Chapter 154 Buddha Relic (3)

Unexpectedly, as soon as his body was in the air, Wen Ming let out a short cry of pain, and then his upward strength was exhausted, and he began to fall down.

The rising flames illuminated the inside of the tower as if it were daytime. Wei Lin squinted his eyes. The blazing flames were covered with intertwined silk arrays. Under the burning of the flames, the thin silk threads faded from their original gray-white color and became glowing red.

His heart shuddered, it was the spider silk of the flower-backed eight-eyed spider!

This kind of spider silk is thin and hard. When they entered the trial of the Remnant Ye Pavilion, they were almost bound into blood tofu by the spider silk of the third-order Eight-eyed Spider. The spider silk will also become thinner and harder.

The fineness of the spider silk in the observation tower is at least that of the eight-eyed spider with seven or eight ranks.

Wei Lin made a quick decision, lifted Yue Yi and threw it to the crack of the door: "Go and watch outside, don't let the monks from Yuan'an Temple come over!"

After a pause, he asked again: "Unless it is a critical moment, try not to hurt the lives of mortals."

After finishing speaking, he stepped heavily on the tower wall, pulled out Mo Lijian from the step wall, and at the same time used this force to temporarily break away from the control of the heavy earth technique, stepping on the tower wall to rise rapidly, and after catching the falling Wen Ming, Mo Lijian plunged into the tower wall again.

Wen Ming, who fell from the spider silk array, was almost torn apart. Because the spider silk was extremely thin, the wounds caused were extremely small, and the wounds were still glued together. He touched the key parts and left him a sigh of relief.

Standing on the Mo Li sword, Wei Lin gave him the Rejuvenation Pill, and sealed his main meridians to stop the bleeding.

With Wen Ming like this, he can't move it casually, let alone continue to explore the Ta Na Buddha's relic, even if he moves too much.

Wei Lin decisively took him out of the tower, put him on the ground, and told Yue Yi to protect him, while he returned to the tower himself.

The flames in the middle of the Yanming Pagoda were as bright as day, and the monks watching the night in the temple would soon find out that they had to fight quickly!

After breaking away from the heavy soil in the same way, he walked like flying on the tower wall. When he approached the silk formation, he swung the Mo Li sword in his hand, ding ding ding, and the flower-backed eight-eyed spider silk, which was so hard that it could easily cut through the flesh and blood of a monk, fell under the sword. It was broken at the sound.

After cutting out a comrade that can allow him to pass, he continued to tap his toes on the tower wall, and quickly passed through the fire layer to the top partition.

Swinging the long sword in his hand, he slashed down a few times, a big hole was cut out in the partition, he jumped lightly, and jumped onto the partition from the hole.

A long sword pressed towards his throat wrapped in waves of sword aura. Wei Lin subconsciously performed a startling footwork, barely avoiding the deadly sword aura, but there were still a few bright red spots on his neck.

After opening the distance, he raised his eyes, and in front of him was a male cultivator in the early stage of foundation establishment in white, standing with a sword, his brows and eyes were cold and stern, his sword was lingering with spiritual power, obviously able to use spiritual power.

"Hmph! Unexpectedly, someone came to die again! Over the years, you are—"

Regardless of surprise, before he finished speaking, Wei Lin swung his sword forward, and Mo Lijian slashed straight at him.

Disdain flashed in that person's eyes, here, only he can use spiritual power, even if True Monarch Yuanying came, he would be an ant in front of him, vulnerable to a single blow.

With a slight swipe of the long sword, he didn't even bother to try his best, only the sharp sword energy on the sword could force the opponent to give up.

Over the years, although there are few people who have broken through the checkpoints below and come here, it is not uncommon. Sacred objects such as Buddha relics are more tempting to those monks in the late stage of Golden Core. A major obstacle to the Nascent Soul, many Jindan monks are folded in this part.

Speaking of which, it was the first time that a foundation-building monk came here in these years, but that's what it means, he has killed so many Jindan Daoist and Yuanying Zhenjun, so one more foundation-building stage is nothing to worry about.

Thinking of this, the disdain in his eyes became even more serious, and his movements were also casual, as if he was swatting a mosquito lazily, and said coldly: "Hmph, if you can die under my sword like all the Golden Core Nascent Souls, you can be regarded as your boy!" glory."

