all the way to fairy

Chapter 131 Thunder Tribulation

Chapter 131 Thunder Tribulation (3)

He turned around and looked into the big formation. The sky thunder roared angrily, and another tribulation thunder swooped down towards the big formation. The little girl stomped her feet, flew up and tapped a few times on the fluttering orange silk, and even pulled the orange long whip and swung it round. Throw it to Tianlei!
Jie Lei was enraged by her, a steady stream of thunder and lightning fell, the orange long silk was intertwined with lightning and crackled, and in an instant the thunder and lightning spread down the orange silk, and the little girl who was holding the orange silk in the air was shocked. Immediately, the spiritual power gathered on the long silk, and the brilliant orange glow flickered, intercepting the thunder and lightning.

Looking inside the gauze tent again, someone is actually building a foundation!

The azure blue long sword stuck next to it hummed continuously under the thunder and lightning, and he could tell at a glance that it was the long sword on the ground that triggered the thunder, not the orange silk flying in the air.

Whether it is the long sword that triggers the thunder calamity or the orange silk that sends lightning away, they are not ordinary magic weapons.

He wants it all!
The expression on his face changed, he shot without hesitation, and a bunch of sword boys in the qi training period who were onlookers died of anger before they could react.

He couldn't help but rejoice that today is the Ye family's century-old family banquet, and all the craftsmen are not here, and there is a protective formation. Except for the people around, Nanling City, which is thousands of miles away, can't find the abnormality here, and he, if not Because he was in charge of all the affairs of the sword furnace, he carried the induction array card of the protective formation with him, so he would miss these two heaven-defying magic weapons.

In the formation, Yunli, who was competing with Tianlei, was startled. This is a ruthless person. Gun Gun Tianlei didn't miss the opportunity. Inside her body, she was electric again, making her tender on the outside and tender on the inside.

Ignoring the people outside, she squeezed her dantian desperately, and sent the remaining spiritual power into Huanshiling. With a loud shout, Huanshiling gave off a dazzling brilliance, broke through the entanglement of lightning with difficulty, and then raised her wrist, slamming It disperses.

The tribulation thunder disintegrated, and the dark clouds in the sky also dissipated. Yunli's heart relaxed and she fell down.

Inside the gauze tent, Wei Lin also entered the final moment of foundation building, opening up the sea of ​​consciousness.

Using the meaning of coolness many times, he came to that white world with ease, and used his thoughts to hit the invisible barrier over and over again. There seemed to be rough waves behind the barrier, and with his thoughts, they were also washing away the barrier.

Finally, under the attack of the two phases, the invisible barrier shattered, and something rushed out, and then his consciousness was placed in a vast world, with a vast white mist above, a small lake below, and a flower in the middle of the lake. The bamboo moonlight lotus floats quietly, cold and lonely.

A gust of wind came from nowhere and wrinkled the surface of the lake, and the bamboo moonlight lotus also swayed, and a familiar sense of coolness appeared in his consciousness. Is this the meaning of coolness? !

He froze for a moment, then withdrew from the Sea of ​​Consciousness. There was such a big commotion, he had to run away quickly!

As soon as he opened his eyes, Yunli immediately threw an escape talisman over, urging: "Go, go!"

The protective formation is about to open, and the Yuanying Zhenjun who is watching outside is eager to try it.

Wei Lin jumped up, grabbed Mo Lijian, and crushed the earth escape talisman.

Outside the formation, Mr. Shen Shenzhen saw that they were about to escape, so he grabbed them with his hands. Looking at the big hand that caught them, the hearts of both of them rose to their throats. Fortunately, the protective formation was not completely closed and blocked it for a while.

This moment is enough time for the earth escape talisman to play its role, the yellow light flickered, and the earth escape talisman began to transmit, Zhenjun Shen Shen snorted coldly, really thought he could escape, followed the fluctuation of spiritual power and slapped it out again.

The two people in the teleportation were immediately forced out, both of them vomited blood, and Yunli quickly took out Shu Fangyi, but Master Shen Shen only shook it slightly, and then a cluster of faint blue flames appeared in his hands, and Shu Fangyi was washed. Fang Yi's smell was instantly burned away.

