all the way to fairy

Chapter 142 Phoenix Fire

Chapter 142 Phoenix Fire
After the spiritual power shield was stabilized, the two looked at Jing Shi on the ground in horror. His body seemed to be boiled, and lumps swelled up all over his body from time to time, and then disappeared quickly. After a while, the right side of his face collapsed , exposing flesh and bones, left face, chest cavity, abdomen.
After the screaming lasted for a quarter of an hour, there was not even bone residue left on the ground. The white jade flute lay quietly on the ground, and the black streak returned to the center of the flute, as if it were an ordinary decoration.

After the death-like silence, Yunli swallowed: "What kind of stuff is this?"

Without waiting for an answer, she frowned again and said uncertainly, "Why do I feel like I've seen this black air before?"


Wei Lin stared at the black circle on the flute, thought for a while, and said, "It's Shuang Jiang's Blood Dark Art."

Xueming Gong? The memory is recalled. On the mottled pages of the parchment, the black air is as black as ink. In comparison, the black on the flute is slightly greyish, and the cold aura it emits is even more chilling to the bone marrow. Although there is a difference between the two , but they are indeed of the same origin. "

She still didn't let go of her frown. Apart from Xue Ming Gong, she seemed to have seen it somewhere before. Some fragments flashed in her mind, but she didn't catch it.

Wei Linding looked at the jade flute on the ground, thoughtfully: "All his things are gone."

Yunli's eyes lit up, and the storage bag was corroded, so there must be something that could restrain it before, so she poked her head out and searched on the ground.

The cave is very dry, and there are no other debris, and the texture of the stone is clearly visible under the consciousness.


At the dark junction of the cave, under a fallen leaf, there was a small golden particle. The sunlight fell on it, refracting soft light. There was a drop of water on the fallen leaf above, which was also refracting the sunlight. Find.

Yunli controlled Huanshiling to jump over the flute, and rolled the golden particles at the entrance of the cave. After confirming that there was no danger, she held the small particles and held them up to her eyes.

"Do you know what this is?" The particles are so small that it's hard to see what it is.

"do not know."

At this time, a ray of sunlight from outside happened to come in obliquely, falling on the blade of Li Li in Wei Lin's hand, and the refracted light fell on Yunli's face. Her hand fell on the Li Li sword, and was instantly absorbed by the feather gold liquid sealed on the sword.

"I'll go." Yunli was dumbfounded, the only thing that could restrain the jade flute was gone before they figured it out.

Then how do they get out?Will black air burst out when passing by?
The two looked at each other for a long time, Wei Lin analyzed: "The black air is cold, let's see if the fire can restrain it."

As he spoke, he tentatively threw a fireball. The scorching fireball landed on the flute, as if a basin of ice water had been poured on it. Thick green smoke rose and the bright fireball went out in an instant.

"Let me try." Ordinary flames don't work, so try her scarlet flames. Yunli stepped forward, making seals with her hands, and the crimson light flickered on her fingertips.

This flash lasted for half an hour, she was sweating profusely, and her spiritual power was almost exhausted, and the crimson flame in her dantian just couldn't come out lazily.

Wei Lin held Mo Li in his hand: "Stop, I'll try with Mo Li."

Yunli shook her head, and said angrily, "Give me a tonic pill, I won't believe it, I can't call out my own stuff!"

When she was getting stronger, Wei Lin fed her a tonic pill, paused, and looked around, "Where's the iron-framed flying tiger cub?"

"I threw it out of the hole."

As soon as the words came out, she also felt that something was wrong. It had been more than half an hour, and the tiger cub hadn't made any sound outside. There was a strange jade flute blocking the exit, and they didn't dare to release their spiritual senses rashly to investigate. Jing Shi was a spiritual sense All gone.

Glancing at each other, both of them realized that something was wrong, whether it was the tigress coming back or the cub running away, there should be some movement, but it was very quiet outside, unusually quiet.

Wei Lin clenched Li Li tightly and looked outside warily, while Yunli used more spiritual power to draw Fei Yan in his dantian, and at the same time immersed his spiritual consciousness in it to draw him. With the combination of spiritual power and spiritual consciousness, Fei Yan finally had There was a change, and he slowly left his dantian.

