all the way to fairy

Chapter 137 Interception

Chapter 137 Interception (1)

He glared at Yunli viciously, and shot suddenly, a vine flung towards Yunli, Wei Lin didn't turn his head back, this trick was nothing to be afraid of, he concentrated on driving the flying sword.

Yunli moved aside from the vines, and then grabbed and yanked fiercely. Yue, who was caught off guard, flew straight up from the flying sword, and it was about to land on their flying sword. She smiled slightly, and suddenly let go. Opened the vines.

Yue Yi barely flew to their flying swords, the pulling force disappeared, he jumped a few times, and then fell straight down.

"Junior Brother Yueyi!"

Lan Shu exclaimed, glared at Yunli, and controlled Feijian to descend to catch Yue Yi.

Looking at the two who were going down, Wei Lin sent a voice transmission lightly: "Don't be so aggressive when you are alone, and never do anything when you have to endure."

Yunli smiled, "Don't worry, I know the current affairs best! When I can't beat it, I will definitely stick to it to the end."

Wei Lin: "..."

Seeing them coming up, before Lan Shu could open his mouth to criticize, Yun Li was the first to say, "He provoked me first."

Lan Shu looked very ugly, "Junior Brother Qianjiu, take care of your maid."

Wei Lin didn't care, glanced coolly at the embarrassed Yue Yi, and said calmly: "If he controlled his own hands, these things wouldn't happen."

Lan Shu is angry, no matter how wrong Yue Yi is, he is also Master Bai Lu's disciple, what is Qian Shi's status, does he have any dignity or inferiority?

The same goes for Yue Yi, she doesn't have any discernment, if she wants to play tricks on others, she has to have that ability first, if the other party doesn't know the details, she deserves it if she does it rashly.

The worst thing was Qian Jiu, she narrowed her eyes, wondering if she was too kind to them, which made them forget their dignity, and didn't show any face to herself.

She took a deep breath, speeded up and flew to the front, out of sight: "Mian Town is ahead, let's go down."

She frowned. Normally, returning from Nanling City to Remnant Night Pavilion would not need to go to Mian Town, and she would just drive the flying sword back directly, but for some reason, she received an order to go to the stronghold of Mian Town first.

Just arrived outside the stronghold, before entering the door, several people stagnated, Lan Shu turned to look at Wei Lin, and suddenly felt better; Yue Yi unabashedly gloated.

Yunli frowned, he came at this time, it seems that he intends to do it himself, she thought carefully, what method can kill the Jindanqi cultivator without leaving a clue.

Wei Lin lowered his eyes, hiding the surging killing intent in his eyes.

Over there, Lan Shu had already pushed the door to welcome him with a smile: "Master Jing Shi, why are you here in person?"

After exchanging pleasantries, Jing Shi explained the purpose of his visit, "I have a temporary task, and nephew Qianjiu needs to help me."

Wei Lin didn't answer, since he was about to tear his face apart, there was no need to respond to the other party's nonsense. In the end, it was not certain who would die and who would live. He stroked the corner of his sleeve, and a phonogram arrived silently hands.

"What's the matter, you have to have Senior Brother Qianjiu to do it." Yue Yi answered the words very cooperatively, avoiding Jing Shiyi's one-man show.

"A special kind of spiritual plant, which must be picked with extremely pure wood spiritual power so that it will not be damaged."

Hearing such a lame excuse, Yunli just thought hehehe, the reason was so thoughtless, it seemed that he was determined to put his senior brother to death.

Yue Yi patted Wei Lin on the shoulder, and said regretfully: "Then it seems that Senior Brother Qianjiu must be responsible for this task. The purity of the wood spirit root is as high as 98. Not to mention our Canye Pavilion, even the entire Canglan Continent." It's hard to find someone whose wood spiritual power is purer than yours."

Wei Lin took a step back and shook off his hand. Although Jing Shi was in the mid-Golden Core Stage, Mo Lijian and Huan Shiling could penetrate the body-protecting spirit gang of a Golden Core Stage cultivator. His, it's a pity that Shu Fangyi was destroyed by Zhenjun Shenshen, otherwise their chances of winning would be greater.

Yue Yi didn't get angry when he was thrown away, a person who was about to die, why bother with him.

Jing Shize said sadly, "If my nephew has no objections, let's set off."

What can you do if you disagree? You can choose someone else, Yunli secretly rolled her eyes.

