Chapter 153 Buddha Relic (2)

Seeing that Wei Lin's speech and behavior were quite similar, Wen Ming couldn't help but asked via voice transmission: "Junior brother is outstanding in swordsmanship, he looks good even if he doesn't want to pretend to be a scholar, but he also comes from an ordinary family?"

Wei Lin raised his eyebrows, and said vaguely: "Brother Shen Yi doesn't put down the book, he is just a scholar, he can't be wrong if he learns from him."

Wen Ming smiled when he heard the words, Shen Yi was indeed not like a monk, with a gentle temperament and peaceful eyes, and he was busy with mission hall all the year round, so he didn't do many missions, probably his hands were not even stained with blood.

Knowing how important the four major parties are to Liang Guo, their identities should not be known to outsiders. He is a little lucky that he didn't go directly to Tai Yizong. Now, except for a few people, no one knows that they are from Liang Guo.

When they arrived at Yuan'an Temple, they were not in a hurry to explore the Yanming Pagoda at night. The situation in the pagoda was unknown. If they rushed to trigger some mechanism and were discovered by the monks in the temple, the foreign visitors who had just entered the temple must be the first suspects.

Therefore, the three of them used their identities as students to visit the Yanming Pagoda several times with the students in the school, listening to the monks tell about the origin of the Yanming Pagoda and the life of Master Huijue, and even participated in the He has attended several poetry and literature meetings.

So a few days later, the three of them seemed to be scholars who really came here for their fame. After viewing the scenery, they bid farewell to the Zhike monk and left Yuan'an Temple.

The night is as dark as ink, and there are no five fingers. All the monks and pilgrims in Yuan'an Temple have fallen asleep. Only the night watchman is knocking on the wooden fish under the Buddha. more quiet.

Three black shadows walked through the temple in silence, and came to the Yanming Pagoda with ease. After a sizzle, the huge empty green iron wood lock on the gate was broken.

A low voice of cursing sounded: "There is material added to the wood, so it can't be pushed!"

Without spiritual power, their strength is not much stronger than that of ordinary warriors. These two doors are cast together with three layers of materials. The outside and inside are all made of ebony, while the middle is made of black iron that is about a finger wide.

Wei Lin put away the jade bottle containing the corrosive liquid in his hands, and pushed the door together with the two of them. With the efforts of the three of them, after half an hour, the door was finally pushed open with a barely passable gap. Disaster.

Wei Lin took out a handkerchief from his pocket, wiped his hands, he couldn't use the dust removal technique, it's annoying.

I folded the handkerchief and was about to put it back when the dark clouds in the night sky were blown away by the wind, revealing traces of moonlight, and a few streaks of green liquid came into view on the white brocade handkerchief.

Wei Lin's pupils shrank slightly, "Toxic!"

Raising his hands, the palms were bloody and bloody, and the blood turned dark green, but he didn't feel the slightest pain. There should be paralytic toxins in the toxins. He sealed the meridians in his arms without thinking. If it was too late, he might not be able to move.

Yue Yi was the first to push the door. He had been in contact with the door for the longest time. At this time, his entire arm was swollen. Seeing his symptoms, Wei Lin moved again, drawing wounds on his arm, and released the poisonous blood. .

Wen Ming followed suit, followed by bloodletting, and Yue Yi gritted his teeth and followed suit.

Although the blood was bled in time, toxins still entered the whole body, and there was a slight numbness in the body.

Looking at the Yanming Pagoda in the pitch black, as if a giant beast was hiding in the darkness, waiting for them to come to the door, Yue Yi couldn't help retreating: "Why don't we leave first and come back after forcing out the toxin."

These toxins don't seem to be deadly for the time being, but they are poisons after all, and it is always a hidden danger if they remain in the body. Who knows if they will become deadly poisons after overnight fermentation.

Wen Ming: "No! The lock has been destroyed. If we leave now, Yuan'an Temple will definitely find out tomorrow. By then, the security will be heavily guarded, and it will be difficult to get in again."

"What's the matter, the big deal is to kill them all."

Yue Yiman doesn't care, even if he can't use spiritual power, these mortals are not their opponents.

Wei Lin glanced at him, and said calmly: "If Junior Brother Yue Yi is afraid, he should stay outside."

