all the way to fairy

Chapter 148 Meeting Wen Xueluo Again

Chapter 148 Meeting Wen Xueluo Again

"That's her innate supernatural power, which cannot be seen by the senior leaders of the four major sects. On the contrary, this power can provide her with a certain amount of self-protection power."

After all, in the eyes of most people, physical cultivation is difficult to be refined, so what about natural supernatural power, without a good spiritual root qualification, there is no hope for the road.

"But she is the root of five spirits, and the four major factions will not accept five—"

Speaking of this blue book, the other three sects do not accept Wulinggen disciples, but the Taiyi sect is an exception.

The Taiyi sect accepts disciples not only based on aptitude but also on character. There is a climbing ladder for disciples to try at the beginning.

After passing the climbing ladder, anyone with spiritual roots can join the Taiyi Sect. This rule is only for children from the Forgotten Land.

Seeing that she had already figured it out, Ruoqi didn't reply, but said: "Furthermore, she sent back the news of Donglu's present world this time quickly and accurately, and she is the first choice to be a spy. They will also be sent to the Taiyi Sect."

He inadvertently emphasized the sound on the word "I". My apprentice is always involved in this matter, so it's better to get it out earlier.

Lan Shu let out a foul breath. When it comes to this matter, there is no possibility of turning this matter around. He lowered his eyes to suppress the anger in his heart, glanced at the people waiting at the door from the corner of his eye, and said, "Uncle Shi is busy with business, Lan Shu Stop bothering."

After leaving the mission hall, Lan Shu's face was stern, and he stared viciously at the direction of Wei Lin's yard. For the time being, I can't do anything to Qian Shi, and I can't do anything to you, Qian Jiu! ——
Time flies, it has been more than a year since Yunli came to Tianyun City.

For more than a year, she rented a cave in Tianyun City, concentrated on cultivation, and waited for Tai Yizong to open the mountain to accept disciples.

Three days later, it will be the first day of Tai Yizong accepting disciples.

Needless to say, in Sky Cloud City, all the inns in the Dongfu were rented out as early as three months ago. Besides, many people chose to camp outside the Taiyi Sect Huzong Mountain, hoping to participate in the selection of disciples as soon as possible.

Yunli retreated from the cave, rushed to the foot of Taiyizong Mountain ahead of time, and joined the camping army.

The Taiyi School's acceptance of apprentices lasted for three months. Most of the candidates here are qi-training monks who have absorbed their qi into their bodies, and the disciples in the ordinary world are selected by the internal disciples of the Taiyi School.

Although there are very few people with spiritual roots in the mortal world, there are also bright pearls like An Ran and Wei Lin.

Yunli glanced around, picked an inconspicuous corner, took out a small wooden house to live in, and would guard here, most of them were casual cultivators or monks from small families, and the cultivation base of the accompanying personnel was not much higher. At most the foundation period.

And in this year, she has finally successfully advanced to the middle stage of foundation establishment, and her external cultivation performance has been adjusted to the seventh level of Qi training, so she is not afraid of people coming to trouble her.

Although being a secret agent needs to be low-key, she must also show some strength. If she is too cautious, resulting in not being selected or being assigned to a handyman, she must not cry to death.

The handyman disciple is at the bottom of the whole sect, not even a disciple of the Tai Yi Sect. The main job is to work, and the side job is to practice. There is no salary and no human rights. She doesn't want to be ordered around.

Three days later, the morning light was twilight, the sky was white, and two rainbow lights flew out from the majestic peaks of the Taiyi Sect, suspended in the air, and everyone in the camp stopped their cultivation, stood up and looked up at the sky.

Two Jindan male cultivators dressed in gold-rimmed shirts with a white background and embroidered with small golden sword patterns on the skirts stared down, and the one on the left slowly said: "Poverty Dao Tai Yizong Kaiyu, welcome everyone to come from afar, this selection will last for a week. Years, all under the age of 16 can participate."

The man on the right made tactic with both hands, one after another complicated tactic flew out from his fingertips, and fell into the vast cloud and mist behind him. After a while, amidst the lingering cloud and mist, a stone ladder was looming, leading from the foot of the mountain to the sky.

"Now, all fellow Taoists who want to join our Taiyi Sect are invited to climb the ladder one by one. Only those who reach the top before noon will be eligible to join our Taiyi Sect."

