all the way to fairy

Chapter 156 Mo Huai

Chapter 156 Mo Huai
At this time, the girls in the courtyard burst into cheers. She subconsciously followed their gaze and looked up. A white figure on the flying sword quickly flew from a distance and landed in the courtyard.

Fine and fine forehead hair covered his clean forehead, and the drooping and thick eyelashes cast a shadow around the eyes, covering the emotions in the eyes. There was a blush at the end of the eyes, which was charming and charming, but was covered by his morbidly pale and delicate skin. Pressing down, the thin lips were as pale as water, and the corners of the lips were tightly pursed, making the whole person look a little sinister.

Manager Xu greeted him, "Senior brother Mo Huai, among the candidates for this election, there are quite a few suitable candidates, I guarantee you will be satisfied."

As he spoke, he waved to the girls around him, including the two inner disciples.

Yunli was speechless, there was a shady scene, and the sesame stuffing manager Xu must have taken advantage of him.

Looking at the shy and timid girls, Mo Huai's face flashed with impatience. He is a sword boy looking for a training partner, not a maid serving tea and water. What can these delicate little girls do.

He raised his eyes and glanced at Yingying Yanyan in the courtyard. The only few male disciples were also of low cultivation. He was disappointed in his heart. It seemed that his trip was in vain. Just as he was about to leave, a ray of orange gauze caught in the corner of his eye.

His body froze, and he looked up along the orange gauze. The girl in Tsing Yi stared at the little black chicken flying sideways, and opened and closed her mouth soundlessly. The shape of her mouth seemed to be chicken stewed with mushrooms.

And the little black chicken on her side is stretching its neck, its slightly curved beak is already hooked on the spiritual pet bag at the waist of a girl in front.

His pupils shrank, his fingertips trembled slightly, and he stretched out his hand after a while: "Just her."

Everyone's eyes turned to the direction of his finger for a moment, which lucky one got the favor of Uncle Mo Huai, you know, Uncle Mo Huai began to choose Jiantong two years ago.

He almost picked everything below Foundation Establishment. There were even masters in the Foundation Establishment stage who participated in the election before, but none of them satisfied him. down.

Those who can apply now are not for being sword boys, but for taking care of daily life.

Not to mention his status and aptitude, just because of his handsome appearance, he would be happy to be a servant girl. Not to mention, Jiantong is quite different from a servant girl, and he can also live in a cave with rich aura. The servant girl is only responsible for taking care of him. In his daily life, the sword boy can still practice swords with him. If he can learn something from this, it will be of great benefit to his own practice.

Of course, if some friendship can be developed in getting along, it will be even more promising to climb high branches from now on.

But now, he actually skipped the second round of assessment, and made a decision directly. Everyone regretted that he was not selected, but at the same time they couldn't help but wonder what kind of person could be directly appointed by the always picky Master Uncle Mo Huai.

In the direction of his finger, there are two little girls one behind the other, and when everyone is deciding which one is the lucky one, Yunli takes a step forward and raises her eyebrows at the little star chasing loli who is diagonally ahead: "I'm talking about you, don't hurry over there. "

Then, while everyone's eyes were on the face of the star-chaser girl, she grabbed the little black chicken by the wings and rescued the pet bag from its mouth. Other people's spiritual pets are going to start.

"I am talking about you."

Mo Huai's voice sounded again.

Yunli was stunned, grabbed Xiao Hei's hand for a moment, raised her head, met the boy's bottomless eyes, felt the fiery eyes of the boys and girls around her, and blurted out: "I'm just passing by."

Seeing her, Manager Xu hurriedly said to Mo Huai, "This nephew Yunli did not run for the election."

Mo Huai ignored her, and walked straight towards her, narrowing his eyes slightly, the tip of his eyes seemed to be more red, but the emotions in his eyes were completely lost.

He paused every word: "It's just you."

Yunli secretly rolled her eyes, what the hell, she won't compete with the handyman for work, "I won't go."

As soon as the words came out, the atmosphere in the courtyard stagnated, and the mere outer disciple refused to be a sword boy for the master!

