all the way to fairy

Chapter 133 The Sea of ​​Consciousness

Chapter 133 The Sea of ​​Consciousness
Yunli blinked, and touched the tip of her nose guiltily: "I'm so excited, I'm a little floating."

Wei Lin shook his head helplessly, put the objects on the ground back into the storage ring, and probed into each piece with his spiritual sense.

After checking the storage bag, Yunli wanted to look up to the sky and laugh. She is so rich. There are two large boxes of top-grade spirit stones neatly stacked. There are five boxes of middle-grade spirit stones. There are no low-grade spirit stones. Think about it. I also understand that they are all Yuanying Zhenjun, and they still use low-grade spirit stones, what a drop in price.

But top-grade and middle-grade spirit stones are pure and pure, and it is too wasteful to spend them as money. She should just decide that they will use top-grade spirit stones for their cultivation in the future!

In addition to spirit stones, there are all kinds of magic tools, and there are several defensive treasures, which are worthy of the name of a craftsman; pills are also available, and there is a bottle for each one that is not commonly used, especially for commonly used pills. several bottles;

What surprised her the most was that there was also a demon pill, from the seventh to the tenth rank, and even one of the eleventh rank. Dan is not missing either!

Tsk tsk, this true gentleman is really a model monk of my generation, with a complete range of items for cultivation, a rich quantity, and very clear placement!

By the way, there is also that faint blue flame!
Thinking of this, she turned her head and asked, "Do you know his blue flame?"

Wei Lin picked up the teapot on the small table, poured water into the teapot with water spirit technique, and said, "It should be one of the strange fires in heaven and earth."

"Heaven and earth strange fire?"

The flames at the fingertips slowly heated the bottom of the pot, and Wei Lin eloquently said: "After the monks form the alchemy, the alchemy fire will be produced, and the heaven and the earth have spirits, and by chance and coincidence, some special fires will be born, such as the real fire of the sun, the real fire of the moon True Fire, Nine Heavens Profound Fire, Nether Ghost Fire, Pure Heart Glazed Fire, Nirvana Sky Fire, etc. Of course, most of these strange fires are legendary strange fires, which are extremely rare."

"Odd fires all have their own effects. Some are helpful for alchemy, some can help cultivation, and some can assist in fighting skills. They are different. Because people with strange fires are extremely rare, the records in the book are just rumors. Only the person who owns it will know the secret of its efficacy and specific secrets.”

Yunli rested her chin, thoughtfully: "So you have to try it yourself?"

In the white jade teapot, the water boiled, gurgling and rolling. He poured the boiling water into the two matching teacups one by one, and asked casually, "By the way, where is his blue flame? It also dissipated?"

Yunli picked up her own cup, spiritual power surged in her hand, and the scalding boiling water turned into lukewarm water in an instant. She took a sip of the water and shrugged her shoulders: "It was swallowed by my scarlet flame."


In this way, the scarlet flame is also a strange fire in heaven and earth, "When did you get this fire, why didn't I hear you mention it?"

Yunli was confused about this question: "Didn't we get it together in the sword furnace?"

Well, it seems that she didn't know it either, but he could see it clearly, the crimson flame was clearly condensed in her hand first, and then flew towards the melting furnace.

Think about your own cultivation path, if you go out, you will be close to death, and you will often be robbed of the opportunity, don't even think about any natural treasures, peerless skills, if you can be safe, give him what he deserves, he will Thank you very much;
Comparing with Ali's, she was muddled all the way, Hongchen Gongfa, Huanshiling, and some knowledge beyond the existing world popped up in her mind from time to time, as if she was afraid that she would miss the good things without knowing the goods, and now the scarlet flame , to be able to devour Youlan Qihuo, the rank of Qihuo is definitely not low!

Wei Lin was jealous, very jealous!

"It seems that you are indeed Tiandao's own daughter. Look at the one who is worried about you. From martial arts weapons to strange fire arrangements, it is clear!"

Yunli muttered: "Being able to get rid of the pain of advanced stage is the treatment of a daughter. How can there be a father who makes his daughter hurt so badly?"

Wei Lin gave her a white look: "Don't be cheap and act like a good boy, that's helping you wash your scriptures and cut your marrow. Besides, those little gold spots will make you invulnerable to all poisons. No one else can ask for such a good thing."

