakes, one red and one green, were formed centered on Huomu Linggen.

The black clouds in the sky rolled, and another calamity cloud formed, and it fell rumblingly. The light of the protective array flickered rapidly, shaking non-stop, and looked like it was on the verge of falling.

No, the big formation can't hold on!

Yunli poured all her spiritual power into the fantasy silk, and the silk head flew out from the top of the gleaming orange gauze, brazenly facing the falling tribulation thunder, and the soft gauze condensed into an orange whip under the action of spiritual power , with a wave of her hand, Huan Shiling flew out of the protective formation directly, and hit the falling Jie Lei with a whip.

Then, Jie Lei was sent flying!

The tribulation thunder that seemed to be able to destroy the world was actually sent flying by the orange whip!
All the sword boys outside the formation were shocked. Is this really a magic weapon made by two small Qi practitioners?
No, I have never heard of the magic weapon that draws away the thunderbolt, not only does it not exist in the magic weapon, even the treasure weapon and the Taoist weapon have never heard of one that dares to fight the thunderbolt!

Also, what happened to the one who meditated calmly under the tribulation thunder?

All the sword boys expressed that the world is too mysterious to understand!

"what happened?"

A frightened and stern voice sounded, and all the sluggish sword boys came back to their senses. When they saw the person coming, they hurriedly bowed down: "True Lord Xinshen."

Shenshen Zhenjun is the Yuanying Zhenjun who is in charge of the sword furnace of the Ye family. Almost all the sword boys have worked in the sword furnace for a long time, so naturally they have seen him.

Hearing his question, one of the sword boys immediately stumbled and said: "Jie Lei, it's flying!"

True Lord Shen Shen naturally didn't understand this nonsense. Everyone was in high spirits at the century-old family banquet, and they drank a little too much. array is enabled!

There is not a single refiner in Jian Furnace, so how could it be used? Thinking of this, he hurried over, the big formation has been activated, and now he can't go in. Hearing this nonsensical explanation, he immediately became angry It's all green.

A slightly calm sword boy next to him pointed at Yunli, and said hastily: "Zhen Zhenjun, the silk in her hand attracted thunder, and the big formation survived the first one. Just now she used the silk to fly away the second one." road."

"What's the matter?"

Zhenjun Xinshen suspected that he was hallucinating, so he sent Jie Lei flying? !

All Swords Tong Kuang nodded.

If it was just one or two people, True Lord Shen Shen would still suspect that they were fooling him, but a group of sword boys all looked shocked and nodded without hesitation, he had to believe that what they said was true.

(End of this chapter)

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