all the way to fairy

Chapter 136 Wonderful Fate

Chapter 136 Wonderful Fate

Although the incident happened three months ago, the Ye family had been hiding it in the early stage, and this matter has only recently spread, presumably the part that has been spread is still only a part, the Ye family must know more, and the next step is to continue in Ye Should I lurk at home or go back to the pavilion, I need to ask for instructions.

"That's okay, it's arranged by the senior sister." Wei Lin responded lightly, glanced at the culprit who caused the shock next to him, felt his gaze, and the instigator smiled harmlessly.

He couldn't help but send a voice transmission: "You are quite calm."

"I didn't do it."

The highest level of deception is to deceive yourself. Only when she doesn't feel that she did it, can she not show her flaws. Moreover, she really doesn't think that she did it.

That so-called Master Shenshen touched the restriction on the giant door in her sea of ​​consciousness, and was bounced back to death. The restriction was not set by her, so naturally it cannot be regarded as her killing.

Besides, how good the situation is now, if they are all thinking about the hidden power and the ancestors of the family, no one will notice them, and they will be safer!
Over there, Lan Shu frowned, and continued: "The Nanling family is heavily guarded right now, all our spies are in hibernation, and the stronghold in Nanling City is not suitable for passing on news. Yue Yi and I cannot leave the Xue family for the time being. Junior brother Lao Qianjiu went to the nearby Ziguang City to pass the news back."

"It should be." Wei Lin smiled, but in fact he was already scolding the sky in his heart, what kind of bad luck, he has been wandering around these cities that have grievances with him.

Yunli looked at the blue book in admiration, unexpectedly she was quite dedicated to her work, Nanling City was heavily guarded at this time, running away was the best plan.

Lan Shu actually has the courage to continue dormant, isn't she afraid of being found out, after all, with her and Yue Yi's talents, she doesn't look like a maid and bodyguard for others, it's easy to reveal her secrets.

Lan Shu really wanted to leave directly, but Wen Ming and the others completed this task the second day after they arrived, and the two of them have sneaked into Xue's house for more than half a year, but there has been no progress.

She is a majestic young pavilion master, the future master of the Canye Pavilion, and her ability to handle affairs is not as good as that of a fourth-level Qi training disciple. How will she convince the crowd and secure her position as the pavilion master in the future!
Um?She has already practiced Qi level five?

Lan Shu was secretly worried. When she practiced Qi for the fourth level, all the foundation-builder monks she sent out returned without success. Now that she is training for the fifth level, the strange power has increased. Is it necessary to send Jindanqi Can I get the orange damask?

"Senior Sister?" Yue Yi called out, wondering why his face suddenly looked so bad?
Lan Shu came back to his senses, and nodded at Weilin: "I'll have to send the news to Junior Brother Qianjiu."

"Senior sister, you are welcome."

Lan Shu glanced at Yunli who was at the side, then turned and returned to Nanling City.

Although she was extremely unwilling to admit it, a fact was in front of her. The current Qianshi, even herself, did not have the confidence to win.

She bit her lip, it seems that this matter has to be handled by her father herself, the orange silk is so extraordinary, anyone with a certain vision can see that people's hearts can't stand the test, she doesn't want to test Jing Shisan's loyalty.

Watching them leave, the two of Yunli also set off for Ziguang City. Although Ziguang City may run into Zhou Qun's father, it is better than going to Nanling City to meet Zhang Zhenren and then being hunted down by the Ye family.

One day later, Ziguang City.

Wei Lin, who was walking in front, paused, then suddenly turned and walked into a nearby pharmacy.

Yunli was stunned for a moment, and then saw the corner ahead, the young master Zhou Qi who was knocked out by them and entered Zhou's house with his identity, although he hadn't seen them at the time, it was always right to be cautious, she also turned into I went to the pharmacy.

Before entering Ziguang City, they had already found someone to slap around. Since the death of his son Zhou Qun, Zhou Zhenren was heartbroken and almost turned the whole Ziguang City upside down.

Later, he became a little crazy. When he saw a female cultivator using a silk-shaped magic weapon, he would rush up and pester her, even a girl aged eight or nine. Four Seasons Valley never returned to Ziguang City.

