all the way to fairy

Chapter 157 Forced

Chapter 157 Forced
The eyes of everyone looking at Yunli changed. The move just now was completely random, just swiping the sword casually.It was just such a casual slap, and Mo Huai, who was exquisite in swordsmanship, was knocked down.

Such a young girl obviously couldn't be someone who has mastered swordsmanship and has reached perfection, so there is only one possibility, her strength is extraordinary.

As the saying goes, if you drop ten times with one force, you can't form absolute suppression in terms of cultivation. Against this kind of brute force monk, no matter how exquisite your swordsmanship is, you can't use it.

Yunli took away the epee and stuck it on the ground. The little black chicken flew over from the side and stood on the sword pier with its head raised high, looking proud.

Mo Huai's pale face flushed, and he spit out a mouthful of blood.

"Senior Brother Mo!"

Xu Guanshi shouted, and stepped forward a few steps, wanting to help him.

Mo Huai waved his hand, wiped off the blood from the corner of his mouth and stood up, looking at Yunli with strange eyes, after a long time he said: "It's really not suitable for you to be a sword boy, I still have one less Taoist boy in charge of daily life, and you are the only one left. "


Yunli is numb, big brother, why are you catching me, there are so many girls here who are willing to serve you tea and water for free, why do you just hold on to this Taoist nun?

Alarm bells were ringing in her heart, did she reveal her secrets?

No, Taiyizong spent most of this month in Xiaomufeng, and went out a few times, just chatting about gossip. It's normal for new disciples to find someone to chat with if they want to learn more about the sect.

Manager Xu glanced at his expression, and asked cautiously, "Senior Brother Mo, why is this?"

His behavior is not only strange to Yunli, but also other onlookers are puzzled. Apart from her great strength, she doesn't see anything special about this girl. She looks quite cute, but there are quite a few girls of this type in the yard. .

Mo Huai twitched the corners of his lips: "She looks a bit like my deceased little cousin between her eyebrows and eyes."

Everyone suddenly realized that this was the case. While lamenting Mo Huai's love, they couldn't help but envy Yunli's father and mother, who made her look like Mo Huai's little cousin.

Yunli suspected that this reason was not made up, was it?

Glancing at Mo Huai, who suddenly felt sad all over her body, she felt a little shaken in her heart. Could it be that she was thinking too much? During this period of time, she was honest and did nothing. There was no accident when she started climbing the ladder, and she was discovered for no reason. what.

Pointing to the black-crested pheasant on the sword pier, she reminded again: "I have a mission."

Mo Huai: "Brother Xu."

Manager Xu hurriedly said to Yunli, "I'll arrange for someone to take over immediately, so you can go at ease."

Yunli: "."

Seeing that she still didn't answer, some people couldn't help muttering: "Really, she still pushes back such a good thing. Could it be that there is some ulterior secret?"

Yunli has a dark face, your uncle Mo Huai has a secret to tell, how can he force someone to be his maid.

She took a deep breath, the matter had come to this point, and it would be doubtful to refuse any more, but she had no choice but to agree while pinching her nose.

Forget it, thinking about it in another direction is not completely useless, at least the chances of meeting his cousin are much higher, and as disciples of the true king, there should be quite a few chances for Mo Huai to meet his cousin.
The night is dark, like boundless thick ink smeared on the sky layer by layer, without a single gleam of stars.

In the cave, the bright light of fluorescent stones tilted from the ceiling of the cave. Wen Ming lay motionless on the ground with his eyes closed, his face was red, his body was dripping with sweat, and his whole body was burning hot.

Yue Yi frowned: "I have to go back to the pavilion quickly, this poisonous detoxification pill can't cure it."

Unexpectedly, the eight-eyed spider silk on the back of the flower was smeared with poison. Although Qian Jiu's timely rescue saved him from being dismembered and died immediately, the strange poison on the spider silk made him fall into crisis again.

Wei Lin said solemnly, "His wound hasn't healed yet, if he moves it at this time, he will surely die."

All the way out of Yuan'an Temple, the already tossed broken part was split. After escaping from Yuan'an Temple, they spent a whole night helping to put it together, but the tendons and veins were broken. Only the dantian and heart veins were intact. His spiritual power could not flow independently. His healing is even slower, and they can only rely on the two of them to take turns using their own spiritual power to warm him up.
Under such circumstances, no matter how careful the return trip is, it will inevitably be unstable, not to mention that there are still monks and mortal warriors looking for them outside, and if they encounter them, it will inevitably be a fierce battle.