"That's because you don't know how painful it is. It hurts your heart and bones, and you are dying. The pain is so painful that your soul is about to go out of your body. I am in such pain, and there is no benefit. I must die."

Wei Lin didn't want to talk to her anymore, so he put down his teacup, got up and walked out, took out the flying sword he had prepared earlier, and began to practice flying with the sword.

Yunli shrugged, she was telling the truth, she really didn't show off, that kind of torture is really unbearable!
Alas, she shook her head, "The joys and sorrows of human beings are not the same."

She took out the storage bags of those sword boys, and put the items in them into different categories. With Yuanying Zhenjun Najie, Pearl and Jade in front, the wealth of these Qi training monks is not very interesting, but it is better than nothing. It's also good to sell it and exchange it for Lingshi.

After putting away her belongings, she looked at Wei Lin, who was struggling to learn how to fly with a sword, and recalled the experience of several air combats. Her heart moved, she got up and went outside the house.

The Huanshi Ling flew out and continued to climb up to the heights. With the help of the Huanshi Ling, she jumped up and flew into the air. Then, the Huanshi Ling was spread flat under her feet. It's all like this, with the help of the plane formed by the Huanshi Ling at the foothold, it leaps up again.

But Imperial Artifact Flying is obviously not like this. Thinking of this, she dissipated the condensed spiritual power under her feet and let the Huanshi Ling fall. She closed her eyes and sank all her mind into the Huan Shi Ling, imagining herself as a thin piece of Ling, Yang flutters in the air with the wind.

The light sunshine fell on the face, warm and warm, and the breeze gently brushed over the face, hair, and sleeves, like a mother's gentle hands, and the air flowed through every crevice of the body.
She moved, following the flow of air, slowly adjusted her body and Huanshi Ling, slowly, slowly, her body became lighter and lighter, Huan Shi Ling fell slower and slower, slower and slower , and finally stopped falling, swayed, and actually started to float upwards with her.

Wei Lin, who barely controlled the flying sword floating in the air, just stood still to catch his breath, when he saw her eyes closed, hands outstretched, standing on the fantasy silk, first she kept floating upwards, and then stopped when she reached a certain height. start to float forward
Wei Lin was dumbfounded, did he learn how to fly an imperial weapon?

Is she really at the fourth level of Qi training?
It doesn't matter that her combat power is far superior to that of the foundation-building monks, but she has also learned the flying of the imperial weapon that only the foundation-building monks can learn!

After building the foundation, not only the spiritual power in the body far surpasses that of a Qi-training monk, it is enough to support the flight of the imperial weapon, and the most important thing is that after the foundation is established, it is considered to be officially embarked on the road of cultivating the Tao, and the body will also be transformed and become lighter. The main reason why you can only learn how to fly the imperial weapon after you start.

Since she is already able to fly with the imperial weapon, it means that her body is already in the foundation building stage. If you think about her combat power, could it be that she has already built the foundation?
No, counting the introduction of Qi into the body, there are only four advances in total, Wei Lin fell into deep thought.

Yunli slowly opened her eyes, swayed slightly, and stabilized her figure, "Ahhh, I'm really flying! Hahahaha, I learned how to fly the imperial weapon! I learned it! Hahaha—— —”

I was too excited, my mind was unstable, and I fell straight down.

Wei Lin was speechless, that's how joy begets sorrow.

Seeing her getting up from the pit again, rubbing her red forehead, calmly condensing out of the water mirror to see if there was any disfigurement, and then looking at the three-foot pit on the ground that she smashed out, he couldn't help muttering to himself: " The ground really hurts."

After an incense stick of time, after hearing Wei Lin's guess, Yunli opened her mouth wide: "I have already built the foundation?"

After being dazed for a long time, she said, "I'll try to open up the sea of ​​consciousness again."

Wei Lin nodded, this is also a method of verification. The difference between building a foundation and practicing Qi is not only the flight of the imperial weapon, but also the sea of ​​consciousness.

She concentrated her mind and came to the white world of consciousness. She controlled her consciousness to hit the barrier. After a few hits, the invisible barrier shattered inch by inch.

I was overjoyed, has the foundation really been established?

Unexpectedly, she was stunned for a moment. In the endless sea of ​​consciousness, two huge white jade stone gates rose from the ground. The wings are dazzling golden orange, majestic and sacred.

(End of this chapter)

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