all the way to fairy

Chapter 134 News from the Ye Family

Chapter 134 News from the Ye Family

Isn't it bamboo moonlight lotus?What is Dashimen?

As she thought like this, something seemed to be responding to her inside the stone gate, bursts of clear thoughts flowed out of the stone gate and merged into the sea of ​​consciousness.

Another quarter of an hour passed, and Yunli finally opened his eyes.

"How? Did it succeed?" Wei Lin asked anxiously.

Yunli didn't answer, but asked instead: "How can we be successful in opening up the sea of ​​consciousness? Does everyone have a lotus or something in the sea of ​​consciousness?"

She thought she was only on the fourth level of qi training, and it was too early for foundation establishment, and she didn't pay attention to the knowledge that foundation establishment needs to master. In addition, the senior brother had studied various common senses of immortality systematically during the year of retreat with Master Jing Zhe.

With a living encyclopedia by her side, she will be even less willing to take the initiative to learn, and just ask no questions when encountering problems.

"No, most people's sea of ​​consciousness only has soul consciousness, and the bamboo moonlight lotus is unique, and our clear meaning is because of it."

Yunli pursed her lips and slammed into the wall in embarrassment, also with the intention of being cool, why did the senior brother's lotus flower become two big stone gates when it came to her.

For a little fairy like her, shouldn't some flowers and plants be suitable?

Seeing that she remained silent, Wei Lin asked suspiciously: "What's wrong?"

Yunli pouted and described it unhappy.

"...can we focus on the real thing?"

He rubbed the center of his brows, sighed helplessly, and became more and more stinking.

Yunli retorted in a low voice: "Isn't it because I don't have any major problems that I pay attention to these things?"

Wei Lin didn't want to say anything anymore. Now that she has opened up the sea of ​​consciousness, it seems that she has indeed established the foundation. As for the rest, the boat will naturally go straight to the bridge. As long as there is no harm, let it go.

Just like their clear meaning, it is now a little clearer, but why is this thing in their sea of ​​consciousness?

The first time the meaning of coolness appeared was when they first entered the Canglan Continent and encountered the small island of Frostfall. At that time, he had just introduced Qi into his body, and Ah Li had not yet introduced Qi into his body, so this bamboo moonlight lotus must be They have already entered their sea of ​​consciousness when they were ordinary.

Just when exactly?

Flipping through his memory, he didn't remember when it was, so he simply didn't think about it.

"So I really have already established the foundation." Yunli was still unbelievable, always thought that he was just a little monk who had just reached the middle stage of Qi training, but it turned out that he had already established the foundation!

Wei Lin stared at her blankly, and lost his voice: "Your cultivation level!"

"What about my cultivation, hiss—"

Yunli couldn't believe it, in an instant, her cultivation was already in the foundation building stage!
A flash of inspiration flashed in her mind, and she finally understood the key, and blurted out: "It's the world of mortals!"

Hongchen Kungfu is a technique for cultivating illusion, and it is born with illusions. Before that, she had always believed that she was the fourth level of Qi training. Under the influence of Hongchen, it was naturally the fourth level of Qi training. Once the foundation has been established, the fantasy of the worldly martial arts will naturally be shattered.

She remembered that the Nascent Soul True Monarchs she met didn't see the abnormality in her cultivation. During the competition in the pavilion, the Pavilion Master and Lord Jingzhe even had close contact with her, and they didn't even see through it!
The world of mortals is so powerful, even the Nascent Soul cultivator can't see through an unintentional illusion!
Thinking of Xiao Bi, she got a weird expression, "Tsk tsk, those opponents in Xiao Bi who met me are so unlucky!"

Wei Lin nodded, he was very unlucky, he thought he had picked a soft persimmon, but in fact he picked the hardest bone in the whole competition.

I don't know the years in the mountains, March has passed by in a flash, the two of them are already proficient in flying the imperial weapon, and the meeting with Lan Shu has also been interrupted once. Seeing that the day of the second meeting is approaching, the two decided to take a look around Nanling City quietly Condition.

I thought it would be difficult, but as soon as I arrived in the small town at the foot of the mountain, there was progress.

In the small town, almost everyone was discussing the matter of the Ye family, and the two looked at each other in blank dismay. Since the Ye family had been alarmed, why didn't anyone come after them in March?

