all the way to fairy

Chapter 149 A Tacit Compromise

Chapter 149 A Tacit Compromise

A series of question marks appeared in Wen Xueluo's heart, why is she here?Have you also left the Remnant Night Pavilion?Why isn't Qianjiu here?dead?
Yunli narrowed her eyes slightly, no, I can't do it here, if there is a live broadcast in the background, if I do it now, even if I was lucky enough to enter the Taiyi sect, it's hard to guarantee that I won't be noticed, how could she start her secret agent career.

Wen Xueluo on the opposite side also thought of this level. She was carrying a treasure, so she naturally didn't want to attract attention. If there was no pursuit by Canye Pavilion, she would not choose to enter the Taiyi Sect.

Such a large sect has many monks and profound background. When there is no conflict, it may not be able to provide you with protection. On the contrary, when interests are opposed, their obstruction is even more deadly.

But only after entering the Taiyi School, Can Yege's hand can't reach in, even if the whereabouts behind her are leaked, she doesn't dare to make a move blatantly, and she will have the confidence to face Canye Pavilion after the alchemy is formed.

Regardless of the past grievances, now is not the time to do something. The two looked at each other, opened a distance, and walked forward side by side in silence.

One after another was left behind by them, and the two kept walking side by side, of course not because they were in love with each other, but because no one would leave the other's back.

After walking in such silence for an unknown amount of time, Yunli suddenly thought of one thing, how did Wen Xueluo get through these years without the antidote for Devil May Cry?
She turned her head in shock, her Devil May Cry has been relieved? !

Seeing her turn her head, Wen Xueluo moved a foot away warily.

Yunli immediately stopped her shock and gave her a friendly smile.It's a good thing I didn't do anything, otherwise this grievance would not be resolved.

So along the way, she was thinking about how to improve the relationship between the two of them, or whether to ask for repayment for the little life-saving grace at the beginning?
As she walked, Wen Xueluo beside her slowed down, and her expression was a little strange, Yunli was surprised, didn't she come out of the illusion?

How do you look at it, it seems that you have fallen into an illusion again?

She rubbed her stiff and painful knees, and slowed down. Wen Xueluo's face became more and more painful, and she was dripping with cold sweat. Slowly, she stopped, her whole body shaking like chaff, as if she had encountered something particularly frightening.

In an instant, fear turned to despair, a drop of tear soaked her long eyelashes, and slid down the corner of her eye, and when she opened her eyes again, there was dead silence in her eyes.

Yunli was stunned, she was only in her teens, what had happened to show such an expression at such a young age?
In the dead silence, a spark suddenly spun, and it burned more and more vigorously, and both eyes seemed to be burned, "No——I don't accept my fate! I, Wen Xueluo, refuse to accept my fate! I will never admit it!"

Yunli was startled by the sudden voice, and then felt divine consciousness swept over her.

Suddenly, she remembered that this should be the last section of the ladder, and asked her heart!

She walked up a few steps, showing a dull expression. This section of the road is the focus of the Taiyi Sect's selection of disciples. It is definitely not possible to walk directly there, but what is the specific question of this question?

While she was showing a struggling look, while she was thinking, Wen Xueluo's voice sounded again from behind, this time the voice was different from the raging anger just now, it was a little lower, but more determined and stern.

"I control my own life!"

Well, this ambition is very domineering!
After listening to her words, Yunli also had an inspiration. Struggle, bewilderment, contemplation, and firmness flashed across her face in turn, and she only needed to say one or two cool words, and it was almost done!
Just, what can I say?
All kinds of mottos flickered in her mind for a while, but she didn't know which one to choose. Seeing that she had been firm for too long, a flash of inspiration flashed in her mind, and she remembered a sentence that was very positive and positive, and it was especially suitable for the status of a monk. Immediately said: "Set up a heart for the world, and a life for the people."

As soon as the words came out of her mouth, she remembered that she was a secret agent. Isn't such a lofty ambition too eye-catching, but the words have already been spoken, she can't repeat it again, so she can only comfort herself silently, dreams, ambitions, be bigger It doesn't matter.

Feeling that Wen Xueluo behind her started to step forward again, she quickly opened her eyes, her eyes were clear, and she strode forward firmly.