Lan Shu smiled gently, as if he hadn't seen the treachery of many people: "So, let's go back to the pavilion first, take care of the real person, take care of the younger brother."

Seeing people, Jing Shi couldn't wait to set off, Wei Lin and Yun Li looked at each other and followed, whether it was a blessing or a disaster, it was a disaster that could not be avoided, and this trouble would have to be resolved sooner or later.

"and many more!"

Seeing that Yunli was also leaving, Lan Shu panicked and stopped them.

Bad, I forgot that these two people are Jiao Buli Meng, Meng Buli Jiao, if Qian Shi also died under Jing Shi's hands, what would Cheng Ling do.

"Miss Lan Shu, what else is there?"

Being called out suddenly, Jing Shi was also startled, could it be that Lan Shu repented and wanted to make a move?
Lan Shu collected himself, suppressed the panic in his heart, and smiled gently at Yunli: "They are going to do the mission, what are you going to do with them?"

Seeing her expression, Yunli immediately thought that Lan Shu would not want to die at the hands of Jing Shi, she felt happy, it was fun now.

These thoughts slipped through her mind, she looked blank, and pointed to Wei Lin, "Senior brother, go, I naturally have to follow."

The eyes of several people were all focused on her, and Lan Shu was annoyed. Except for doing tasks, the killers would naturally go wherever they wanted in the rest of the time, and there was no mandatory requirement.

Moreover, Qianshi is still Qianjiu's maid, on the other hand, following Qianjiu is her task.

Except for the special mission that can transfer her away alone, she can't interfere with the rest, and now, where can she go to find a special mission to transfer her away, let alone forcibly transfer her away, Jing Shi and Yue One will definitely be suspicious.

But this is another good opportunity to get rid of Qianjiu, without any contamination to himself. Without Qianjiu, he doesn't need to be restrained in dealing with Qianshi.

Her eyes slid over several people one by one, and said with a smile: "I have been a spy in the Xue family for three years, and I am really tired. It happens to be fine when I go back. The Lingzhi blue book that the real person said is also very curious." , why not go and see together."

As long as Qianshi got the Huanshi Ling immediately when Qianshi died, even if Jing Shi had doubts, he would not dare to take action against him easily. Even if he didn't get it immediately, he could still ask for it in the name of hush money.

She walked forward while talking, and asked Yue Yi who was stunned behind: "Junior Brother Yue Yi wants to come with us?"

Although her expression changed naturally, Jing Shi and Yue Yi were still aware of the tricks. One moment they said goodbye politely, and the next moment they suddenly regretted it. It would have been okay if she hadn't asked Qianshi in front of her.

With those inquiries as a foreshadowing, not to mention Jing Shi, who is delicate, even Yue Yi, who has a low EQ, realized something was wrong.

Lan Shu was also secretly annoyed, a moment of shock revealed her flaws, although she was annoyed, she was not afraid, just like how she dealt with Qianjiu without knowing it, as long as they didn't want to make enemies with Master and Daddy, they would not dare to harm her easily .

Although Jing Shi was puzzled, it was not easy to reject Lan Shu without a suitable reason. After all, Lan Shu is the future Young Pavilion Master, and now he has fully taken over the assignment of Huang-level and Xuan-level killers in the mission hall. In the Jindan period, it will be a matter of time before he takes over the prefecture-level killer.

Just after a little thought, Yue Yi also chose to go together, Lan Shu's expression was obviously greasy, how could he leave at this time.

Jing Shi just twitched the corner of his mouth and didn't say anything. There was already one in the way, and adding another would make no difference.

Fortunately, there are turmoil among the few lore, and there is discord among the juniors, and he is not the only one who is looking forward to Qian Jiu's death, so give some hush money.

A few days later, standing at the entrance of Tianwu Forest, Wei Lin felt uneasy. The venue Jing Shi chose was actually Tianwu Forest. If it wasn't for the previous mission, he didn't tell others, and he would have suspected that the other party did it on purpose.

Lan Shu smiled gently: "Tianwu Forest is a sacred place for monsters and beasts, and the legendary center is an absolute forbidden place for human cultivation. Even Zhenjun Yuanying, no one dares to enter, that is, relying on real people, we dare to enter. style."

"Miss, you're welcome. It's the subordinate's duty to protect the lady." Jing Shi said some absent-minded politeness, and hurried in.

(End of this chapter)

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