all the way to fairy

Chapter 155 Xiao Hei's Performance

Chapter 155 Xiao Hei's Performance

She squatted down and rubbed Xiao Hei's chicken head, and cheered up: "Xiao Hei, cheer up, it's up to you whether to eat meat or soup next!"

The little black chicken was still at a loss.

After thinking about it, Yunli took out a red brocade handkerchief from the storage bag and tied it around his neck, nodded with satisfaction, feeling more energetic.

Patting it on the head, she waved her hand: "Let's go!"

One person and one chicken left the yard and went straight to the deacon hall.

An hour later, Tai Yizong, Deacon Hall.


The steward Tsing Yi had a look of disbelief.

Yunli touched the tip of her nose, and said firmly, "It's over."

Originally, the little black chicken produced Lingmi, Lingguo and Lingvegetables, and she produced monster meat. One person and one chicken counted as a partner to live together, but who knows, her appetite has increased again. After eating meat, the appetite is also increasing day by day.

Then, the food for the original three months was gone in one month.

And ever since she ate high-grade Lingmi, she no longer wants to eat middle-grade rice. Hey, it's easy to go from frugal to extravagant, but difficult to go from extravagant to frugal. The ancients never deceived me.

Secretly clenched his fists, in order to get food, he fought hard!
Pointing to the innocent little black chicken at her feet, Yunli explained: "It has been growing recently and eats a lot."

The steward was still a little skeptical.

Without giving him time to think, Yunli picked up the little black chicken and ran it in front of him, stroking its fur, "Look at it, this hair is so shiny!"

He turned the little black chicken over neatly, pinched the flesh on its belly, "Look, this belly is soft and round!"

After finishing speaking, he turned it back quickly, straightened the big red bow on its neck, and asked, "Look again, how is this spirit head?"

The little black chicken also raised its neck in a face-saving manner, shook its head, and turned its nostrils to the sky, so awesome!

Manager Xu was a little confused by her repeated operations, and said in a daze, "It's pretty good."

Yunli smiled with eyebrows and eyes crooked, "So, it's normal if the food is finished, isn't it? It's the Kunpeng bloodline, which is different from ordinary monsters! Besides, it's so small, how can it have a fifth-level cultivation base?" , blood is one thing, hard work is another, and this fifth-level cultivation base didn't come out of nowhere, no, how can you have the strength to practice if you don't eat more!"

Is that the case?

Manager Xu became even more confused. He felt that what she said made sense, but he always felt that there was something weird about it.

While he wasn't paying attention, she scratched the little black chicken's neck.

The little black chicken fluttered its wings and broke free from her hand, waved its wings at Guanshi Xu, and a wind blade greeted Guanshi Xu's face.

Guanshi Xu was startled, and moved sideways, but the little black chicken was relentless, chasing him with flapping wings and throwing wind blades, and opening its claws from time to time, trying to give him a few claws.

"Oh! Uncle Xu, are you okay?"

Yunli's expression was exaggerated, "Xiao Hei, calm down, Mr. Xu is not giving food, hey, don't peck his face."

The little black chicken turned into an unreasonable child, unyielding, and used all its wings, claws, and sharp beak. How much, he was ashamed for a while.

Yunli bit her lips, tried her best to hold back the smile that was on her lips, and said in a hurry: "Uncle Xu, wait a moment, I'll go buy some spiritual fruits, Xiao Hei is more protective of food, if you see something to eat, you'll be fine." hold on!"

Having said that, she didn't move her feet at all. These words reminded Manager Xu that this black-crowned pheasant really protects the food. It had some bad intentions before and tried to move its lingmi lingguo, but it was chased away by it for several times. Only a hill is willing to give up.

He hurriedly took out a spiritual fruit, the little black chicken pecked at the fruit, turned to look at Yunli, saw her nodding, it landed on the round table in the yard with its wings flapping, shook its head, and raised its head proudly. Leaning at Guanshi Xu.

Life is not easy, the chick is a performer.

Yunli raised her hand to wipe away the smile on her lips, went up to greet her, and asked with concern: "Uncle Xu, are you okay?"

Manager Xu pinned his messy temple hair behind his ears, and said in surprise, "Didn't you go to buy spiritual fruit?"