Wen Xueluo glanced at her, slightly surprised, when did she walk in front of her?
Yunli smiled at her, and the two continued to walk side by side. The rest of the road went smoothly, and they reached the top soon.

This is a white marble square. On the left side of the square, there is a huge stone tablet of simple simplicity and solemnity.

There is a crystal pillar floating in the center of the square, and the two sides of the pillar are full of scales. After reading the information before, Yunli knows very well that this is the equipment used by the Taiyi School to measure the spiritual root, but why is it an upgraded version?

She just wants to be an ordinary disciple, so can the method of testing the spirit root be simpler.

Beside the crystal pillar were three middle-aged men who looked like they were in charge, and behind them were several disciples of the Taiyi Sect. The row on the left was inner disciples in platinum clothes.

Taiyizong's inner courtyard uniform is white with gold trim, and the cuffs and skirt are embroidered with simple sword patterns. Back then, Lin Chen and Su Mao, as well as the two Jindan monks who were suspended in the air and made a cool appearance outside the Huzong Mountain Gate , are all dressed like this.

The other two rows are the outer door and the handymen in gray clothes. Behind these three rows of people, there is a young man in black with a condensed temperament like Wen Xueluo's brother and sister.

The teenagers are obviously the same as them, and they are also the ones who have passed the climbing ladder test. It seems that they are the second and third people who have passed the climbing ladder test.

Seeing them, the steward in white pointed to the stone pillar standing beside him, and said in a flat voice, "Put your hands on it."

Yunli was relatively close to the stone pillar, so she naturally walked forward and put her hand on the stone pillar. Five colors of gold, green, blue, red, and yellow flickered under the stone pillar, and then five beams of light shot out from bottom to top.

The white-clothed steward's eyes lit up, staring at the crystal pillar, and the other Taiyi disciples unconsciously held their breath.

Seeing the middle posture, Yunli's secret path is not good. She only tested the spiritual root once, and it was a simplified version. She only measured the quantity, but did not test the purity of the spiritual root. Seeing this speed, she felt very guilty.

Judging from the speed of her daily cultivation and her affinity for spiritual qi, the purity of her spiritual root should not be too bad, but she didn't expect that she would be in this posture at the beginning. With this rising speed, she is really It is suspected that it will reach the top in minutes.

Seeing that the beam of light directly broke through the upper limit, Yunli became numb. With such a heaven-defying purity of her spiritual roots, how could she keep a low profile undercover?

Moreover, apart from Ah Yan and her cousin, Lin Chen, who came to accept apprentices in the Taiyi sect, also met her.

The other children who came from Liang Guo together might not have recognized her because of her young age and the [-]th transformation of the female college student, but Lin Chen, a monk, would not be mistaken. How would she explain where she had been all these years?
Unexpectedly, when they turned around, everyone's faces were filled with surprise, and there was no sign of shock.

Yunli was stunned for a moment, what's the matter?Isn't the upper limit of the purity of Tai Yizong's spiritual roots at full value?

The white-clothed steward pondered for a moment, then turned his head and said to the Tsing-clothed steward next to him, "The aptitude of the five spiritual roots, the purity is even, the seven-level cultivation of Qi training, 13 years old, let's enter your outer door."

The steward of the outer sect nodded. With her aptitude of five spirit roots, she can have such a cultivation level at this age, and she is the second person to climb the ladder. It makes sense.

He smiled gently, and took out a hexagonal jade tablet: "What's the little girl's name?"

Yunli put away the surprise in her heart, and quickly replied: "Yunli."

Wen Xueluo glanced at her, is this her real name?She remembered that before the small village was given a name, she had heard Qianjiu call her Ali.

The steward in Tsing Yi typed out the dao hand formula, entered her information into the jade token, handed it to her, and couldn't help but said to her: "The purity of your spiritual root is not only average, it's all 62, which is also rare."

ha?Is she dazzled?Obviously seeing that the five beams of light have broken through the upper limit, how could they all be 62?
Yunli blinked her eyes and put on a dazed expression. The steward in white next to her sneered, "Your name suits you quite well. You're in the fog."

(End of this chapter)

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