all the way to fairy

Chapter 146 Eavesdropping

Chapter 146 Eavesdropping
"Ah." This detail has never been considered, and Wei Lin instructed: "Don't release your consciousness, just listen."

Envoy Yunli nodded, his eyes sparkling, suppressing his excitement, he felt the voice from the other side of his consciousness seriously, and rebroadcasted it dutifully: "That Zhenjun Ruoyi hasn't woken up yet, and the others are discussing in a low voice. Well, someone went in, yes Lord!"

She bent the corner of her mouth, the key is here!
"What's going on?" Xingye's voice sounded.

Yunli immediately rebroadcasted: "The pavilion master is asking a question, his voice is sullen and restrained, obviously on the verge of eruption."

"Huh? Why is no one answering?"

Just as he was in doubt, Jing Zhe's indifferent voice came: "He only left a sentence saying that Wen Xueluo escaped and fell into a coma. The specifics will not be known until he wakes up. Mangzhong has already rushed to the outside of Moyun City."

Then there was the sound of Xingye's inhalation, which should be suppressing his anger: "How is he?"

"Spiritual power is exhausted, meridians are broken, dantian is damaged, and the soul is broken. If you don't treat it well, you will lose all your cultivation and become a disabled person in the future."

It was still Jingzhe who was talking, Yunli was slightly puzzled: "It's not just the Pavilion Master and Lord Jingzhe, right?"

Can't it, didn't it mean that all the big lore are in the pavilion?And Shen Yi, as the person who sent Zhenjun Ruoyi there, the person who holds the first clue, wouldn't he not be there?
At this time, in the chamber.

Bailu's palms were full of energy, and she was trying her best to treat Ruoyi. Xingye walked back and forth violently with his hands behind his back. If it was someone else, he would be tough enough to wake them up regardless, but if Ruoyi was No.1 under the lore , and made good friends with many sky-level killers, if he is forcibly awakened and his path is ruined, others will inevitably be chilled.

Compared with him, Jing Zhe is very calm, playing with the teacup in his hand, but the extra fine lines on the teacup show that his heart is not at peace.

The rest of the higher-ups lowered their heads, as if they wanted to see a flower on the floor, while Shen Yi, who was mixed with a bunch of nascent souls, stood in the corner, trying his best to reduce his sense of existence.

After half an hour, Ruoyi coughed a few times and finally woke up.

"How about it?"

Xingye strode forward and asked hastily, and the rest of the people couldn't help looking at him.

Ruo's eyes turned red, and his voice was sad: "Pavilion master, the subordinates waited for the ineffective guards, so Wen Xueluo escaped."

Zhenjun Xingye's expression was ferocious for a moment, but he was quickly suppressed, and asked in a deep voice, "What's going on?"

Ruoyi sat up on support, shaking his lips: "A month ago, the Yunshu Immortal Mansion suddenly had a blue aura, I hurried up to check, and a blue petal lamp floated out of the Immortal Mansion, shining brightly. The blue light shrouded it, and the surrounding environment soon became yellow sand all over the sky."

Xingye said solemnly, "Illusion?"

Ruo nodded: "It's an illusion, and I know I'm in an illusion, but I can't break through."

As soon as he closed his eyes, he seemed to have returned to an illusion. The yellow sand in the sky was swept by the strong wind, and his body and soul seemed to be cut by the wind blade. grain.

He trembled unconsciously. The fine sand had never felt so terrifying before, and he couldn't help shivering even thinking about the suffocation.

Slowing down, the fear on his face was slightly suppressed: "More than a month later, the illusion collapsed, and I came out of the illusion. Only then did I realize that other people had also fallen into the illusion, and some even died in the illusion , and the Yunshu Immortal Mansion and the petal lamp are both missing."

If Yixin had lingering fears, if the illusion hadn't exhausted his spiritual power and collapsed on his own, he might have died in the illusion as well.

Yunli, who eavesdropped, was shocked. Is the illusion so awesome?
Wen Xueluo crippled a bunch of Nascent Soul Golden Pills by herself. If this formation is repeated a few more times, the Canye Pavilion may be wiped out!
Thinking about themselves, for a mere Jing Shi, they were traps and calculations, and they tried their best to kill him, but they got nothing.

gap!Big difference!