Uh, Yunli sneered, and secretly slandered: I didn't just say that, you took it seriously.

She smiled mischievously, "It's not that uncle, you are resourceful and successfully subdued Xiao Hei, so I don't have to go out and buy it."

Manager Xu didn't think about her playing tricks, and he didn't think that Yunli could command the black-crested pheasant. It was said that the ancestor of the chicken sometimes couldn't handle the words of his master, Daoist Danyang.

He only thinks that Yunli loves the spirit stones, and those outside monks, before their cultivation level has reached the top, which spirit stones have been spared, even those who have special skills, are all tight-lipped.

Wait, he turned his head, "You call it Xiao Hei?"

Yunli blinked, "Uncle Yang didn't tell me what it's called."

Manager Xu gave her a blank look, he didn't know and he couldn't yell, this is Danyang's favorite pet, "It's called Cang Jie, it is said that Danyang's real person thought hard for three days before he chose such a satisfactory name, he can't be blind in the future Call."

Yunli: .
She glanced at the cute and silly little black chicken on the table. The name Cang Jie didn't match it at all, and Xiao Hei was more appropriate.

Looking at the sky, Manager Xu simply and neatly allocated her a three-month allocation, and she had to send this chicken ancestor away quickly, because there were important things to do in a while.

"Uncle Lao has bothered you, Uncle Lao has worked hard."

Yunli smiled and thanked, and took the little black chicken to Tianxianglou. It's been so long, and I haven't tasted the bad taste of Taiyizong's canteen.

In addition, Xiao Hei's performance was very good just now, so she decided to reward him and herself by the way.

Tai Yizong is worthy of being a great sect, and Chef Ling's skills are extraordinary, one person eats one chicken meat and one drink, and Yunli packs the amount for several months before giving up.

The afterglow of the setting sun dyed the mountains and forests, Yunli walked slowly in the direction of Xiaomufeng on small steps, behind him a shiny black chicken raised its neck, following the same steps, and as it moved, the little red flower on its neck fluttered. Trembling, silly and funny.

Passing by the deacon's hall, there was chattering and lively inside.

What is this doing?
She looked around curiously, and there were mostly boys and girls inside, especially girls. They were in groups of three or four, discussing something in a low voice. She walked to the door, grabbed a monk who was alone and asked, "This junior brother, what is this?" What are you doing, why are there so many people?"

The boy looked at her in surprise, "You don't know?"

I don't know, is it strange?

Yunli smiled: "I just joined our Taiyi sect last month."

The young man suddenly realized, and enthusiastically said: "Senior sister doesn't know something. Uncle Mo Huai wants to choose a sword boy, and we are all here to choose."

"Sword boy? Uncle Mo Huai is a swordsmith?"

Yunli frowned, this title, that Mo Huai should be in the Foundation Establishment period, the swordsmiths in the Foundation Establishment period are rare, they seem to be geniuses.

However, isn't the sword boy who is a genius swordsmith also a coolie? She still remembers what kind of unpopular job Jian boy was when she was in the Ye family.

"Senior sister misunderstood. Uncle Mo Huai is a swordsman. This sword boy only needs to take care of the uncle's daily life and practice swordsmanship with him."

"Oh." Yunli nodded, to put it bluntly, she was a servant.

Generally speaking, this kind of work is done by handymen. These outer disciples are jumping around, looking inside, hey, there are actually two inner disciples.

Turning her almond eyes, she asked, "Who is Master Mo Huai? Why is he so popular?"

Without waiting for the boy to answer, a little loli next to him stepped in, and in the tone of introducing her idol, Xing Xingyan said: "Uncle Mo Huai is the teacher of the teacher, with gold and water dual spiritual roots, and the purity of the spiritual roots is as high as 90! You joined our Taiyi Sect seven years ago, and your cultivation has advanced all the way, and in just seven years, you have already established your foundation."

Yunli faked a smile: "Hehe, it's really amazing."

Heart: far behind my senior brother.

"That's right, Uncle Mo Huai's swordsmanship is outstanding, and he was born very well. He is the leader of our Taiyi Sect!"

"Ha ha."

Didn't she just fall in love with her beauty, star chasing girls can't be messed with, Yunli is about to withdraw.

(End of this chapter)

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