At that time, regardless of previous efforts, Wen Ming might die on the spot.

Seeing Wen Ming like this, Yue Yi couldn't help but feel sorry for him. Wen Ming is the great-grandson of Mang Zhong. Although this matter has nothing to do with them, if he meets someone as extreme as Jing Shi, he can get involved in anything. relation.

If Wen Ming really had something good or bad, and Mang Zhong wanted to vent his anger on them, the master's temperament might not protect him. He glanced at the silent Wei Lin, and couldn't help but feel some sympathy. Qian Jiu's in the pavilion He is very clear about the embarrassing situation here.

While Yue Yi was thinking, Wei Lin was also pondering, why would such a task be given to them for several foundation building periods?

If he was the only one, he would have suspected that someone in the pavilion was targeting him again, but Wen Ming and Yue Yi were also sent out. Let alone Yue Yi, Mang Zhong looked at Wen Ming, the great-grandson, like an eyeball. With Wen Ming around, the possibility of this mission being a trap is almost zero.

In Canye Pavilion, no one dares to offend the three lore at the same time, not even the pavilion master.

As for Yue Yi's worry about Wen Ming's accident being targeted by Mangzhong, he was not worried at all, and he didn't worry about having too many debts. Because of Master's abandonment, there were many people in the pavilion who targeted him both openly and secretly.

Those who are dissatisfied with the master are dissatisfied with him because he is a disciple of the master; those who admire the master are also dissatisfied with him because the master has such an unfavorable disciple as him; , I can also become a lore, and I will make things difficult for him.

Now he sees it very openly, all masters and apprentices are empty, only when they become stronger themselves can they really gain a firm foothold in the Canglan Continent.

Right now, what he cares about is another thing. His fingertips slide over the jade box around his waist. Since he got this bead, he has less malice in the dark, and there is a sense of peace around him.

When he was practicing, there were still people singing Sanskrit faintly in his ears. Whenever he wanted to feel it carefully, those peaceful and quiet Sanskrit singing disappeared without a trace, as if he had an illusion.

Suddenly, a shadow was cast on his face from above, startled in his heart, he raised his head suddenly, and a blue butterfly landed on the fluorescent stone on the top of the cave, the shadow swayed as the pink-blue wings flapped.

"Bamboo Spirit Butterfly?"

Wei Lin is vigilant, this is an ordinary place, and the aura is so thin that it is negligible, how can there be monsters!

Furthermore, bamboo spirit butterflies are always sensitive to smells, so it must be following them when it appears here!

Along the way, they all took care not to leave any traces as much as possible, but the situation in the Yanming Pagoda was urgent that day, and they left after hastily cast the dust removal technique.

He was guessing, Yue Yi suddenly said: "Isn't this the bamboo spirit butterfly of senior sister Lan Shu?"

blue book?

Wei Lin's heart was full of alarm bells, but he remembered Lan Shu's "take care" before parting. Could it be that her target is not Ah Li, but herself?

Yue Yi was pleasantly surprised: "Did Ge Li send someone to pick us up?"

Wei Lin half-closed his eyes: "Did you send a message to the pavilion?"

Yueyi calmed down immediately as if being poured with cold water, yes, they were still in Jiang Country, Wen Ming was seriously injured inside, and nearby monks searched outside, and the stronghold they knew was far away near Qingyang City. Can't get away and rush to send the message.

Several men in black in the consciousness walked straight towards the cave, and the first person was Lan Shu.

After a cup of tea, Lan Shu had already led people into the cave, "Senior Brother Wen, Junior Brother Qianjiu, Junior Brother Yueyi, I'm here to meet you."

Before she came to her, she greeted her with a smile from a distance.

Her smile stopped abruptly after seeing Wen Ming in the cave, and her face was full of shock and anger: "What's going on?"

"What else could be going on, there was an accident."

Yue Yi was a little bit eccentric, this task was issued by Lan Shu, he was a little bit angry, everything in Yuan'an Temple made him frightened, almost, Wen Ming is not the only one lying on the ground now.

(End of this chapter)

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