all the way to fairy

Chapter 135 Zhang Zhenren's Decision

Chapter 135 Zhang Zhenren's Decision
Nanling City, Ye family.

The night was dark, and Ye Hu knocked on Zhang Zhenren's door with a bottle of wine.

Putting the wine on the table, he sighed: "Three months have passed, and I still have no clue."

What the outside world does not know is that, in addition to discovering that all the sword boys disappeared without a trace, it was also found that the sword furnace protection array had been activated, and someone used it to resist the thunder calamity, but the strange thing is that a magic weapon material in the sword furnace, None are lost.

Ye Hu took a sip of his wine and guessed: "Could it be that some master craftsman refined a rare treasure, and borrowed my Ye family's protective formation to resist the thunder disaster?"

Zhang Zhenren kept drinking in silence and didn't answer.

Ye Hu understood that Zhang Zhenren was obsessed with refining weapons all his life, and he would feel uncomfortable if something happened to the sword furnace. He patted Zhang Zhenren on the shoulder: "Since the other party did not touch my sword furnace, he must not have the intention of completely destroying my Ye family." .”

This is also the conjecture of the Ye family's high-level executives after consolidating all the news. The other party should have just wanted to use the Ye family's sword furnace to resist the magic weapon thunder calamity. Zhenjun Xin Shen sensed that the protective formation was activated and rushed to stop it, but somehow angered the other party , attracting the other party to attack, annihilating Zhenjun Shenshen with one move.

All the sword boys onlookers were affected, and the moves that could kill the Nascent Soul cultivator in one fell swoop would definitely destroy the world. It is normal that none of these sword boys escaped, and it is not normal if they escaped.

The only strange thing about this matter is Zhenjun Xinshen's approach, he has always been cautious, how could he rashly attack a great power?
It is just that seeing the other party use the Ye family's defensive formation, he is too angry, and it is reasonable to call other clansmen to defend against the enemy together.

With his disposition not to suffer, they couldn't figure out why he defended against the enemy alone, did they not have time?

Outside the large protective formation, they also discovered the burning mark left by the special flame, which was not the Yinming profound fire of Zhenjun Shenshen, but another kind of higher-grade strange fire.

Suddenly his expression was shocked, and he murmured: "Could it be that Zhenjun Xinshen coveted the other party's strange fire, so he made a bold move?"

This makes sense, strange fire, not necessarily one out of 1 monks owns it, each of which is extremely rare, True Lord Shen Shen already has Yinming Xuanhuo, which alarmed the family, and finally this fire must be It won't fall on him.

Greed blinded his rationality, how could Qihuo be so easy to subdue.

He sighed in his heart, drank the wine in silence, put his hands behind his back, and left with a sigh. From the beginning to the end, Zhang Zhenren didn't say a word. Since the accident, he came back from the sword furnace like this, Ye Hu is not surprised.

Zhang Zhenren looked up, watched him leave, opened his mouth, but finally gave up and didn't stop him.

Everyone said that nothing was lost in the sword furnace, but he knew that it was actually missing, the black-grade long sword transformed from an ordinary weapon and the plume that hadn't been refined in seven months.

He had a feeling that this incident must have something to do with that sword!
He checked his smelting room, and there were some cracks around the smelting furnace, and there were scalding marks left by fires of different temperatures on the furnace wall, and because the feather had not been smelted in the past few months, he did not I was thinking about refining other instruments, so there was only that feather in the smelting furnace.

Obviously, after he left, the feather was refined. Judging from the final result, the feather must have been fused into the sword, which triggered Lei Jie.

Just how did they get involved?Could it be that someone else is helping them?
Zhang Zhenren was puzzled, and completed the recasting from the ordinary sword to the mysterious magic weapon by himself. He knew very well that with the material of that sword, it was impossible to withstand the feathers, and the difference in quality between the two was too great. up.

Thinking of the spirit stones on the forging platform, he was sure that the two children were still alive. If they were killed like the other sword boys, it would be impossible to leave him the forging reward!
This can also explain why the prudent Zhenjun Shenshen didn't inform his clansmen and took action by himself. To deal with two children in the Qi training period, does he, Zhenjun Yuanying, still need to call for help?
After discovering this fact, he immediately wanted to report to the patriarch, but stopped halfway.

