all the way to fairy

Chapter 141 Interception

Chapter 141 Interception (5)

Ordinary flames are useless, but her Crimson Flame is supposed to be useful, but ever since she devoured the Youlan Flame of Zhenjun Shenshen, Crimson Flame seemed to have suddenly become a fat man of two hundred catties, and she wanted to call it out of her dantian. It takes time and energy to come out, so there is no time to wait.

She concentrates on driving the Huanshiling, adjusting the direction from time to time, and the tenth scene in the consciousness is also very fast. Every time he first appears in their consciousness, he will speed up and run out of the consciousness .

Seeing that she suddenly turned around again, but there was no trace of Jing Shi in his consciousness, Wei Lin paused his bandaging wound, and asked, "Have you sensed him with your consciousness?"

"No." Yunli said and fine-tuned the direction again.

Dare to change direction without you?What if I make a mistake!
He was about to speak when Jing Shi appeared in the next moment, and then suddenly turned into a rabbit, and jumped out of the range of his consciousness.

Wei Lin's jaw dropped in shock. It was a coincidence once or twice, but it was definitely not a coincidence if it happened every time.

After a while, he finally picked up his chin: "How do you know which direction he is going to flee?"

"I feel like he changed direction." Yunli responded, and adjusted the direction again, and after a breath, Jing Shi reappeared in their consciousness.

The corner of Wei Lin's mouth twitched: I feel
Jing Shi, who was running away, was terrified. At first he thought it was a coincidence, but later he thought that the other party had a strong spiritual sense, which was why he understood his transformation at the first time.

Just when he wondered how a ten-year-old girl could have such a powerful spiritual sense, he was pulled closer, and he clearly felt the divine sense of the other party chasing him, so he knew it wasn't because of the divine sense.

The scope of his own consciousness far exceeds theirs, and he can clearly feel that as soon as he changes his position, the other party will immediately adjust accordingly, as if she saw it.

After the initial poisonous gas, the swarm of insects bit him almost all over his body. The venom in his mouthparts entered his body, and the toxin was even more powerful. It was still getting more and more chaotic, and the body gradually became stiff.

No, no matter how hard this poison is, it might really capsize in the gutter and die in the hands of these two little bastards. Thinking of this, he stretched out his hand and grabbed the deep bone-deep wound on his waist.

After recovering a little clarity, he stopped changing direction and started running straight to the northeast.

"Ruthless man!"

Seeing his movements clearly, Yunli felt that he was indeed a killer. Although he was used to being pampered in the pavilion, his ruthlessness in critical moments was no worse than that of an active killer who has been licking blood all year round.

She speeded up, and she must not miss this opportunity, even if she was so ruthless to herself, she would be fine with the enemy.

Although Jing Shi was very cruel to himself, under the erosion of the pink girl's venom, his speed still slowed down significantly. Yunli increased his horsepower again, followed closely, and briefly ran out of his consciousness After a few times, Jing Shi was never able to run out of the range of their spiritual consciousness, and the distance between the two sides was still getting closer.

It's just that he looked like this, Yunli blinked, turned her head and asked, "Why do I feel that he has a clear goal?"

Wei Lin stood up, summoned the flying sword and jumped up, flying side by side with her, with a solemn expression, "He may know where the antidote is, or it may be a way to help him get out of trouble."

While speaking, Jing Shi in his consciousness flashed into a cave, and the two of them entered the cave with their consciousness. In the depths of the cave was a monster cub with gray and white stripes and a pair of short wings on its back.

"Iron bone flying tiger! He wants to use tiger gall to suppress poison!"

Wei Lin let out an exclamation, and took out the Mo Li sword, and continued to use the third form of Ye Luo's volleying sword art to catch up with Jing Shi.

Iron bone flying tiger and tiger gallbladder are extremely positive things, hot in nature, great tonic, food can temporarily suppress the poison of the pink girl, once he gets the tiger gall and suppresses the poison, Jing Shi will definitely get the result quickly by means of thunder They, facing a Jindan real person who started desperately, they had almost no chance of winning.

