all the way to fairy

Chapter 147 Temporary Parting

Chapter 147 Temporary Parting

"Master's teachings, disciples keep in mind, this incident is also an accident"

Shen Yi is sincere and respectful, the master treats him like his own, how could he not listen to the master's words.

Everyone in the pavilion said that if Qizhenjun had a weak character and was a fool, he knew that Master was more kind than most so-called decent people. Will be respected by many people.

After listening to his explanation, Ruoqi took the list and looked at it, and suddenly said: "You should not get involved in the matter between Lan Shu and Qianjiu, and if Qianjiu does not blame you, don't conflict with him." .”


Shen Yi should be straightforward, he has always kept a respectful distance from these lore and pavilion master's disciples, and with Master around, they will not make things too difficult for him.

Ruo Qi raised his head suddenly, and changed to voice transmission: "If one day, if avoidance is inevitable, Lan Shu and Qian Jiu must offend one, then offend Lan Shu."

Shen Yi was stunned, Lan Shu and Qian Jiu, no matter what, it would be more troublesome to offend Lan Shu.

"There is too much complexity behind this matter. Knowing too much will not do you any good. You just need to remember to stay away from their grievances."

"Yes." Although Shen Yi was full of doubts, he still agreed.

On the other side, guessing that the people in the conference hall had dispersed, Yunli quietly withdrew that divine thought.

At dawn the next day, Yunli received a special call from Shen Yi, asking her to go to the mission hall alone.

She raised her head holding the sound transmission talisman, and smiled brightly: "Our goal has been achieved, I'm leaving, senior brother."

Laughing and laughing, her voice trembled a little, and she kept talking about leaving, but it seemed that there were many difficulties. Unexpectedly, this day came suddenly.

It was only at this moment that she realized, or in other words, she had deliberately not thought about this issue before, that leaving Canye Pavilion also meant saying goodbye to her senior brother.

From now on, one is in decent, one is in cult, one is in Nanshan department, and the other is in Dongshan department, thousands of miles apart, it will be difficult to meet again.

Wei Lin raised the corners of his lips, "Well, take care."

"I," Yunli choked with sobs, opened her mouth, she had a thousand words to say, but she didn't know what to say first.

"Go, Senior Brother Shen Yi is waiting."


"Don't worry, I will find you."

She blinked her eyes, suppressing the tears in her eyes, "Senior brother, you have to be good, and when I get the antidote, we will fight the sword together and wander the world."

Wei Lin's voice was a little hoarse: "Okay."

She turned and walked out of the house.

At dawn, the sky was blue and gray, and the earth was hazy, as if covered with a layer of silver-gray veil. The moment she stepped out of the house, the sky suddenly brightened.The morning sun in the east shone on her body, and the black robe was smudged by the sun, giving off a radiant glow.

Standing in the shadow of the room, Wei Lin slowly curled his lips, which is really a good sign.

How could a girl like her, like him, fall into endless killings one after another, and fall into the endless dark abyss.

In the mission hall, Shen smiled to Yunli, got up and opened the bead curtain in the inner room behind him, and said softly, "Go in."

Shen Yi didn't release the mission this time, Yunli smiled back at him and walked in.

As soon as she entered, her eyes naturally fell on the man in gray clothes standing by the window.

The man was thin, with a gentle and elegant temperament, not as cold and severe as the killers in the pavilion. His loose off-white clothes were blown away by the morning wind by the window, as if he was about to ride away in the next moment.

Hearing the sound, the man turned around, with a faint smile on the corner of his mouth, his facial features were soft, like the finest jade that has become round after years of carving.


The voice was not aggressive, it was gentle and gentle, like a warm sun passing through her heart, and the sadness of parting in Yunli's heart was temporarily healed to some extent.

She nodded, "I have seen Zhenjun."

Ruoqi took out a jade slip and handed it to her, "This is the task, and there is no time limit."

Yunli took the jade slip and stuck it between her eyebrows. The mission requirements, contact methods, and even the detailed information of the Taiyi School were all engraved in her mind.

Seeing her finish digesting the jade slips, Ruoqi handed her a white jade bottle, "This is your antidote to Devil May Cry for three years, let's go now."

that's it?
Yunli was surprised, Zhenjun, do you have anything else to explain?If it's just to hand over something, Shen Yi can do it too.

