all the way to fairy

Chapter 144 The Strange Thunder Tribulation

Chapter 144 The Strange Thunder Tribulation
Yunli slapped her thigh, that's great, there is Yingsan who is a talker, and recently, everyone knows everything big and small in the pavilion.

She smiled brightly, and offered a flattery: "It's been so many days, and the uncle is still so handsome and handsome!"

"Look, look, our little Qianshi can still talk, but you're wrong, it's not been a few days, it's been nearly two years!"

The corner of Wei Lin's mouth twitched, he calculated so clearly, how many words he held back this time, he felt his ears hurt a little.

After exchanging pleasantries, Yunli went straight to the topic: "Uncle Shi, what's going on with them, isn't it just a thunder disaster, why are you afraid of becoming like this?"

For monks, thunder calamity is very common. Needless to say, forming a pill and forming a baby will definitely trigger thunder calamity, and some monks will even cause thunder calamity when they build a foundation; Also triggers Thunder Calamity when completed.

It's just that I haven't experienced it myself, I haven't eaten pork and I haven't seen pigs running. I've always seen other people's thunder disasters, so it shouldn't look like this anyway.

"Tsk tsk, you just came back, I don't know, don't worry about this thunder disaster, it's very unusual!"

Ying San shook his head: "The number of other lightning tribulations is limited, as few as one, as many as nine, and it's over after you pass it. The power is also one is stronger than one, so let's get used to it; but hers are different. For three days, the rumbling and crackling never stopped, with that posture, if you don't kill her, you will never stop!"

"Ah? What kind of unreasonable thing did she do?!" Yunli was shocked.

Ying San patted her on the shoulder: "You use this word very well, it means that the laws of heaven cannot tolerate it. Obviously, the way of heaven is furious and must kill her."

Wei Lin pointed to the clear sky, and interjected: "Didn't you say that she would never stop until thunder struck her to death? Why did it stop?"

The two people who were discussing fiercely stopped and turned their heads to look in the direction of Xingyao Mountain. There was no thunder or lightning, and the only dark cloud that remained was quickly dissipating. In the blink of an eye, it disappeared completely, and the blue sky was as clear as a wash. Cloudless.

At the foot of Xingyao Mountain, Mo You, wrapped in a pink cloak and hood, swayed into the depths of Xingyao Mountain with the support of Lan Shu.

Yunli turned her head and glanced at Shadow Three, "Is this what you say and never give up?"

"Hiss—" Ying San gasped for air, his face full of disbelief: "No, with the posture of the previous two days, it doesn't look like she will let her go?"

Yunli patted him on the shoulder: "Uncle Shi, next time you have to stay on the line."

Don't always use exaggeration!

Wei Lin narrowed his eyes slightly, "Have you noticed that she seems to have aura?"

Ying San said casually, "What magic weapon did she bring?"

Yunli rolled her eyes, senior brother is not someone who would ignore these things, he must have a reason for saying this, she whispered: "You mean the aura she cultivated herself?"

"Not really sure."

Yunli's eyes flickered. Ordinary people can practice. Frostfall Mo Qishan, Mo You, and Xueming Gong absorb other people's spiritual roots. Could it be that Mo You has Xueming Gong in his hand, and he has also practiced Mahayana, absorbing other people's spiritual roots? ?
Can't you?
Shuangjiang's Xueming Gong was burned to ashes and thrown into the sea to feed the fish. The Mo family's share was taken away by a mysterious person. Where did Mo You get the kung fu?
What's more, even if the Mo family is still there, such exercises are not within the reach of an ordinary person like her.

Taking ten thousand steps back, even if she really has the Blood Dark Art, how could she have cultivated to Mahayana in just a few years?

This incident shattered Ying San's cognition, he was a little bit dispirited, and he was not ready to chat anymore, as if he wanted to go back and digest it.

Yunli quickly pulled him back, she still had questions to ask.

"Uncle, when did you come back? There are a lot of people in the pavilion recently."

Looking at the onlookers, besides the many qi training disciples, there are also many Foundation Establishment Stage disciples, and there are also a dozen Golden Core Stage disciples who are also onlookers, unusual and very unusual.