The iron-framed flying tiger cub in the cave didn't know the danger was coming. It squatted on the ground, stretched out its gray paws and scratched the shiny stone in front of it. The stone spun around and slowly left its original position.

It slumped its shoulders, pouted its buttocks, raised its tail, and stared at the stone closely. When the stone stopped, it galloped over with another paw, planing the stone and spinning it.

Seeing the cub, Jing Shi grabbed it with his hands, and his eyes were fierce. This was the burial place he had chosen for Qianjiu. After going around and going around, he returned to the original point. I have to say, God’s will, Qianjiu will definitely die !

Wei Lin, who was a mile away, had their hearts in their throats. If it wasn't too far away, Tiger Cub wouldn't be able to understand human words, and the Tianwu Forest was full of dangers. He really wanted to yell at Hu Cub, "Run!" '!
The afterimage of Yunli's figure was gone, and she couldn't help cursing at the same time as she was anxious, where's Mother Tiger?How did you bring the baby?How could such a small cub be left alone at home!

Fortunately, the tiger mother was so careless that she had no protective measures, and Jing Shi's hand was blocked by a golden light curtain half a meter away from the tiger cub.

Sensing the approaching aura behind him, Jing Shi felt ashamed and anxious, thinking that he, the majestic head of the Canye Pavilion City Building, the real Jindanqi, was chased and killed by two foundation-establishing monks, and he didn't lose anyone when he said it.

He grabbed the wound on his waist, recovered a little clarity, and threw two Explosive Talismans towards the light curtain.

After the explosion, the light curtain was covered with cracks. The tiger cub inside was frightened by the explosion. He turned around and looked at Jing Shi who was attacking the light curtain viciously.

The tiger mother who didn't know where she was wandering naturally didn't hear its cry for help, and even if she heard it, she might not be able to rush back. Under its horrified gaze, Jing Shi smashed the light curtain and grabbed it.

When his hand was about to touch the iron-bone flying tiger cub, Cheng Ling flew out from behind him, rolled up the cub and flung it to the other side, then quickly backed away, falling into the arms of Yunli who had just entered the cave.

Jing Shi was furious, turned around and slashed, knocking away the azure blue long sword flying behind him, and threw himself at Yunli.

Yunli threw the tiger cub in her arms back, and turned around to avoid his attack. At the same time, Huan Shiling flew towards Jing Shi's neck, and Jing Shi, who was already unconscious, raised his hand weakly. After blocking it for a few times, he was nimbly bypassed and wrapped around his hand a few times before wrapping his hand around his neck.

The back guard Lin held his hands tightly and stabbed firmly into his vest.

We can't kill the golden core stage with full blood, but can't kill the one with residual blood!

The cold blade on the back made Jing Shi's consciousness recover a bit, but the suffocation on his neck dragged him into a dizziness again, feeling the blade flipping in his body, wantonly shredding his internal organs, meridians and dantian. .

Jing Shi felt grief and indignation in his heart. He never expected that he would actually fall into the hands of two foundation-building juniors. One wrong step, one wrong step. As for the injury and poisoning.

When he was on the verge of death, strong unwillingness flashed in his eyes. Taking advantage of the last sliver of Qingming communication storage bag, he took off the seal, and a flute with a white body and a dark black circle in the center flew out.

Wei Lin's heart shrank suddenly, and he pulled Yunli behind him, raised his hand, and the wooden plaque on his waist flew out, blocking them in front of them; Yunli also took back the Huanshi Ling without hesitation, and controlled it Layer upon layer condensed into a smooth orange mirror, erected in front of them, blocking the way of the flute being thrown.

The smashed flute was bounced back by Ling and the wooden sign, and landed on Jing Shi's body. The thin circle of black fish slithered into Jing Shi's body, and a series of popping sounds sounded.


Jing Shi, whose consciousness was already extremely weak, regained consciousness again, and the scream resounded through the sky. The scream was mixed with spiritual power and spiritual consciousness, which shocked Wei Lin's sea of ​​consciousness. After condensing the spiritual power shield, Yunli behind him condensed another layer of spiritual power in the spiritual power shield at almost the same time, which together counteracted the unconscious spiritual attack in the screams.

(End of this chapter)

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