all the way to fairy

Chapter 140 Interception

Chapter 140 Interception (4)

She shook her head, threw out the horrible picture in her mind, and began to strengthen the spiritual power shield layer by layer. She didn't want her whole body to be covered with those disgusting bugs inside and out.

A huge palm print flew from behind and slapped her directly on the back.

Jing Shi, catch up!
The high-speed flying sword drifted to the side, avoiding the flying palm prints. After stabilizing the flying sword, Wei Lin's gaze condensed, and he summoned Mo Lijian to wave fiercely at the stems of the plants, lingering The sword energy chopped off a large area of ​​plants, and the dense pink flying insects had to leave their camouflage, flapping their wings, buzzing and spewing out a large amount of pink poisonous gas.

Jing Shi, who was flying fast from behind, couldn't stop the car, and he was about to come into close contact with those pink mist, his whole body flashed with light, and the condensed spirit gang instantly protected his whole body tightly. .

Wei Lin secretly regretted that he was not poisoned for the first time, but later he became more alert, and it would be difficult to poison him again. Although the pink girl was around, he would be hesitant to take action, but the restrictions on himself were even greater .

Thoughts flashed in his mind, he didn't pause at all, after slashing a sword, the green leaves on Mo Li's sword fluttered down, seemingly endlessly, he stomped heavily on the flying sword with his toes, and flew out of the spiritual shield with the sword, towards Look at the scene ten chops.

As soon as the spiritual power shield was released, the green leaf spread from the blade of the sword to his body, strangling the approaching pink mist and the flying pink girl.

It seems that he won't be poisoned in a short time, Yunli let go of his heart, and while paying attention to the battle situation, he quietly controlled Feijian and waited for the opportunity.

Jing Shi was disdainful, and the mere foundation-building monks also wanted to split the body-protecting spirit gang of the Golden Core cultivator. If those monks who had just entered the Golden Core stage and were not proficient in retracting the Linggang, they might be crushed by his sword. It has been hundreds of years since he entered the golden core stage, and his body-protecting spirit gang has long been able to retract and release freely, just like his own body. It is wishful thinking to want to shatter his body-protecting spirit gang.

The next moment, he widened his eyes, and the exquisite long sword that looked like an ornament pierced through his body protection spirit gang very smoothly, without a moment's pause.

The instincts he had trained in many years as a killer saved his life. He almost subconsciously quickly released another layer of spirit gang, and at the same time his body retreated rapidly, opening the distance.

"Your sword! Huh? The magic weapon of life! You actually have the magic weapon of life!"

Jing Shi was horrified, didn't Qian Jiu have no destiny?How could there be a magic weapon willing to be his natal magic weapon!
It seems that it is not an ordinary sword!
Wei Lin didn't care about his horror, he missed a single blow, with a flick of his wrist, the long sword swirled towards him again with pieces of green leaves wrapped around it.

Jing Shi stabilized his figure, and took another palm print. After defeating the sharp sword that was stabbing, he quickly sacrificed his own weapon, a weapon that could penetrate his spirit gang, and he didn't want to take it hard.

And there is always a weird feeling in his heart, and he can't tell exactly where it is weird for a while.

With the weapon in his hands, his combat power has been greatly improved, turning passive into active. Wei Lin is also taking the path of strong attack. For a while, the sound of weapons colliding with weapons resounded all over the field, and the whirlwind of sword energy and spell clashing went straight into the sky.

There are also peach-colored worms working tirelessly around them. The inner layer was strangled by sword force and spirit gang, and the latter layer was filled in immediately.

For a while, the ground was densely covered with pink insect corpses, and Yunli's goosebumps came out when she saw it, and she really wanted to throw a fire.

After all, Jing Shi was at the Golden Core stage, and he seemed to be more comfortable in this fierce battle. He frowned, and the fear on his face was even worse. With the sharpness of the sword and the sharpness of the sword, a small In the foundation building stage, he was actually able to fight him for a few rounds.

This son is really talented. He is glad that after hearing that Qianjiu had established his foundation, Dang even decided to get rid of him. If he really grew up, with the grievances between them, there is no place for him in Remnant Ye Pavilion .