It was not easy, the little ancestor finally moved, Yunli was slightly relieved, and continued to increase the traction of spiritual power.

As soon as Fei Yan appeared, the heat wave forced people to suffocate, Yunli thought, such a high temperature should be able to deal with Yudi.

The scorching heat wave spread past, the jade flute trembled, as if very scared, Yunli was even more satisfied, it seemed feasible, and the effort was not in vain.

At this time, there was a sound of breathing outside, and then they heard something cut through the air and go away.

There are really people!

Yunli didn't grind anymore, and directly threw Fei Yan towards the jade flute. A sharp sound came from the jade flute, and the jade flute was burned to ashes in an instant, and the black circle broke away from the jade flute, turning into black air. To float away.

Fei Yan raised a bigger fire, covering the black air, the black air struggled and howled, and flashed at high speed in the flames, but finally failed to escape and was burned to the ground.

Withdrawing Feiyan, Yunli staggered, the spiritual power in her body was squeezed out again, and she took another nourishing pill, and the two stepped out of the cave in a hurry.

At three o'clock, when the sun was at its peak in Tianwu Forest, the sunlight fell from the gaps in the dense tree canopy, and a pair of footprints and four tiger paw prints were clearly visible beside the grass.

The two dared not stop, and the imperial driving magic weapon flew towards the periphery. Although they didn't know why they left again, it was obvious that the opponent was very strong, and they came quietly, judging by the aura revealed when they were startled. , at least at the later stage of Golden Core.

After they left, a huge ancient tree next to it shook its branches and turned into a green-shirted boy, carelessly smoothing the fur of the tiger cub in his arms with his white fingers, staring at the direction they left, and it was him again.

The iron-bone flying tiger at his feet raised his head with a terrified expression: "Master Lujian, that is, that is."

"Phoenix fire."

Lu spoke indirectly and helped him say what he dared not say.

Iron-Bone Flying Tiger was even more frightened, it was really Fenghuo, and its two copper bell-like eyeballs turned: "Where is the demon king?"

"This matter is beyond your control." Lu Jian interrupted him, and put the tiger cub at its feet, "You can act as if you have never seen what happened today."

Iron-bone Feihu immediately understood what he meant, with a struggling look on his face: "Her cultivation level is low now."

Lu Jian glanced at him, and said coolly: "She saved your son."

The iron-bone flying tiger lowered its head, and the cub rubbed its nose affectionately.
After flying out of the inner circle, the two dared to stop.

Yunli caressed her heart, it was too scary, just after flying for a few miles, there was a strong fluctuation of spiritual power from behind, her consciousness subconsciously probed there, it turned out to be a demon cultivator in the transformation stage.

Wei Lin also had lingering fears, it was that green-eyed tree demon!

But why didn't they come after them?At such a short distance, the Dryad and Iron-Bone Flying Tiger must have spotted them and even watched them leave.

Yunli also thought of this question, guessing: "Could it be that jade flute, they are afraid of that jade flute?"

That trace of black air corroded a golden core stage from the inside to the outside until there was no residue left, and the threat to the monsters in the transformation stage was definitely not small, and it was normal for them to be afraid.

Wei Lin was about to nod, but then realized something was wrong, the black energy had been destroyed by them when it came out, the danger was gone, he thought of Fei Yan, the gasping sound when it spread out of the cave, could it be that they were afraid of Fei Yan?
While thinking about it, Xiao Shanbao, who had rested last night, arrived.

Lan Shu sat in front of Linglong's house with his head down, wondering what he was thinking, while Yue Yi went back and forth in circles.

Wei Lin suppressed the doubts in his heart, pulled himself together, and stepped forward.

Seeing that the cabin was safe and sound, Yunli was overjoyed. Finally, no more property was lost. Jing Shi’s storage bag was corroded by black air. After working hard all night, he had nothing to gain. If he lost his beloved cabin again, She will be stunned.

(End of this chapter)

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