Chapter 151
Seeing that it was no longer struggling, Yunli let go of her hand, condensed her face and looked at her face, but fortunately, she was not hurt.

The little black chicken that had regained its freedom angrily glared at Yunli who was pulling out its food tank, and Yunli comforted with downcast eyes: "Don't worry, I won't starve you."

After finishing speaking, he stretched out his hand to the basket. Not to mention, these spiritual fruits are very delicious, moist and juicy, crisp and refreshing, and the ice is also slightly cold, making it very comfortable to eat.

The aggrieved little black chicken glared and flew up, pecking fiercely at the spiritual fruits in the basket, until all the spiritual fruits on the surface left its beak marks, then stopped, and looked at Yunli provocatively.

Yunli rolled her eyes at it, peeled away the surface layer, picked one from the bottom and gnawed it up again, thinking: "Small sample, I'll keep the ones with marks for you."

The little black chicken was stunned for a moment, then lowered its head and pecked fiercely again. After pecking one basket, it didn't count, then turned its head and pecked fiercely at the other basket.

Yunli narrowed her eyes, grabbed its wings again, and threatened: "Do you know that there is a dish called chicken stewed with mushrooms?"

The little black chicken twisted a few times, failed to break free, and wilted again.

Yunli put it down and ate a few spirit fruits, and the greedy worms came out, so she picked up another one and gnawed one after another.

The slumped little black chicken burst into anger again, and green light appeared on its body again. As its anger became more and more condensed, if it had substance, a ferocious and savage aura would follow from it Exploded, straight into the sky.

A few disciples passing by outside Xiaomufeng looked in horror, walked away in a hurry, and it was some unlucky ghost who was assigned to take care of the chicken ancestor.

Inside the house, Yunli was stunned, it really has the blood of Kunpeng, looked at the little black chicken under her feet, no matter how you looked at it, it was just a chicken with fried hair, it was really hard for her to compare it with the majestic and overshadowing chicken Kunpeng linked together.

Seeing that the green awn on the little black chicken was getting stronger and stronger, the spirit rice, spirit fruit and spirit vegetables in the house were blown up by the cyclone, and then crushed.

Yunli was speechless, so she just ate a few spirit fruits. This small-bodied black-crested pheasant was about to die, as if its heart had been dug out. In just a short while, it had destroyed twenty or thirty of them by itself.

She was about to slap back the green light around it with a sword, when the crimson flame at the dantian seemed to be provoked, it suddenly jumped out of the dantian and reached between her eyebrows, only for a moment, fell back to the dantian, and calmed down.

She raised her hand and touched the center of her eyebrows. What is she doing?
Putting down his hands, the arrogant little black chicken curled up on the ground, trembling, the fear in his small eyes almost overflowed, feeling Yunli's gaze, the little black chicken shrank even more and did not dare to move.

"You are afraid of Crimson Flame."

Yunli was thoughtful, could it be that the monster in the transformation stage in the forest was also scared away by her crimson flame?

Looking inside the dantian, Feiyan was quietly burning above the dantian. Although it was only a small cluster, the flames flickered on and off, seemingly endless.

She squatted down, stretched out her hand and nodded on its head: "Isn't it frightening?"

As soon as the words were finished, the shy little black chicken pecked at a piece of Lingmi that had spilled, carefully placed it in her palm, rubbed its small head against her finger when it was done, then raised its head and looked at her timidly.

I go!

Yunli was stunned, is this trying to flatter her?

Seeing that she didn't respond, the little black chicken stretched out its short wings and threw the spiritual fruits and vegetables next to her to her hand one by one. It raised its head and looked at her whether it wanted to cry or not. It had already cede land for peace At this point, are you still not satisfied?
The small expression, that is called a grievance, Yunli's heart melted, she picked up the little black chicken and rubbed it: "Wow, so cute!"

The next day, Yunli prepared the little black chicken's daily rations, and then hurried out the door to find out where Wen Xueluo had gone, and where her cousin and Ayan were.

As soon as she got out of Xiaomu Peak, she ran into two qi-training fifth-level disciples head-on. Seeing her, both of them showed sympathy. After thinking about it for a while, she understood what was going on.

With a move in her heart, she smiled and stopped them: "You two junior brothers, do you live next door?"

"I have met senior sister. We are disciples of the medicine garden. I am Zhang Zhifeng, and his name is Wu Dongtao." The tall and thin young man replied respectfully, and then asked: "Senior sister is so new, where did you work on duty before? How did you get sent to Xiao Mufeng went to take care of the chicken ancestor?"