He stared fixedly at Qianjiu, who was flying backwards. After maneuvering in the air to borrow strength, Qianjiu pounced on him again, with even more murderous intent on his face. His attacks had hardly stopped since the beginning of the battle. He didn't seem to know tiredness or pain. Normally, no matter how much damage one suffers, the next attack will always arrive as scheduled.

kindness?Wait, Qianjiu has already left the flying sword, why is that flying sword still floating in the air?

There was a momentary blank in my mind, that little girl is also at the foundation building stage!

He finally knew what the strangeness in his heart was, and subconsciously looked in the direction where the flying sword stopped just now, it was empty and there was no one there.

The next moment, there was a glow on his back, cold sweat was pouring out, his vest was icy cold, without any hesitation, he turned around and struck out with a palm.

In the orange-red eyes, a gigantic sword appeared, brazenly meeting his palm print, the shocking aura made the corners of Jing Shi's eyes twitch wildly, and he wanted to withdraw his palm involuntarily.

He could feel that the attack on the sword was not fatal, but the girl's aura made people tremble involuntarily, like an awakened ancient beast. He suppressed the fear in his heart, and his left hand turned into a palm and the weapon in his right attacked at the same time. To split the giant sword.

At the moment of contact, the tight string in his heart was loosened. As he expected, the epee's attack was not fatal, and even his body protection spirit gang did not split.

However, Wei Lin's attack also arrived at the back, and he devoted all his attention to dealing with Yunli in front. The layer of Linggang behind is no different from a layer of cloth to Li Lijian, let alone a sharp sword Potential bonus.

The cold blade of the sword pierced into his body with the force of the sword, and the force of the sword raged in the body, strangled the flesh and blood, and the most terrible thing was that a pink mist entered his body along the opening made by the long sword, and his mind was chaotic When he got up, his body's reaction also began to be sluggish, but fortunately, the raging sword force in his body kept him a little bit clear.

Yunli took back the epee with a dark face. What kind of beryllium copper and rotten iron is so heavy that it can't even split a spirit gang. It's rubbish. I'll sell it when I find a better one!
Uh, why does this idea feel so scumbag?

Wait a minute, what am I thinking, fighting is important!
Spiritual power surged in the fantasy silk, and the light orange silk turned into an orange sharp blade and pressed towards Jing Shi again.

At the critical juncture, Jing Shida shouted, and pressed the spiritual power in his dantian into his limbs and bones, preventing the poisonous mist from continuing to work. At the same time, the spiritual power surging around his body shook the attacking Yunli two .

After shaking the two of them flying upside down, he himself fell to the ground, his spirit gang had collapsed, and the surrounding pink girls swarmed up like flies smelling fishy smell, covering his whole body in just one breath.

After a period of high-intensity and fierce fighting, Wei Lin's spiritual power was also exhausted, and the sword power around him collapsed. Seeing the insects flying over, he condensed his spiritual power shield while looking at Yunli on the other side, and saw that although she flew out backwards, The spiritual power shield around him was not broken, so he looked away, strengthened the spiritual power shield again, and took out the spirit-replenishing pill.

Before the Buling Pill could take effect, he raised his sword again to attack Jing Shi, and Yun Li, who was still flipping in the air on the other side, turned into a sharp blade and flew towards Jing Shi before landing on the other side.

Under the cover of pink bugs, yellow light flickered.

It's an earth escape talisman!

Huanshiling and Mo Lijian accelerated at the same time, and Ling and the sword hit the densely packed pink girls at the same time, but Jing Shi, who was covered by the pink girls, teleported away at the last moment.


Wei Lin shouted, calling out Feijian to chase after him, taking advantage of his illness to kill him, this is their best chance, they must not let him run away!

Huanshiling entangled his waist and dragged him onto the silk, Yunli said: "I'll chase after you, you recover your spiritual power."

Sensing Xia Jingshi's direction, Huan Shi Ling flew out at lightning speed.

The pink girl around didn't give up, and flew over buzzingly. She controlled Huan Shiling to fly at a high speed, and threw a few fireballs with her backhand.
However, although the bugs were scattered by the fireball, they were not burned to death, and they avoided the fireball and chased them again.

"Ordinary fire is useless against them."

As soon as Wei Lin finished speaking, Huan Shiling burst into rainbow light and rushed out from the insect formation.

(End of this chapter)

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