Wei Lin held the sword and moved forward steadily, with a wooden plaque in his left hand blocking the vital part of his heart.

Seeing him coming up, the male cultivator was slightly surprised, "Rampant, crazy"

Li Li pierced through his heart without stopping, and the sword energy from the opponent's sword was also raging and cutting through Wei Lin's body. The momentum crushed his heart.

There was a smear of bright red blood at the corner of the male cultivator's mouth, his head tilted, and he fell to the ground slowly. Following the master's fall, the sword energy disappeared, and the long sword fell to the ground.

Wei Lin wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, looked at the Buddha's relic beside him, the yellow and round beads were radiant and clear, radiant and radiant, and a little golden inside made the brilliance flow, he stretched out his hand to take it, paused , bent down and turned out a formation card on the dead male cultivator.

This is the reason why he can use spiritual power in the forbidden spirit formation. He dripped his own blood, and after recognizing the master, his spiritual power really recovered. The spiritual power wrapped the Buddha's relic and put it in the jade box, and quickly put the stored things on the male cultivator's body. After removing the bag, he turned around and jumped down.

With the spiritual power in his body and Li Li's presence, the two formations below did not pose any threat to him.

He suddenly thought of what Yunli said, "Cannon fodder died from talking too much. Although he didn't know what cannon fodder was, it unexpectedly fit the monk who was stationed."

After leaving the Yanming Pagoda, the lights outside were already brightly lit, and all the monks forced Yue Yi to step back, his eyes flashed fiercely, and with a gesture of his finger, the fingertips were covered with white mist, and the spirit pet mist buzzed and appeared.

At this time, the door behind him opened, Wei Lin picked up the unconscious Wen Ming, wrapped green vines around Yue Yi's waist, and pulled him onto the flying sword, which passed over the heads of the monks.

"Not good! Buddha relic! He took the Buddha relic!"

Seeing him coming out with the sword, an old monk wearing a Zen crown, white eyebrows and long beard looked anxious and shouted.

As the abbot of the temple, he clearly knew that there was a monk stationed in the Yanming Pagoda, and he also knew that the monk was able to use spiritual power because of the formation card. Now someone came out with a sword, and the result was self-evident.

However, in the face of the monks who have recovered their spiritual power, no matter how high their martial arts skills are, they can only watch them fly away.

Out of the range of Yuan'an Temple, Wei Lin stopped on top of a peak. Wen Ming's injury needs to be recuperated for a while, otherwise, even if he survives by luck, it will affect the foundation behind him.

In addition, he couldn't hold back the poison on the gate and the sword energy of the male cultivators stationed behind him, let alone Yue Yi, who was afraid of death. Feijian's martial arts force the poison, and people can't help but want to kick him down.
The sky is twilight, and the east is pale.

On the small wooden peak, the quiet small courtyard was quiet, and next to the two side-by-side bamboo houses, there was an extra small wooden house that was out of place with the courtyard.

The gentle sound of the door opening broke the tranquility, and as the door opened, a staring young girl in Tsing Yi walked out of it. She tilted her head, closed her eyes, and staggered to open the bamboo house on the left.

She shook her head, and after regaining consciousness a little, she took out a bowl from the storage bag, waved her right hand to the basket containing Lingmi, and crystal clear Lingmi flew into her bowl.

After a while, Yunli woke up completely, and felt that the weight in her hands was not right. She looked down and saw that there was only a shallow layer of rice on the bottom of the bowl, and then looked at the spiritual fruits and vegetables next to her. A vegetable leaf and a couple of fruit stalks.

She looked down at the Lingmi at the bottom of the bowl, it was definitely not enough, so she had no choice but to take out her middle-grade Lingmi to make do with.

At noon, Yunli stopped practicing turning leaves, and had to go to the deacon's hall to get food.

Glancing at the little black chicken sleeping soundly with its neck hidden in its wings at its feet, well, I have to take it too.

"Xiao Hei, wake up, we are going out."

The little black chicken opened his eyes in a daze, looked up at her blankly, Yunli was speechless, ate and slept, slept and ate, no wonder he gained weight in just one month.

She got up and walked down the mountain, the little black chicken swayed behind her, Yunli glanced at it, this listless look, no way.

(End of this chapter)

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