Most of the tasks of the disciples in the Qi training period are around Qinghe Valley. It is normal for them to be in the pavilion, but the foundation building period and Jindan period are the main force to do the tasks. Why are there so many people there?

This sentence once again aroused Yingsan's desire to speak, because the disbelief brought by Mo You was thrown out of the sky, he glanced around like a thief, and said mysteriously: "It's not just these people, all the high-level Except for the absence of the deputy pavilion master, they all came back some time ago, and many sky-level assassins also came back."

Yunli blinked, "Tianji, Nascent Soul Stage True Monarch, aren't most of them guarding Wen Xueluo outside Yunshu Immortal Mansion?"

"The sky-level killer outside the Yunshu Immortal Mansion is also back?"

Ying San nodded, "The blame is here. During the last Xiaobi, Master Bai Lu was left guarding outside the Yunshu Immortal Mansion. But this time, all the lore came back."

Wei Lin suddenly asked: "The deputy pavilion master is still in Qingyao City?"

"No, he hasn't been in Qingyao City since more than a year ago, but he hasn't come back."

Seeing his joining, Yingsan's eyes lit up, did he discover another close friend?

Zhuo Zhuo's eyes fell on Wei Lin, and he was stunned: "Have you built the foundation?"

"He has entered the ninth floor of Qi training for three or four years, and foundation building is normal. Come on, let's talk about the deputy pavilion master, where did he go?"

Yunli quickly brought the topic back, and at a critical moment, she must not deviate from the topic.

Yingsan nodded blankly, yes, although she didn't have a fairy fate, but Qianjiu's talent was excellent, and there seemed to be nothing wrong with her foundation building.

Hearing the second part of Yunli's sentence, he shrugged his shoulders: "I don't know, I'm just a small foundation-building period, how can I know these things."

Yunli curled her lips: Many of the secrets you told me before were not something that should be known during the foundation building period.

After synthesizing all kinds of information, Yunli concluded: "It seems that something more important than Yunshu Immortal Mansion has happened in the pavilion!"

What is more important than Yun Shu Immortal Mansion, will it be Dong Lu Xianshi?

"Heroes see the same thing." Ying San patted her on the shoulder in relief.

After a pause, he asked casually, "By the way, where did you go on this mission? Why did you go for so long?"

He asked casually, and Yunli answered casually, "Nanling City."

Unexpectedly, after hearing the answer, his reaction was very violent, his eyes widened, and he swallowed desperately, obviously trying to endure what he wanted to blurt out.

Taking a deep breath, his expression was complicated: "You are going to do intelligence missions."

Yunli was shocked: "You even know this!"

Formal assassination and intelligence missions are strictly confidential and must not be leaked in private. Whether it is out of the credibility of the employer or the protection of one's own killer, it is not allowed.

Of course, no idiot would foolishly tell others who he killed. Wouldn't that give people a handle, and the intelligence mission would be more confidential, and people wouldn't even know that he was doing intelligence.

Ying San looked around vigilantly, and lowered his voice: "When I went to Tianyun City to deliver the goods, I saw a few disciples of the real emperor in the pavilion, wearing the guard uniforms of a certain family, chatting with other delivery team members when they came back. At that time, I heard that other big cities also had elite disciples mixed into the aristocratic family, and all of them were the personal heirs of the most popular true emperors in the pavilion."

"The cultivation bases are also very similar. They are all in the early stage of foundation building and late stage of Qi training. In addition, last month, they all returned to the pavilion."

The intelligence personnel pay attention to a secret. Those who are well-known in the cabinet will never be sent to do intelligence. At the beginning, he didn't think about it. After they left, they didn't hear that anyone died or anything. After losing his things, he realized that those elite disciples were there to collect information.

Wei Lin was a little surprised. He didn't expect him to have such a delicate mind besides chatterbox. Does chatterbox have a way of finding out information?
Under his expectant eyes, Yunli said: "Intel mission, you can't say it."

Ying San nodded in understanding.

Wei Lin was thoughtful, and they all came back. It seems that the pavilion has confirmed the time of Dong Lu's reappearance, and the next step is to send people into the interior of the four major factions.

This topic can't go on anymore, after thinking about it, Ying San winked and said, "Ri Jing Shi is not in the pavilion during this time, you can rest assured."

(End of this chapter)

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