Although she was full of doubts, she didn't dare to ask, and she obediently left after saying yes.

After leaving the mission hall, she looked in the direction of Neigu from a distance, and she turned to leave.

One day, she will take the antidote and leave here with her senior brother!

At dusk, Lan Shu walked out of the secret passage, rubbed his brows wearily, and walked towards his small courtyard.When she reached the intersection, she paused, changed direction, and headed towards Xinghui Mountain. The matter of Cheng Ling could not be delayed any longer.

Unexpectedly, when she arrived at Xinghui Mountain, she was told that her father had gone out more than a year ago and hadn't come back yet.

For some reason, she felt a little uneasy, hurried back to the small courtyard, and knocked on the door next door.

"Senior Sister Lan Shu."

Fortunately, Wei Lin moved quickly enough, otherwise there would be some twists and turns.

Not seeing Yunli, Lan Shu felt even more uneasy. Looking at Wei Lin's questioning eyes, she smiled: "These days are not peaceful, junior brother should not go out on missions."

"Thank you for the reminder, Sister."

"Junior Brother, you're being polite." After exchanging greetings, she quickly got to the point: "Why don't you see Junior Sister Qianshi?"

Wei Lin glanced at the yard, and seemed to realize that someone was missing, and frowned: "Where did you go?"

With his performance, Lan Shu felt a little relieved, and comforted him: "Junior Brother, don't worry, Junior Sister Qianshi must have gone out for something, and she will be fine in the valley."

Wei Lin still frowned, after comforting Wei Lin, Lan Shu returned to his yard.

In the middle of the night, seeing that Yunli hadn't come back, Lan Shu couldn't sit still. Qianshi was different from other monks. She still maintained a mortal routine and would go to bed at night. She hadn't returned yet at this time, so she must not be in the valley up!

She went directly to the mission hall. At this time, the disciples in the valley were not allowed to come in and out at will, and the only way out of the valley was to receive the mission.

"Where is Qianshi?"

As soon as he entered the mission hall, Lan Shu questioned him unceremoniously, and he was no longer as gentle as before.

Shen Yi was a little surprised by her reaction. Lan Shu always valued face, and he thought that no matter how unhappy she was, he should retort with reason and evidence. He came here in such a hurry. is even deeper.

"It's a mission."

"What task, where exactly, who arranged it?"

Lan Shu hurriedly asked, his voice as cold as ice, and the question was followed by a naked questioning, and his gaze towards Shen Yi was like a knife, who else could arrange tasks for the disciples in the Qi training period, except himself.

Shen Yi didn't speak, but looked in the direction of the inner room, following his line of sight, Lan Shu narrowed his eyes slightly, maybe there was someone inside, she threw open the bead curtain.

The two people in the room looked over at the same time, seeing the people in the room clearly, Lan Shu's face was stiff for a moment, and then he forced out a smile: "Uncle Ruo Qi."

Ruo Qi nodded slightly, and then said softly to the Qi-training seventh-level disciple in front of him, "Leave the valley immediately, there must be no mistakes."

The disciple bowed to the two of them and then turned to go out. After a while, Lan Shu had already concealed his emotions, tilted his head slightly, and raised the corners of his lips: "What task, I have to be assigned by Uncle Labor himself."

Ruo Qi glanced at her lightly, the inner room formation can prevent people outside from eavesdropping, but it doesn't prevent the inside from listening to what's going on outside, he heard her gaffe just now clearly.

"Send someone to the Four Great Factions."

Lan Shu's heart skipped a beat. She had been thinking about how to get the orange silk these days, but she forgot about it. Thinking of Yunli who had disappeared, she panicked and almost blurted out: "Qianshi is gone too?"


After receiving an affirmative answer, Lan Shu cried out: "How could she go?"

Facing the puzzlement in Shang Ruoqi's eyes, she added: "During the Xiaobi period, with a mere four-level cultivation in the qi training period, she was able to overwhelm everyone with eight or nine levels of qi training. She is so eye-catching, how can she be a secret agent?" ?”

This is also the reason why she never thought about Qian Shihui being a spy, that's not a low-key temperament.

(End of this chapter)

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