As soon as he finished speaking, a bunch of people swarmed forward, scrambling to step forward, stepping on the ladder earlier, the more hope of passing through.

Yunli looked at the shadowy sky ladder in the clouds and mists. Can such things as climbing stairs really be used to test the mind of cultivating Taoism?She was skeptical.

When most of the people had stepped on the ladder, she walked up slowly with doubts. An invisible formation enveloped her body, and she could no longer mobilize her spiritual power, nor could she use her spiritual sense.

It turned out that she couldn't use spiritual power. She looked up at the vast clouds and mist in front of her, and nodded in understanding. If she had spiritual power, the xinxing test would be greatly reduced.

Thinking of the various storybook novels she had read before, this kind of test was often accompanied by hallucinations. She couldn't help becoming cautious, and looked around while walking, trying to find things that might lead to hallucinations, such as a flower, a leaf, a mirror a drop of water.

However, nothing happened, but she climbed the stairs for an hour, tired and thirsty. She wanted to quench her thirst with fruit, but found that the storage bag could not be opened.

Looking around, she still couldn't see the end of the stairs, and she cried in her heart. All her belongings were in the storage bag, and she could only hold on until she climbed up.

This is a lesson, I rely too much on the storage bag. Fortunately, today is just a test. If it is a critical moment of life and death, if you lose your life because you can't open the storage bag, it is wrong to think about it.

Thinking like this, climbing the stone steps is not so boring.

"My mine, it's all mine, it's all mine."

Suddenly there was a frantic voice on the stone steps that were so silent that only the sound of her own footsteps could be heard, Yunli was almost startled.

Following the sound, she quickened her steps forward, and a thin boy stood there, his eyes were dull, his face was flushed abnormally, and his hands were scratching the air over and over again, screaming wildly while scratching.

Yunli frowned, there was an illusion, why didn't she encounter it?

Going around the crazy man, and then walked forward, walking, a big knife slashed from the side, she stepped back a few steps, looked at the burly man with closed eyes, holding a hundred catty big knife in both hands, slashing the air like mad Boy, the mood is very complicated. You still carry such a heavy sword with you. Brother, you really love it so much!
Seeing the burly boy sprinting to the side with a big knife, she quickly passed through the high-risk area. Along the way, there were all kinds of people, screaming, crying hoarsely, standing dumbfounded. Yes, shouting for help, and even lying on the stone steps and letting out indescribable lewd laughter.

Yunli bypassed them and walked forward. It seems that the illusion doesn't work on her. I don't know if Tai Yizong has any backstage operations. If people know that she is not trapped by the illusion, will they follow her?

How about following those people's example and going crazy for a while?
Thinking back to the various people she saw just now, she shook her head, no, it will damage the image, it is really not good, try the one who stood there in a daze.

As she thought this way, a girl standing quietly in front of her suddenly lowered her head and took a few deep breaths. It seemed that she had come out of the illusion and was trying to calm down.

Hearing footsteps behind her, the girl straightened her body, turned around and looked over vigilantly.

Seeing her face clearly, Yunli was stunned, Wen, Wen Xueluo? !
Why is she here?

It turned out that she was hiding under the Taiyi Sect mountain. Although she hadn't had any contact with the pavilion for more than a year, she also knew that the pavilion must be searching for her from all over the world. She didn't expect that she was hiding among the candidate disciples of the Taiyi Sect.

That's right, after all it's the gate of the Taiyi Sect, and the Canye Pavilion didn't dare to blatantly search. In addition, in order to allow these spies to sneak in smoothly, the pavilion will not cause trouble among the candidates of the four major sects.

If this leads to a re-investigation by the four major sects, the identities of these people can't help but be strictly investigated.

Seeing the girl in front of her with a cold face and exuding an air of repulsion all over her body, and thinking that she had robbed her senior brother of his chance, and also caused her senior brother to be embarrassed by Jing Shi in various ways, Yunli felt her hands a little itchy and wanted to punch someone.

While Yunli's expression was changing, Wen Xueluo was also stunned. She hadn't seen her for many years. The little girl who followed Qianjiu back then had grown up and her face was not as immature as before. She still recognized her at a glance.

(End of this chapter)

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