After finding out these things, they entered Ziguang City with confidence and boldness, but unexpectedly, their luck seemed to be a little bit bad, and they saw Young Master Zhou Qi just after entering the city.

Now that they arrived at the elixir shop, it would be strange not to buy anything, so they simply bought some standing elixir, and they came out of the elixir shop only after seeing Mr. Zhou Qi passing by from the corner of the corner of the eye.

Can Yege's intelligence base in Ziguang City is a talisman seal shop in the east of the city. There are people coming and going, and it is very lively. They pretend to be talisman masters selling talisman seals, and it is easy to connect with Xiaoer, the intelligence disciple shop.

The waiter in the shop smiled all over his face: "I can't identify the Xuan-level talisman, please go upstairs and wait for a while, I will go to invite the shopkeeper."

"it is good."

The two of them went upstairs and entered the box as they said. The person in charge of the spy work here had already been waiting in the room. They greeted Wei Lin with the token. After hearing the news from Wei Lin, the old man's gray eyes showed seriousness, and he bowed his hands respectfully towards Wei Lin. : "Uncle, please wait for a moment, I will go back as soon as I go."

Yunli staggered when she heard that, although this was an unwritten rule among monks, she still couldn't get used to an old man with a gray beard and a rough face calling a young man his uncle.

In less than a quarter of an hour, the old man came back and told them the latest instructions from the cabinet - return immediately!
Yunli glanced at the old man, did he go out and make a phone call?

She sighed in her heart, although cultivating Taoism has all kinds of miracles and benefits, in this regard, monks are not comparable to the technology of the previous life. If monks also have telephones, those spies would not need such trouble.

The reply has already been received, so it is natural to inform Lan Shu earlier, so that they can leave as soon as possible. Although no one suspects them now, if they stay in Nanling City for one more day, it will be more dangerous, so it is better to leave as soon as possible.

As soon as Fu went out, Wei Lin in front of him stopped suddenly, and Yun Li, who was not paying attention, bumped into his back directly. She rubbed the tip of her nose, poked her head out to take a look, the bustling market was bustling, and when she came, Same, nothing special.

She turned her head and followed his gaze. In the lobby of the restaurant diagonally opposite, near the window, there was a young girl in white who was drinking tea.

Yunli couldn't help but asked via voice transmission: "Who is she?"

Wei Lin looked playful, "Ye Xue."

Frowning and searching in her mind for a while, she finally remembered that it was the lady from the Ye family who was searched for her soul and then pretended to be crazy!
Wei Lin smiled slightly, looked away, and continued to walk forward. Things became more and more interesting.

She actually escaped. She was in Ziguang City at this time, and she probably escaped not long ago. After a little thought, she must have taken advantage of the turmoil in the Ye family during this period and had no time to take care of it, so she escaped smoothly. .

In this way, didn't he help her invisibly, he shook his head, the fate between people is so wonderful.

Ye Xue was found out because of his conspiracy, suffered a soul search, and because he escaped from the Ye family and gained a new life, he was in a complicated mood for a while.

Seven days later, the sky was pouring down and the clouds were glowing. Yunli sat on the flying sword, leisurely looking at the splitting and closing clouds below, holding a basket of spiritual fruits, happily eating.

Wei Lin of Yujian turned around and glanced at the neatly arranged fruit cores on Feijian, with black lines all over his head: "Why did you put fruit cores on my sword?"

Yunli swallowed the sweet, sour and juicy pulp in her mouth, and asked back: "Where should I put it if it's not on the sword? You can't throw it down, it's not good to hit too many people."

Wei Lin rubbed the center of his brows, forget it, it's just a flying sword, not Li Li, so let her do it.

He turned around helplessly and concentrated on driving the flying sword.

Yue Yi who was on the Blue Book Flying Sword next door couldn't help interjecting: "You don't look like a maid."

Yunli was annoyed, "It's none of your business."


Being bullied again, Yue Yi was so angry that he jumped, was ignored by Lan Shu, and was ridiculed by Qian Jiu. His people hate him, and he can't swallow his breath.

(End of this chapter)

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