No, I can no longer focus on these messy magic spells and seals in the future, her mortal world is king.

She immediately decided that in the future, she must study the spells that came with the Hongchen Kungfu. Huo Xin has the nature of a charm, it can't be considered an illusion, and she can relax a bit, but the spell of illusion must be practiced well.

Sand is only the first step. Leaves, flowers, and utensils are all acceptable. Although sand is inconspicuous, there are always scenes that are not suitable for it. You have to learn other things earlier.

Wei Lin was thoughtful, the cyan light, the petal lamp, and the strangle marks on the branches in the secret realm, it seems that the petal lamp that Wen Xueluo snatched away was for illusion, and it was very suitable for Ah Li, he felt a pity.

After talking for a while, Ruoyi couldn't hold it any longer. He was clutching his waist and was about to move when his palm felt a little tight. The touch felt like sand. He was stunned for a moment. The touch of the dark lines, there is no sand, is it an illusion?
He closed his eyes, trying to wake himself up.

Yunli almost had a cardiac arrest, and her vest was soaked thoroughly. When she felt Ruoyi's hand pressing on the sand, she made a decisive decision and dissipated the spiritual power of the sand.

"Nearly found out."

It's just that spiritual power can be dispensed with, but spiritual consciousness cannot be dispensed with.Let the consciousness slide down Ruoyi's clothes to the couch below. Fortunately, everyone's minds are now shaken by the illusion, and no one pays attention to Ruoyi. Ruoyi himself is in an extremely weak state, so she escapes.

It's just that she can't eavesdrop any more. She cut off the connection with that divine consciousness, and lost the package of spiritual power. .

Wei Lin's back was dripping with cold sweat. Using illusions to eavesdrop was still dangerous. He warned: "When you go to the Taiyi School, don't be rash. The task is not important. You must protect yourself first."

"Not sure yet." Yunli curled her lips, although the horoscope has already been turned, but there are variables until Taiyizong, it is too early to tell.

A cold light flashed in Wei Lin's eyes, "You have to go."

"It's not up to you to decide."

After muttering, she shook her head, and gloated: "Tsk tsk, troubled times, Mo You's matter has not been resolved, Wen Xueluo ran away again, it's been a month, it seems that this time I really escaped from birth; and Donglu's It's enough for the pavilion master to worry about it."

Wei Lin's eyes were heavy: "I hope that the matter of going to the four major sects will not be delayed."

"It's okay, as long as the list is handed in, she won't be able to stop it." Yunli comforted. Lan Shu didn't have that much say in this matter, after all, Donglu was related to the ban on the mainland.

Wei Lin was very worried, if this happened, would Shen Yi still hand in the list?At this moment, he was afraid that he wished the pavilion master could forget him.

In the conference hall, Xingye forced himself to calm down, Mo You had to come by himself, Yunshu Immortal Mansion and Donglu, naturally Donglu was more important, but right now Yunshu Immortal Mansion was more urgent, missed the opportunity, seized The chances of keeping her are even slimmer.

Thinking about this, he quickly made a decision: "Jing Zhe, let Ruoqi handle Donglu in advance, and you lead people to hunt down Wen Xueluo with all your might."

"Yes." Jing Zhe replied.

"Ruoqi, arrange a group of people to go to the four major sects as soon as possible. In a year or so, it will be the day when the four major sects start to recruit disciples. Choose people early and arrange their identities in advance."


A thin and refined man stepped forward and replied respectfully, "Yes."

After arranging things, Xing Ye hurried out of the meeting hall, Mo You couldn't do without him there.

As soon as Xingye left, the others immediately took action, and even Ruoyi was carried away. Soon, only Ruoqi and Shen Yi were left in the conference hall.

"Master." Shen Yi took out the list and handed it over: "This is the list."

Ruo Qi glared at him, and scolded: "In the future, this kind of thing will be less contaminated."

Shen Yi smiled helplessly, this matter is not a question of whether he thinks about it, if a senior uncle happens to fall on the side of the mission hall, can he ignore it?

Seeing his expression, Ruoqi said patiently: "I warned you that this world will be unsealed sooner or later. We can't control what happens to other people, but you yourself, don't be contaminated if you can't be contaminated by karma. Now Donglu is alive. It has been decided, and the mainland will soon lift the ban, so we must be more cautious."

(End of this chapter)

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