all the way to fairy

Chapter 145 Bribery

Chapter 145 Bribery
After Xiaobi, Qian Jiu offended Jing Shi, the manager of the city building, and it was no secret in the pavilion that he was wearing small shoes. He couldn't help with big things, but he could still do such small things as a reminder.

Yunli was secretly delighted, she was worrying about how to calmly lead the matter to this, Ying San, this little padded jacket, is so caring!
"Thank you, uncle, for letting me know."

She glanced around, no one paid attention to them, they were all in small groups, discussing Mo You and Lei Jie quietly but fiercely.

"Tell me about this, my senior brother didn't kill his daughter, why did he catch us and won't let him go? You're so narrow-minded."

Encountering this kind of person whose cultivation base is stronger than yours, who is in power and who is making trouble unreasonably, he can only consider himself unlucky. Ying San looked at Wei Lin sympathetically, and the latter returned a wry smile in due course.

"Uncle Shi, you are an old man in the pavilion. You should know a lot about Master Jingshi. Tell us about it. We will find a way to resolve the grievance later."

Yingsan gave her a sideways glance, to defuse the shit, he has known her for so long, and he knows a little bit about what kind of person she is, so he won't suffer or be offended.

If Jing Shixiu hadn't been much higher than them and had fought back earlier, how could he have obediently rubbed him flat and rounded him, what to resolve the grievances, didn't he just want to know some secrets and seize the opportunity to kill him.

However, Jing Shi's life and death don't matter to him, he's just bragging about the glorious deeds of Xia Shilou's steward.

Then, he explained in detail all the things about Jing Shi that he had seen and heard from others.

During the period, the grievances and hatreds of the "Jing" generation were described in detail, especially the two or three things that had to be said between Jing Shi and Jing Shisan;
Jing Shi's long journey of chasing his wife and the couple's devotion to praying for a child without fear of hardships and dangers; after the death of his wife, Jing Shi's grief, and then to his life as a baby daddy.
Yunli couldn't help rubbing her ears, let alone Wei Lin, who was already on the verge of collapse. They just wanted to know when Jing Shi built his foundation, so they could speculate whether he had lit a soul lamp.

After telling the story of Jing Shi's life, Ying San left contentedly. Before leaving, he said earnestly that if he wanted to know the stories of other seniors next time, he could also tell them.

After getting the news that Jing Shi established the foundation after the age of 30, Yunli was relieved, it seems that the soul lamp has not been lit.

Three days later, Mission Hall.

Wei Lin greeted politely: "Senior Brother Shen Yi."

When sending people into the interior of the four major sects, one would definitely not choose someone with too high a cultivation level, and as the most direct superior of Huang-level and Xuan-level killers, he has the most comprehensive information on the disciples. People, the question of candidates, the cabinet will definitely refer to his opinions.

Seeing them, Shen Yi was stunned, and said gently: "Do you want to take on the mission? Not in the near future, all the killers of the yellow and black ranks must stay in the pavilion."

He sure knows!
Wei Linfeng's eyes flashed, and then he showed a clear expression, and said softly: "I'm going to pick someone to go to the four major sects."

The book in Shen Yi's hand was pinched and deformed, and he lost his voice: "You know?!"

Wei Lin smiled slightly, "Donglu came into being only 80 years later, and the four major sects control Donglu's news. If we want to know Donglu's news in a timely and accurate manner, we can only send disciples to spy on it."

During his analysis, Shen Yi had already sorted out his emotions, his eyes wandered around the two of them, and finally fixed his gaze on Wei Lin, saying: "It seems that you are not here to pick up the task today."

Wei Lin generously put a storage bag on the counter: "We are here to ask you for help."

kindness?Yunli's almond eyes widened, senior brother, have you never bribed anyone?How can bribery be so arrogant?Shouldn't you be bleating quietly?
"Help? Do you want to go to the Four Sects as a spy?"

"Senior brother was joking." He pointed at Yunli: "She goes."

Shen Yi's gaze became more subtle. Qian Shi was indeed on the list of candidates for spying. He had five spiritual roots, was not eye-catching, and was born with supernatural powers. When in danger, he also had a certain amount of self-protection power.

The most important thing is that she was the first to report back the specific time of Dong Lu's appearance this time, and it was confirmed by the news sent back by her elite disciples later.

After pondering for a moment, he pushed the storage bag back: "She's already on the list, so don't worry, junior."