Yunli smiled and said: "My name is Yunli, I just started yesterday, what happened to the chicken ancestor?"

The two teenagers were stunned for a moment, they were just beginners, and the younger Wu Dongtao on the side said enthusiastically: "This Cyanwood Peak's Daoist Danyang is an alchemy madman, his temper is deserted, and the entire Cyanwood Mountain System is apart from him and his beloved black-crested pheasant. No one else alive."

Yunli: Am I not alive?
"Reverend Danyang doesn't care about everything except alchemy, he only pays special attention to his spiritual pet, the black-crested pheasant, and specially allocated Xiao Mufeng to it. Half a year ago, Reverend Danyang retreated to practice alchemy, and gave his pet to the deacon hall Take care, in the past six months, the deacon hall has changed more than a dozen people one after another, and each of them couldn't survive for a long time, so they cried and quit."

He smacked his lips: "At first, I thought I could use this matter to make myself familiar in front of Daoist Danyang, but who would have thought that the black-crowned pheasant would be so tormenting people, preparing three meals a day for it, taking it to bathe and walking for food, These are trivial things, and it takes a little effort. The key is, don't look at it as a small one, but it is a genuine fifth-order monster. If you are not satisfied, you will fight with you. How can Qi be the opponent of a fifth-order monster, who will be beaten twice in three days until his nose is blue and his face is swollen, who can bear it?"

Yunli glanced at him strangely, with such a profound feeling and such deep resentment, could it be that he also took care of him?
"Since it is the fifth level, why don't you ask the uncles in the foundation building period to take care of it?"

"Why haven't I looked for it? In the beginning, this task was taken by an uncle in the middle stage of foundation establishment, and he was still bullied. This beast has the blood of Kunpeng, and its strength is amazing. How can ordinary monks be its opponent. The uncle in the late stage of foundation establishment can do it." To deal with it, it's just because it is the favorite pet of Daoist Danyang, so it's not easy for the uncles to deal with it."

Zhang Zhifeng teased him who was talking non-stop, and said to Yunli, "Senior Sister Yun, please forgive me, we still have to go to the medicine garden to help, so let's take our leave first."

Yunli smiled and waved her hands: "It's easy for the two junior brothers to go."

After saying goodbye, Yunli began to wander around, saying hello and chatting with people when she met them, and at the end of the day, she learned a lot of news.

What made her happiest was that the Xiaomu Peak where she was now belonged to the Taiqing Peak Mountain System, and Master An Ran belonged to Fuyu Zhenjun, but although they belonged to the same mountain system, the distance between the two was far apart.

The Nine Mountains of the Taiyi Sect are distributed in the Nine Palaces and Eight Diagrams Formation. It is said that after the continental change, the Taiyi Sect sages arranged the nine best spiritual veins according to the Nine Palaces and Eight Diagrams formation in order to deal with the problem of insufficient spiritual energy in the end of the Dharma Era.

The Jiugong Bagua formation itself can be attacked and defended, and it also has the effect of gathering spiritual energy. Coupled with various other formations, the nine main peaks are the natural spirit gathering formation of the Taiyi Sect.

Taiqing Peak is the main peak in the northeast of the Nine Mountains. Qingmu Peak and Xiaomu Peak are located in the northeast of the Taiqing Mountains.

Apart from the distance, her current identity is also a problem, she may not even be able to enter the Taiqing Peak Mountain Gate.

As for Wen Xueluo and Mu Yan's news, she didn't find out at all. After wandering for two days, she could only practice and raise chickens in Xiaomufeng.

Except for this unsatisfactory point, Yunli's small life is very happy, practicing kung fu every day, raising chickens, eating the rations selflessly dedicated by the little black chickens, and taking the little black chickens for a stroll all over the mountains and plains when bored.

Not to mention, the harvest from this walk is really not small.

Although Xiaomu Peak is small, it has beautiful scenery and rich products. There are many wild spiritual fruits and spiritual plants, all of which are stuffed into the belly of her and the little black chicken.

The only dissatisfaction is that her cooking skills are too poor, she can only cook porridge and stew.

The little black chicken has never eaten a spiritual meal for human beings, has never seen the world, eats it with relish, and does not dislike it in the slightest. It always looks at Yunli with adoring eyes.

I don't know if Daoist Danyang will want to tear her apart after he finds out that his beloved pet who eats wind and drinks dew has been cultivated by her.

(End of this chapter)

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