Everyone's eyes of envy, jealousy and hatred turned to look at fools.

Yunli glanced at the crowd around her. It was a bit strange to refuse with a shriveled face. She shook the little black chicken in her hand and explained, "I already have a mission."

Seeing the little black chicken in her hand, a trace of sympathy flashed in everyone's eyes, and then they became even more confused. A fool would choose the latter between the black-crested pheasant who looks after the tortoise and the sword boy who is the teacher.

Yunli's eyes were firm. Although Jiantong, who is the head teacher's apprentice, can get in touch with higher-ups more easily, she doesn't need to eavesdrop at close range. It's better to stay quietly and raise chickens in Xiaomufeng. Also free.

She bit her lip, really, she must be forced to show some strength, I really don't want people to know about her strength, she stammered: "Let's do it, it doesn't matter how serious it is, if you hurt my uncle, I won't do it." It’s beautiful, uncle, let’s find someone else.”

As soon as the words came out, Mo Huai hadn't said anything, and the others quit. Who is Mo Huai? Sword, swordsmanship is exquisite, a little girl who has practiced Qi at the seventh level actually said that she would hurt him!
Everyone despised him, and they were not afraid to flash their tongues when they said this.

Manager Xu glared at her from a distance, turned his head and put on a smile, and explained to Mo Huai: "Brother Mo, forgive me, she is a new student who just started last month, and she knows very little about the strength of senior brother."

As soon as they heard that she was a newcomer, someone immediately shouted: "Uncle Mo, show her some color!"

"Yeah, we have to let her know that our Taiyi Sect is not a small place with corners and corners, where a little bit of strength can be king."

"Yes, yes, our Taiyi Sect is the head of the four major sects"

The crowd was excited and chattering, Yunli secretly rolled her eyes, and shouted at you like a vegetable market, and Tai Yizong's image was greatly lowered by you.

"That being the case, let's try."

As soon as Mo Huai opened his mouth, the surroundings became quiet, looking at him expectantly, waiting for him to make a move, to teach this little girl who didn't know the heights of heaven and earth a profound lesson.

He sacrificed his natal sword, pointing at Yunli, "Nephew Yun, please."

Hey, it seems that the image of the little fairy can't be kept anymore, Yunli shook her head, and with a thought, the epee suddenly appeared in her hand.

All the excited people were stunned, and after a while, someone said: "Ha, the little girl is so naive, I really think we can't see that the sword is just an empty shell."

The knowledgeable person immediately said: "Don't talk nonsense, the whole body of the sword is made of weak water mithril, no matter how light it is, it can't be light."


They may not know about other materials, but for those who are eager to forge natal magical weapons, they still know a little about the forging material of Weak Water Mithril.

Mo Huai also twitched his eyebrows, his sword was sharp and brisk, it's really not a good candidate to use an epee, but
He clenched his fists, narrowed his eyes slightly, and the sword body was surrounded by purple light, blasting out electric sparks.

Whether it was a sword gesture or a thunderbolt, Yunli was slightly surprised, and she couldn't give him time to accumulate momentum. Once his sword gesture was formed, she would be bound.

The moment Mo Huai's sword was formed, it was smashed to pieces by the powerful cyclone. Seeing the broad sword blade coming straight towards his face, he blocked it horizontally, and the huge force from the sword shook him. His arms were numb, and he managed to hold on for a while, then bent his knees and knelt on the ground on one knee.

Quiet, dead silence.

Everyone's eyes widened. They never expected that Mo Huai would be knocked down by a sword. Is this true?Are you dreaming?
The star-chaser girl twisted her thigh hard and muttered to herself, "It doesn't hurt, it seems like I'm dreaming."

The young man beside her said angrily, "You twisted mine, so of course you don't feel any pain."


The star-chaser girl lowered her head in a daze, the dress on her legs was flat, and when she glanced to the side, the boy's clothes were wrinkled like a chrysanthemum, she smiled mischievously, and apologized repeatedly: "I'm sorry, I'm sorry."

(End of this chapter)

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