Yunli couldn't help but slander her, she didn't have a blue book, so of course she wasn't in a hurry, if she hadn't followed Mo You into Xingyao Mountain and never came out again, she would have been crossed out from the list long ago, alas, it seems that she won't be able to in the future Feel free to use Huanshiya.

Look at these one or two, they all covet her silk, Lan Shu is a girl's house, Zhenjun Shenshen, Master Zhou of Ziguang City, etc., a lot of old men want her silk!

Think of a big man with a thick back and a rough face waving an orange damask, ouch, that picture is so beautiful that I dare not look at it.

Wei Lin pushed the spirit stone over, the night was long and dreamy, so it had to be confirmed early.

"Senior Sister Lan Shu is busy sharing the worries of the Pavilion Master, and Senior Brother has to take care of things in the Mission Hall. This bit of Lingshi should be regarded as the money for the tea that Senior Brother honors you."

A few years ago, he didn't believe that it was Shen Yi's intention to send a Qi training stage disciple and a group of foundation building stage monks to Tianyun City to deliver goods.

With Shen Yi's mentality, they must have guessed a little bit about their grievances with Lan Shu. When he mentioned Lan Shu, Shen Yi would not fail to understand what he meant.

Sure enough, Shen Yi weighed it for a moment, and then smiled warmly, "Junior Brother reminded me that I have been busy recently, so it's better to hand in the list early so as not to forget it later. It's just that the four major sects except the Taiyi Sect, the other three The faction does not accept monks with five spirit roots outside the Lost Land."

And this rule?Yunli was overjoyed, this is good, it would be more reasonable for her to go to Taiyi School.

Wei Lin's face remained calm: "It doesn't matter where you go."

The goal was achieved, and the two were about to withdraw, but they noticed an unstable aura flying towards them from a distance. When the three came outside the house, a black shadow fell at their feet.

Yunli tilted her head, saw a section of gold exposed on her right shoulder, and muttered to herself: "Black robe and gold ornaments, heaven-level killer, Nascent Soul Stage!"

After she said that, she opened her mouth wide, and the unconscious person lying on the ground turned out to be Nascent Soul Stage!
She raised her head and looked into the distance, is Canye Pavilion going to be besieged by decent factions?
The sky was high and the clouds were clear, no one was there, and no one was chasing after him.

Lowering his head, Shen Yi had already turned the person over, seeing his face clearly, Shen Yi said in surprise: "Uncle Ruoyi!"


Is Shen Yi the apprentice of Nascent Soul cultivator? !
Shen Yi hurriedly took the elixir for him, and used spiritual power to help him dissipate the medicine, Ruoyi coughed a few times, woke up leisurely, saw Shen Yi, he hurriedly said: "Quick, cough cough, hurry up Go, hurry up and report to the pavilion master, Wen and Wen Xueluo have escaped!"

After finishing speaking, he tilted his head and fell unconscious again.

She turned her head and asked Wei Lin: "Did I hear you right, he said that Wen Xueluo escaped?"

Even if there were no lore guards and some personnel were withdrawn, Yunshu Immortal Mansion still had four Nascent Soul Stage monks and a dozen Golden Core stage monks stationed there. Surrounded by so many masters, Wen Xueluo escaped! ! !
Shen Yi stood up, pushed Ruoyi towards Wei Lin, and was about to rush to inform the Pavilion Master and others immediately, but suddenly realized that he didn't know anything, and it would take Ruoyi to explain things clearly, so he stopped again , Holding Ruoyi in his arms, he was about to leave with the sword.

Yunli condensed a grain of phantom sand with her backhand and threw it at the crease of Ruoyi's girdle. How could such a big news be missed!

Wei Lin's heart skipped a beat, and he glared at her, so courageous that he dared to make a move under his nose.

She stuck out her tongue, pulled Wei Lin, and excitedly said: "Let's go, go back and watch the live broadcast."

Returning to the small courtyard like a whirlwind, took a deep breath, calmed down, and moved the sea of ​​consciousness to feel the divine consciousness in the sand.

"How is it? Did you see it?" Wei Lin asked. Speaking of it, she has become very proficient at translating sand in more than a year. Although there are still some small flaws, it doesn't matter.

It's just a grain of sand, who would pay attention? Even if you find the sand on your clothes, you will brush it off subconsciously.

However, it was the first real implementation of eavesdropping with sand.

"Yes, I can see it." She frowned, "It's just that my consciousness is trapped in the sand and I dare not let it out. I can only see the black color of his belt."

(End of this chapter)

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