all the way to fairy

Chapter 132 The Story of Mo Lijian

Chapter 132 The Story of Mo Lijian
At the same time, Zhenjun Shenshen just probed into Yunli Sea of ​​Consciousness, and a brilliant golden light shot out from the depths of her sea of ​​consciousness. Wherever it passed, there was no living thing in a radius of a hundred miles except Wei Lin.

Zhenjun Xinshen's eyes were full of fear, with the Mo Li sword stuck in his back, he fell slowly under Yunli's dumbstruck, and before he fell to the ground, he had already turned into powder and scattered in the wind, leaving only a cluster of faint blue flames with him. A black ring floats in the air.

Looking at Yun Li who was so startled that he couldn't close his mouth, Wei Lin's heart relaxed, his eyes drooped slightly, and they naturally fell on the faint blue light lingering from Li Lijian, his eyes were a little blurry, and there seemed to be two shadowy figures.

He subconsciously widened his eyes, trying to see clearly, but the surrounding scenery gradually distorted. After a period of dizziness, the sun, breeze, green shade, and water pavilions gradually appeared.

The girl in apricot-yellow clothes came slowly, and stuffed a long carved red lacquer box into the hands of the boy who was half a head taller than her in front of her, and smiled: "Here, it's for you, a birthday gift!"

The tone is brisk, and the ending seems to be a little sad inadvertently.

The young man was a little taken aback, as if he hadn't expected to receive a gift, and murmured, "For me?"

"Yes, open it and have a look." The girl tilted her head slightly, her eyes were as bright as the Milky Way.

The young man seemed a little nervous, he pursed his lips, and slowly opened the wooden box, a blue long sword appeared in his eyes.

Wei Lin was stunned. Although the sword body was hidden in a beautiful and gorgeous scabbard, he was very familiar with the blue hilt, the milky white flowers on the sword grid, and the silver branches and leaves under the flowers.

It was Mo Lijian.

The boy held the sword slowly out of its sheath, with a faint blue light lingering, the blade was like ice and snow, exuding the thrill of breaking a hair.

"Like it?"

The young man nodded, and slowly brushed the blade with his fingertips, full of surprises. It took him a long time to look away from the long sword, and his voice subconsciously lowered: "What's its name?"

The girl smiled and said: "It doesn't have a name yet, you are its first owner, so you can choose one for it!"


"That's right, it was just forged, and you are its first owner, maybe also its only owner."

The young man stared at the charmingly smiling girl in front of him, and the tenderness in his eyes seemed to flow out. After thinking for a while, he said softly, "Call me, Li Li."

"Mo Li." The girl murmured, as if thinking of something, her eyes moved, and she raised her eyes and asked carefully: "Yes, do you mean Mo Shi Mo Li?"

The boy turned his face away, Bai Yu's face was stained with thin clouds, and he hummed like a mosquito.

The cautiousness in the girl's eyes disappeared immediately, and the almond eyes sparkled with a smile, which then deepened and climbed to the corners of the mouth, revealing two shallow dimples: "It's such a name, it's very good!"

The young man's face was flushed, even the ears were full of color, but the corners of his lips could not stop rising.

After a while, someone seemed to be coming from afar, and the girl smiled and bid farewell to leave.

Seeing the girl's disappearing figure, the young man clenched his long sword tightly and said firmly, "May I use this sword to protect her in a safe life."

This is dead?

What was the golden light just now?
Yunli blinked her eyes, it was hard to believe that a Yuanying Zhenjun was wiped out like this.

Seeing that the black storage ring was about to fall, she subconsciously stretched out her hand to catch it, but unexpectedly, the faint blue flame also flew towards her, and flew into the center of her eyebrows.

To die to die!

The burning sensation followed the blue flames flowing in her body, and she quickly mobilized her spiritual power to stop it, but unexpectedly, there was a little scarlet light in her blood, and the flowing blue flames suddenly seemed to be stuck in a quagmire, and then the scarlet lights gathered into a small thread of flame, happily He rushed towards the Youlan Flame, and the Youlan Flame trembled, and was swallowed by the Scarlet Flame within a breath!

The crimson flame that devoured the blue flame was like a stuffed fat baby with a bulging stomach. After hiccupping in a very humane way, it didn't merge into the blood again, but dangled into her dantian place.

Yunli was dumbfounded, although she didn't know what was going on, it was a good thing to see the appointment, but the situation was urgent, so she couldn't care less about it.