The corners of his lips curled up, and he grabbed the Huanshi Ling. As soon as he grasped the thin orange ling, he was not yet happy in the future. The long ling in his hand was like a red-hot iron. It also fell into sparks and burned up at once.

good stuff!
Seeing this situation, he was even more reluctant to let go, enduring the burning pain in the sea of ​​consciousness, and hurriedly dragged Cheng Ling over.

Huanshiling has saved Yunli countless times, and she still has the same heart with her. Naturally, she will not let go. Stimulated by spiritual power, Huanshiling has changed from a soldering iron to a red-burning blade in one fell swoop. High-temperature burning and sharp cutting double Together, Zhenjun Shenshen's hands were dripping with blood besides the smell of burnt fat.

In order to prevent Shu Fangyi from being inhaled, Wei Lin, wearing a face scarf, summoned Mo Li, raised his sword and slashed, piercing True Lord Shenshen's protective spirit gang, and slashing at his arm.

Wei Lin was stunned, it was so sharp!
His eyes shone with brilliance, this is what a magic weapon should look like, where the blade points, everything can be split!

The swords in the past were all broken copper and iron, blunt and brittle, and either broke or couldn't be split.

Zhenjun Xinshen was also stunned, a monk who had just built a foundation could split Zhenjun Yuanying's protective spirit gang!
This sword is absolutely extraordinary!

With a fixed gaze, these two little guys are very weird. To be safe, he directly released the realm of the Nascent Soul cultivator. In the realm, he is the master!

Yunli was horrified. There seemed to be an invisible force in the air that made them unable to move. The strength, spiritual power, and blood in the body seemed to be drained, leaving only the will to resist needlessly.

What means is this?
Greed flashed in Zhenshen Xinshen's eyes, and he took the lead in attacking Huanshiling. Although a silk and a sword are rare treasures, those that can attack Jielei are undoubtedly even rarer, and it is not an exaggeration to say that they are divine weapons.

Huanshiling who lost the support of his master is naturally not his opponent, but he still radiates high temperature and refuses his touch. Zhenjun Shenshen is even more happy, it seems that a treasure of spiritual wisdom has been born!

In ecstasy, he performed a formula to erase Yunli's mark.

"Madan!" Yunli's voice became distorted with anger, one or two were eager to grab other people's things, whether they were cultivators or robbers!
Wei Lin was so anxious that he wanted to mobilize his spiritual consciousness to stop him, but under the influence of the domain, his spiritual consciousness could not be released.

At that moment, Huanshiling, who resisted the weakening, became excited again, and the orange glow on the ling flashed rapidly, and a majestic and majestic will erupted from it, pushing away the spiritual power of Zhenjun Shenshen at once, and at the same time The orange silk was even hotter, the temperature spread from the palm of the hand to the whole body, and the blood in the whole body was boiling.

At the critical juncture, he hesitated again and again, but he finally let go of Cheng Ling. No matter how good the treasure is, there must be that life to enjoy.

His hands were carbonized, blood mixed with carbon ash, hot and dirty blood dripped on the ground, puffs of white smoke came out, he looked at Orange Ling on the ground in surprise, what was that will?
Are you smart?
Immediately he denied this conjecture, the majesty in the will was not something that a weapon spirit could possess at all, he turned his gaze to Yunli who was also a little dull, why would Ling of such a rank recognize a little girl who trains Qi as the main one? ?

Could it be that she has some secret?
Yunli was also stunned when that majestic will appeared. After using it for so long, she had no idea that there was such a will hidden in Huanshi Ling.

When that will appeared, her heart beat violently uncontrollably, and she couldn't help feeling respect from the bottom of her heart.

Zhenjun Shenshen looked over when he couldn't figure it out, his gaze was undisguised, she easily understood his thoughts, he wanted to search her soul!

Yunli was a little flustered, but Zhenjun Xinshen didn't give her time to be afraid at all. As soon as this idea was formed in his mind, he immediately put it into practice.


Seeing his movements clearly, Wei Lin also panicked. Ye Xue's empty eyes and lifeless body in the city lord's mansion flashed before his eyes. constantly.

However, even if he has already established a foundation, his cultivation base is still far from the power of the Nascent Soul stage, and the domain is not something he can compete with now.

Don't let him hurt Ali!

Wei Lin's eyes were red, his teeth were clenched, the blue light on Mo Li's sword flickered on and off, and finally accompanied by Qingyue's sword cry, Mo Li's sword broke through the restraint and stabbed straight at Zhenjun Shenshen.

(End of this chapter)

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