In that case, the two of them could have left directly. If they were greedy, they would not let go of the high-quality casting materials in the sword furnace. However, they did not move at all. .

Judging from the cracks on the furnace wall, if the other party hadn't stopped in time, the entire sword furnace would have been destroyed due to the high temperature of the strange fire.

All of this shows that the other party is a very causal person, and if the reward is paid, the matter will be settled, and there will be no need to show any sympathy if there are disputes in the future.

If he reported this matter, the Ye family would definitely not let those two children go. However, would the Ye family really be able to deal with them who possessed the strange fire and could brazenly kill Yuanying Zhenjun?

With such a method, there must be an expert behind them.

The expression on Zhang Zhenren's face was flickering and changing, and he sighed lowly, that's all, since the cause and effect are over, why should he get involved in the family's troubles because he is a weapon refiner with a foreign surname, let's concentrate on refining his own weapons.

On the other side, Yunli and Yunli cautiously approached Nanling City, and the rumors became more and more bizarre along the way.

What is the internal strife in the Ye family, Shen Shenjun unfortunately sacrificed in the prevention; the craftsman forged a shocking rare treasure, so he rebelled, and used the strange treasure to kill Zhen Shen Shen and escaped;

Other aristocratic families wanted to replace the Ye family, and took advantage of the Ye family banquet to destroy the sword furnace of Dongmie Peak. Zhenjun Xinshen rushed to stop him and was mercilessly killed; revenge
Among the various theories, the theory of family conspiracy replacement and hermit's powerful revenge theory have been unanimously approved by most monks, and discussions are in full swing.

In all the stories, there is no trace about them, and the two people's hanging hearts became more relaxed. They walked safely all the way to the place seven miles away from Nanling City, where they agreed to meet with Lan Shu. After waiting for two days, Lan Shuyue and the two hurried come.

"What's the matter, why didn't you come last time?" Lan Shu asked sharply as soon as he met Lan Shu.

Wei Lin said succinctly: "The establishment of the foundation has been delayed."

Hearing his words, Yue subconsciously checked his cultivation, and cried out: "You actually have really established a foundation!"

Wei Lin raised his eyebrows, staring at him with a half-smile: "What? In the eyes of Junior Brother Yueyi, I can't build a foundation."

The word "junior brother" was specially emphasized, and Yue Yi was furious, not to be outdone, but also began to poke Wei Lin's scar: "Senior brother Qianjiu was joking, if you can't build a foundation for senior brother, we all Those with mediocre aptitude have no hope of cultivating the Tao.”

He smiled hypocritically, cupped his hands and said, "Congratulations to brother for successfully building the foundation, but since brother has already built the foundation, this natal magic weapon has to be stepped up."

As he said that, he took out the Zhaoying Sword and stroked it gently: "This natal magic weapon is very important to us monks. It feels like we are connected by blood in our hands. It is not an exaggeration to say that we are close brothers. Senior brother can get it." Just hurry up, the sooner you get the natal magic weapon and slowly nurture it, the more compatible you will be in the future."

Yunli glanced at him, then glanced at Lan Shu, who was looking down at the ground, and shook her head secretly, it's okay to have shallow eyelids, but she didn't wink, didn't she see that the disgust on Lan Shu's face was about to overflow.

Wei Lin was very calm, it was just a low-grade magic weapon, Mo Li was far behind him, he said in a calm tone: "Please worry about it, Junior Brother."

Yue Yi performed for a while, but he didn't see the expected grief and humiliation on his face, and suddenly felt bored, humiliating people, it's only interesting if the other party feels humiliated.

He paused, and then Lan Shu raised his head, and said, "The situation has changed. Did Junior Brother Qianjiu know about the change in the Ye family three months ago?"

Wei Lin nodded slightly: "During this journey, I have heard some rumors. There are different opinions, and I don't know whether it is true or not."

Lan Shu looked solemn, "Aside from all kinds of speculations, one thing is certain, True Lord Ye Family Shen Shen died quietly, if he could kill Shen Shen so easily, then it would be impossible to take the lives of other Nascent Soul cultivators. It will be very difficult, when there will be such a No. [-] person in the Canglan Continent, the news must be passed back as soon as possible, and the response should be done early."

(End of this chapter)

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