When she regained her senses, she saw that Wei Lin's expression was a little dull again, and her heart hung up again, wouldn't the senior brother also be crushed by the golden light, right?
He stretched out his hand and poked it carefully, and it was warm, but it didn't turn into ashes, and he was still alive, so he tugged his arm reassuringly, and urged: "Why are you in a daze, run quickly!"

Being pulled by her, the dizziness in Wei Lin's eyes dissipated, and when his vision was clear again, the water pavilion, the boy, and the girl all disappeared.

Is it an illusion?

He suppressed the doubts in his heart, glanced around, and said, "Take care of it, let's leave quickly."

Yunli said: "Let's burn this pile of corpses first, it's so tragic to die for no reason."

"Did you take a fancy to their storage bags?"

Wei Lin's fingertips poured greenness, he piled up the corpses of the sword boy, and the storage bags were rolled over by vines.

Yunli took the storage bag and immediately threw a few fireballs: "That's my reward."

Huh?Why is the color of the fireball different from before?

Is it because of the crimson flame at the dantian?

After disposing of the corpse, the two quickly removed their traces and left in a hurry.

After rushing thousands of miles away in one breath, the two of them stopped, and Yunli let out a big breath, "It's safe for now, Nascent Soul stage monks are too scary, I don't want to encounter this kind of situation again."

After muttering, she didn't hear Wei Lin's words, she was a little strange, and saw him wandering in the sky again, raised her hand and waved in front of his eyes: "What are you doing? You have been absent-minded since the death of the Nascent Soul Stage."

Thinking of the terrifying golden light that killed the Nascent Soul cultivator, he couldn't help muttering: "Isn't it fooled by the golden light?"

Wei Lin glanced at her sideways: "You just expect me to be stupid, right?"

He shook his head, raised Li Lijian to his chest, and said, "I saw the story of Li Lijian."

After a cup of tea, after listening to Wei Lin's narration, Yunli nodded in understanding: "Sure enough, this is a sword with a story!"

As long as weapons can produce spirituality, almost all of them need emotion, whether it is the emotion of the swordsmith or the sword holder, only the emotion of living beings, routines, full of routines.

She shook her head, regretfully said: "Hey, it seems that the girl was wrong, Mo Lijian has more than one master."

She took out the cabin, set up the formation, entered the room, sat down, and spread her hands: "Dangdangdang! Although the process is a bit difficult, the harvest is still good!"

Looking at the black tail ring in her palm, Wei Lin raised his eyebrows, "A ring?"

"Yeah! It's rich, we have all the property of a Nascent Soul True Monarch!"

She was happily about to open the ring to check the harvest, but stopped again, and said under Wei Lin's inquiring gaze: "Be careful, be cautious, the experience of countless sages with their blood tells us that extreme joy begets sorrow, it is true!"

The matter in the domain had a great impact on her, and she was even more afraid of the methods of Nascent Soul monks. There is also the example of Frost's Fall. If they weren't clever that time, they might have sucked in some black energy.

Thinking of Shuangjiang, she felt emotional again: "There are also Nascent Soul cultivators, and they have the ring. As for Shuangjiang, one of the four great killers in Canye Pavilion, there are only two broken storage bags, tsk tsk tsk, Can Ye The pavilion really can't stay long, it's too poor!"

Then I thought that this Yuanying Zhenjun is from the Ye family, and he appeared in the sword furnace again. The possibility of being a craftsman is 99%, and he said: "Sure enough, technical talents can't be poor. I still have the foresight, and I have mastered a skill early on." , as long as we continue to develop firmly in this direction, become a talisman master, earn spiritual stones, receive spiritual pets, and reach the peak of cultivation, just around the corner!"

Wei Lin's face was full of black lines, and he gave her a blank look, "Hurry up, don't nag."

When did you become talkative?
Yunli stuck out her tongue: "Come on, come on, get out of the way."

Pulling Wei Lin away, she surrounded a big circle with Huanshi Ling, and then poured out all the items in the ring with a snap.

After observing from a distance to make sure there was nothing unusual, he jumped over to check everything.

Wei Lin was stunned: "This is your method?"

Why such a tiger?What if someone happened to pass by and snatched it away?What if there are strange treasures in the object and make some big noises?Or maybe there is some kind of shady spiritual plant that can be poured out like this, so it won't be destroyed?

(End of this chapter)

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