They cleaned up the traces too thoroughly, didn't the Ye family find any clues?
Glancing at the next table, Yunli simply pretended to be a curious baby, and ran over to ask: "Fellow Daoists, which Ye family are you talking about? What happened?"

The people who were discussing stopped and looked at her, a little girl who practiced Qi at the fifth level.

This is the cultivation level that they decided to show to the public after discussing it. Firstly, she is young and has five spiritual roots, and her cultivation base has improved too fast, which is easy to attract suspicion; secondly, she still practiced Qi when she met Lan Shu a few months ago. It is even more inappropriate to suddenly build a foundation on the fourth floor in just a few months.

Wei Lin asked Xiaoer for a pot of spirit wine, took it over, cupped his hands and said: "We have experienced so far, and it's the first time to come to your place, please take care of us fellow Taoists."

When everyone saw that he was young and had already established a foundation, they immediately became kind: "Where is it, fellow daoist, you are welcome."

The Foundation Establishment cultivators at this age, needless to say, must be the elite disciples of the Dapai family, how could they afford to offend them personally, and besides, they are very upright and speak beautifully.

Immediately, someone talked eloquently: "The two fellow Taoists don't know something. About three months ago, the Ye family in Nanling City had a family banquet that happened once in a hundred years. All the craftsmen went to the family banquet. Unexpectedly, the next day When I returned to the sword furnace of Dong Mie Peak, I found that all the sword boys had disappeared, and there was not a single living person in the huge sword furnace!"

"Ah? How could this be?"

Yunli opened her mouth in cooperation, made a shocked expression, and then confirmed after a while: "The Ye family in Nanling City you are talking about is the second family of refining weapons in Canglan Continent?"

"It's natural."

She cooperated so much, the storyteller became more energetic, lowered his voice, and said mysteriously: "Not only that, the Zhenjun Shen Shen who was in charge of the sword furnace also died."

"Zhenjun?! No way?" Yunli exclaimed, and immediately covered her mouth, eyes full of disbelief.

"I know you don't believe it, not to mention you, even the Ye family can't believe it. After cultivating to the Nascent Soul stage, they can already partially communicate with the will of the heaven and the earth. It stands to reason that if you encounter a power that you can't beat, you can always escape. It disappeared so quietly, it really hasn’t appeared before.”

"I know about it!" the slicked-up monk on the right interjected.

"There is a neighbor in our village who works as a nursing home in the Ye family. According to him, when the accident happened, the head of the Ye family was furious and wanted to ask Zhenshen Shen to blame. Unexpectedly, he did not see his people. Almost the whole clan mobilized and took Nanling City After searching all over the place, we didn't find any trace of Zhenjun Shenshen, and it wasn't until dusk when a servant went to clean the ancestral hall that he found that his soul lamp had gone out."

Yunli's eyes widened, but she thought in her heart: No wonder no one came after us, and the Ye family found out too late. At that time, they were almost thousands of miles away.

"These days everyone is guessing who is the person who can quietly kill the Nascent Soul cultivator, but they have no clue."

Wei Lin's heart relaxed slightly, it seemed that he was safe for the time being.

The male cultivator sitting on Yunli's left gloated and said, "Now those Nascent Soul True Monarchs are all in danger, hiding in Nanling City and not daring to come out, but now the Ye family is in charge of investigating this matter is a Jindan Daoist."

His tone was a bit mocking, the other party could quietly kill a Nascent Soul cultivator, and send a Jindan Daoist to investigate. The main force behind the work is still a bunch of Foundation Establishment cultivators, how could they find out the truth.

Obviously, the Ye family didn't want to check at all, but just for fun.

Yunli and Yunli glanced at each other quickly, the development of the matter was beyond imagination, as long as they don't meet someone who knows that they are sword boys, no one will know that they did this thing, they are safe.

Counting fingers, the only people who know that they are sword boys and are still alive are Zhang Zhenren and the old man from the Ye family that she applied for at the beginning, so it is best to avoid them.

Fortunately for Yunli, the place where he and Lan Shu agreed to meet was outside the city, and the possibility of seeing Daoist Zhang and the old man was extremely low.

After coming out of the restaurant, the two of them were not in a hurry anymore, and walked slowly towards the agreed meeting place.

(End of this chapter)

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