all the way to fairy

Chapter 150 People are not as good as chickens

Chapter 150 People are not as good as chickens
Yunli smiled shyly, she suddenly remembered the oolong she had cultivated before, and thinking about it again, when she had the emotion of not wanting it in her heart just now, the beam of light was indeed around the 60 mark.

The mortal cultivation technique is too heaven-defying!

The steward in Tsing Yi signaled her to stand in the queue, and he turned his head to chat with the steward in white: "It's really weird, with the climbing posture at the beginning, no matter what, you should be at 80. How can you say stop and stop, It came to an abrupt end without any warning."

"Maybe it's because she is a Wulinggen." The steward in white didn't care, and after he finished speaking, he signaled Wen Xueluo to come forward and test.

Wen Xueluo has the three spirit roots of gold, wood and earth. The gold spirit root is the purest, as high as 83, followed by the earth spirit root, with a purity of 76; the wood spirit root is weaker, only 61.

Her cultivation was already at the early stage of foundation establishment, and the steward in white assigned her to the inner sect without any hesitation.

Seeing Wen Xueluo standing next to the black-clothed boy, Yunli couldn't help but move to the side, both of them exuded a cold aura of keeping strangers away, it was too cold.

After waiting for another half an hour, someone came up. Yunli was extremely bored waiting. At noon, there were more people one after another, and the several managers were also tired.

At noon, the day's apprenticeship finally came to an end. After the steward distributed the novice gift packs for them, the steward in white left with a group of newly promoted Taiyi inner sect disciples.

The outer sect and the handyman began to assign tasks and residences to the new disciples. Xu Shi left the first impression on the steward. Yunli's task was very easy. He went to Xiaomufeng to take care of Danyang's spiritual pet - the black-crowned pheasant.

As for raising spiritual pets, you only need to feed them every day, and you can arrange the rest of the time on your own. Compared with other tasks that require patience, such as spiritual plants and plants, she still finds it easier to raise spiritual pets.

Yunli was very happy in her heart, and she silently praised the steward for being a good person.

After everyone's tasks were assigned, Yu Jian, an outsider teacher surnamed Yang, took her to Xiaomu Peak, and while flying, he introduced the general situation to her: "This black-crowned pheasant is the favorite pet of Master Danyang of Qingmu Peak. , Daoist Danyang went into seclusion, so he entrusted our deacon hall to take care of him."

Wait, the logic is a bit wrong, Yunli blinked, and confirmed: "Reverend Danyang of Qingmu Peak, should I go to Xiaomu Peak to take care of his spiritual pet?"

The disciple Yujian in front hooked his lips sympathetically, "That's right."

It's a pity that Yunli's focus was not on his expression, she took a breath, which means that the black-crested pheasant took up a mountain by itself? !

Let me go, what kind of family property is Tai Yizong? Spiritual pets can monopolize the top of the mountain.

Immediately, she realized that even though the Taiyi sect was rich and powerful, with a vast land and few people, and local tyrants allocated caves to spiritual pets, not all spiritual pets could have their own independent hills. She tentatively asked: "Uncle Yang, is this black crown What strength is the pheasant?"

Unexpectedly, Uncle Yang, who was very kind at first glance, laughed: "The black-crowned pheasant has the blood of Kunpeng, which is very precious. Daoist Danyang has always cherished it, so you have to take good care of it."

Judging from this, this black-crested pheasant is likely to be pampered, and I am afraid it will not be easy to raise. Yunli thumped in her heart, and withdrew her previous compliment to the steward of Tsing Yi. It turned out to be a glutinous rice ball stuffed with sesame seeds.

As soon as she arrived at Xiaomu Peak, Uncle Yang put her down, threw her a chicken raising manual, and flew away in a hurry, as if there was a ghost chasing after her.

Yunli opened the manual in her hand and gasped again. Are you sure you are raising chickens?
Only eat top-grade ling rice, drink only the morning dew, use all kinds of ling fruit as afternoon tea, and have to take it for a walk
This is not raising chickens, it is clearly offering to the ancestors of chickens!An ugly chicken that is black and not autumnal, but also like a phoenix, it does not live in a phoenix tree, it does not drink in a pure spring, it wants to go to heaven!
At this time, there was a noise from the small courtyard surrounded by the fence in front. Before she could use her spiritual sense to detect it, the courtyard door opened, and a black chick walked out with its head raised and steps that no relatives would recognize, as if Kings patrol their domains.