"Who's scared!" Yue Yi jumped three feet high like a cat that stepped on its tail, he snorted coldly, and walked towards the tower first.

Wen Ming compared his thumbs to Wei Lin, "You still have a way."

Walking to the door ahead, Yue Yi, who hesitated again when he heard the words, felt ashamed and angry, gritted his teeth, turned his body sideways, and was the first to squeeze in.

Wei Lin shrugged and followed in.

The inside of the pagoda is very empty and can be seen at a glance. There is no obvious layering. There is only one floor on the top floor. There is a faint light shining.

Yue Yi was half a foot in front of him, his legs had sunk into the ground, and he was desperately trying to pull himself out, but there was nothing around him, and there was no object to draw on, the more he struggled, the deeper he sank.

Wei Lin was startled suddenly, and looked down at his feet. Sure enough, his legs were sinking slowly. He tried to jump up, but his body seemed to be pressed down by a mountain. It was a heavy earth technique!

Wen Ming, who hadn't come in yet, asked nervously, "What's wrong?"

"It's a heavy earth technique." Wei Lin called out the Mo Li sword and inserted it into the wall of the tower next to him, stopping his sinking, and when he received Yue Yi's eyes calling for help, he stretched out his hand in disgust.

Yue Yi, who was successfully pulled out, felt lingering fear, and held onto Wei Lin's hand firmly.

Wei Lin was speechless, shook his hands, and said angrily: "Why are you standing there, take out your sword."

Yue Yi let go of his hand, hurriedly called out his Zhaoying sword, and thrust it into the tower wall. He heard a ding, his arm was numb from the shock, and the Zhaoying sword was only inserted shallowly into the tower wall. Can't bear his weight.

He was stunned, but just now Qianjiu inserted it easily, he looked at the blue long sword in Wei Lin's hand in surprise, this sword
There was no time to think more, because his legs started to sink again after he let go, so he quickly hugged Wei Lin's arm.

The sleeves, which were as clean as new, were wrinkled into pleats, Wei Lin's face darkened instantly, and he said coldly, "Let go!"

Yue Yi's face was flushed red, her lips twitched a few times, and she let go of Wei Lin's arm under Wei Lin's knife-like gaze.

Wei Lin took a few deep breaths, reached out and grabbed his collar to lift him up, and urged, "Hurry up."

Yue Yi was grateful, and hurriedly thrust the sword into the wall of the tower, but the effect was minimal. Wen Ming, who entered carefully behind, glanced at the situation inside the tower, and tried it too, but it didn't work.

He took out the prepared rope, looked up, and estimated the distance. He needed to jump to a certain height before the rope could be thrown to the partition on the top floor, "Junior Brother Qianjiu, help me."

Wei Lin frowned, although the entire tower was empty from the bottom of their feet to the partition on the top, but for some reason, when he looked up, he always felt a little terrified.

Wen Ming urged: "Junior Brother Qianjiu?"

Wei Lin glanced at Wen Ming's cassock, which was a mid-level ground-level one, and it should be fine if it can withstand the initial attack of Jindan.

"Brother be careful."

As a word of warning, he threw away Yue Yi and pulled Wen Ming, and shook him hard. Wen Ming was thrown high. At the highest point, after a few short maneuvers in the air, his body became a little lighter, as if he had escaped from the sky. The range of Heavy Earth Art.

Yue Yi felt relieved, and when Wen Ming found a foothold, he could be pulled up, and he could also get rid of this damn heavy earth technique.

The heavy earth technique is a medium-level technique of the earth system, quite satisfactory, and not many people use it, but unexpectedly it is so deadly when it is used on such an occasion.

If he didn't have a companion just now, he could only slowly sink into the soil and die of suffocation.

Wei Lin was not as optimistic as he was, and the faint sense of crisis lingered in his heart all the time. He raised his head and stared vigilantly, ready to deal with accidents.

In the air, Wen Ming, who was out of the scope of the heavy earth technique, tapped a few times on the tower wall, and quickly rose a certain distance. He stayed high enough, and he threw out the rope to reach the partition on the top floor.

The accident happened suddenly!

Flames suddenly rose from under his feet, and the midair at the same height as his feet turned into a sea of ​​flames in an instant.

Wen Ming kicked off the wall of the tower suddenly, turning his body several times to go to a higher place, away from the flames.

(End of this chapter)

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