Seeing Yunli, the chicken tilted its head and squinted, its expression was like saying, what are you doing there, why don't you come here to clear the way for the king!
Oh, you dare to stare at me!

Yunli opened her eyes wide and stared back fiercely.Not wanting to, the little black chicken gave her a sideways glance, and arrogantly returned to the yard, and went straight into the bamboo house on the right.

As expected of a fifth-order monster, apart from being unable to speak human language, it is no different from humans!
It's just, are you messing with me, steward?
Not to mention all the troubles in the breeding process, if she really only has the seventh level of Qi training, she will not be bullied to death by this fifth-level monster!
Yunli blinked her eyes and looked at the bamboo house. Does this chicken still live in a room by itself?

Step into the courtyard in two or three steps, and push away the bamboo house on the right. The room is clean and empty, except for the small chicken coop in the center, there is nothing else.

Looking at the small one in the nest, the corner of her mouth twitched, such a small chicken living in such a big house is too extravagant!

Taking a closer look, the chicken coop is not simple, the color is as clear as ice and snow, and there is even a trace of aura emanating from it, it is actually the finest snow-covered ice silk!

The little black chicken in the nest squinted her in a daze, lowered her head and buried her neck in her wings, as if she was too lazy to talk to her.

Yunli turned around and opened the door of the smaller room on the left. There were two baskets of Lingmi, the grains were crystal clear, and the rice grains were full and shiny. You could smell a faint fragrance of rice at the door. Next to the rice baskets were two baskets Spiritual fruit, and a basket of spiritual vegetables, surrounded by ice formations.

In the corner of the room, there is a wooden plank that looks like a bed.The reason why it looks like is because there is nothing but a piece of wood, and there is a crack in the middle.

Yunli was speechless, picked up a spirit peach and took a bite, the sweet peach juice overflowed her mouth, and traces of spiritual energy entered her body along her throat, she couldn't help shaking her head: "Tsk tsk, people are not as good as chickens!"

There was a noise next door, and before she had time to react, the little black chicken had already appeared at the door. Seeing the spirit peach in her hand, the hair on its neck stood up, and rushed over angrily, pecking at her hand fiercely.

Yunli turned around, and the menacing little black chicken couldn't hold back its strength, and jumped to the side of the wooden bed, its slightly curved beak pecked at the wooden board, and with a click, the wooden board shattered into wood dregs.

Yunli shook her head, it's fine if it's completely broken, so as not to take up space.

With a peck in the air, the little black chicken shook its head, shook off the wood debris on its beak, turned around and rushed towards her again, Yunli swept it out of the house with a flick of his sleeve, and the house was full of spiritual fruits and spiritual fruits. Mi's, it's good to be damaged by it.

The little black chicken that fell in the yard was stunned, with big doubts shining in its two small corns: How did I get out?This majestic fifth-level monster was swept out by a mere seventh-level Qi training!
Realizing this fact, it became even angrier, and once again rushed towards Yunli in the house like a sharp arrow.

Yunli ate a few more mouthfuls of fruit, and waved his sleeves again when he saw it, and brushed it to the yard. Be stingy, don't you just eat a piece of fruit, as for it!
The little black chicken that got up after shaking its hair saw that she had finished eating a spirit peach, and picked another spirit fruit to eat, and suddenly went crazy. The two mung bean eyes turned into soybean eyes. It kicked its legs and flew over with flapping wings , a layer of green light rose from his body, and he waved his wings fiercely at Yunli, and the sharp wind blades hit Yunli's face.

With a dark face, Yunli took out the epee and stood it in front of her body to block the wind blade, and when she saw the right moment, she grabbed the little black chicken by the wings and taught, "Xiao Hei, jealousy is the root of all evils, the cause of all evils."

She nodded: "Yes, compared with this Taoist nun's beautiful face, your dark shape is worse than Heitan, but you can't be jealous enough to want to ruin my face. You have to remember that the beauty of the soul is Really beautiful."

After painstakingly persuading her, she smiled coldly: "Next time you dare to greet me in the face, I will pull out all your hair."

The little black chicken struggled frantically, but those white and tender hands held it like steel.

After struggling for a long while, the little black chicken was tired, and it was so sad that it found that it was really no match for this Qi-training seventh-level cultivator.

(End of this chapter)

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