Chapter 158
After checking Wen Ming's injury, Lan Shu felt a thump in his heart, half of his foot had stepped into the gate of hell. Although the poison was tricky, fortunately there was an antidote in the pavilion, as long as he rushed back, he would be cured.

Even if it is too late, when we arrive at the monk town, let the stronghold send the news first, and let the people in the pavilion deliver it.

The key lies in the tendon problem, if it is not dealt with in time, he may become a useless person in the future, but if there is a little twists and turns on the way back, he is likely to die on the spot.

She hurriedly said: "This is Zhu Yu's poison, there is an antidote in the pavilion, we must go back as soon as possible. Brother Yueyi, come and freeze him, we will return immediately."

Then he turned his head and said to the two of them who followed: "Both of you, go check out the surroundings."

After giving the order, when she saw Wei Lin, she had a thought, a bit of hesitation flashed across her face, and she said solemnly: "Although the monks chasing around Jiang Guo are not good enough, Senior Brother Wen can't stand any accidents like this right now. Our soldiers Divide into two routes, junior brother, you take someone to lead them away."

After a pause, he said again: "There are other antidote materials in the pavilion, but the wild rice seedlings seem to have been used up, so I need to trouble my junior brother to go to the Ye's firm."

Wei Lin narrowed his eyes slightly. This argument sounds reasonable, but there are so many people, there is no need for him to distract the pursuers.On the contrary, his combat power far exceeds that of the general foundation-building period, and keeping him by Wen Ming's side to protect him can better ensure Wen Ming's safety.

Is this going to dismiss him, and arrange someone to kill him just like he did with Ah Li?
"Junior Brother Qianjiu?" Seeing that he should not respond, Lan Shu called again and stretched out his hand.

So what if she doubted, her reason was very legitimate, Wen Ming was at stake, if he refused at this time, if something went wrong with Wen Ming later, Master Mang Zhong would inevitably be angry.

Suddenly she felt a little fortunate that Wen Ming's injury was quite well, at least, her reason for dismissing Qian Jiu was more reasonable, and after the matter was completed, she also explained to Master Jing Zhe.

Wei Lin took a deep look at him, put the jade box containing the Buddha's relics in her hand, turned around and took a few people away.

Yue Yi looked at Wei Lin's leaving figure, then looked at the fierceness on Lan Shu's face, and felt chills in his heart. Wen Ming and Lan Shu had known each other since childhood, and their friendship far surpassed those of the lore who entered later.

Wen Ming treats her like a real sister, Lan Shu is also very close to Wen Ming on weekdays, now that Wen Ming's life is hanging by a thread, Lan Shu is still playing tricks, if it's her
He didn't dare to think about it, turned around and released pure water spiritual power, wrapped Wen Ming, and then slowly controlled the water to form ice.

Lan Shu caressed the jade box in his hand. Although the Buddhist relics were stored in ordinary temples, the spirit-forbidden formation was left by the great power 10 years ago. Not long after the eminent monks set up this formation, they all flew up to the upper realm.

It can be seen from this that this formation is so powerful that even the monk Yuanying can't use spiritual power when he arrives at Yuan'an Temple.

However, they succeeded in just over a month, and she sent people to follow her from afar. When she found out that the towns around Jiang Country were furious and rushed to Jiang Country to help Yuan'an Temple catch the thieves, she was beyond shocked.

It took more than a month, excluding the time spent on the road, the time to actually complete the task was only a few days.

She has always known the virtues of Yue Yi, and Wen Ming is seriously injured and dying, so the main force of the mission must be Qian Jiu.

Lan Shu looked at the entrance of the cave, since he had offended him, he could only act first.
The world after the rain is fresh and pleasant.

"I really don't understand how Master Uncle Mo Huai would choose such a person as his Taoist boy."

"Didn't the uncle say that she looks like his little cousin? The whole village of Uncle Mohuai died at the hands of gangsters, and he was the only one who was rescued by Zhenjun Fuyu. The little cousin is similar, and it's normal for the uncle to treat her differently."

"No, I don't think that's the reason. When I went back that day, I ran into a junior sister from the medicine garden next door. Her eyebrows and eyes were somewhat similar to Junior Sister Yun. If that's the case, then the junior sister from the Yaoyuan should be the same as the younger cousin of Uncle Mo Huai." It's quite similar, that little junior sister should be selected several times, and senior uncle Mo Huai treats her no differently."

Mu Yan, who was carrying the food box, paused. Did Uncle Mo Huai find Daotong?Still a little girl!
Thinking of the relationship between An Ran and Lin Xi, she walked over to the two little girls and asked politely: "You two junior sisters, what did you say just now that Master Mo Huai was looking for Daotong? Didn't the uncle look for Jian Jian?" Child?"

Seeing Mu Yan, jealousy flashed across the faces of the two little girls, but they were quickly suppressed and greeted warmly: "Hello, Senior Sister Mu."

Immediately, they also thought of Lin Xi, and they couldn't help gloating, what's the use of being a Taoist boy, Lin Xi is bound to win for Master Mo Huai, when Lin Xi comes back, she will have good fruit to eat.

Thinking of this, the two of you talked to each other, describing how Mo Huai insisted that Yunli be a Taoist boy for him, and how Yunli was ignorant of praise.

Mu Yan's heart skipped a beat when she heard that, "What's that little girl's name and what does she look like?"

"It's called Yunli. I remember Manager Xu mentioned it. What does he look like? She's far behind Senior Sister Lin Xi, but those eyes are a bit special, clear and bright."

After listening to the two girls' embellished words, Mu Yan's heart almost jumped out of her throat, and she was [-]% sure that it was Ah Li.

"I have something to do, so I'll take my leave first."

Looking at the back of her hastily leaving, the two girls showed a clear look on their faces.

Martial Uncle An Ran and Lin Xisu have always been friends, but Lin Xisu is not here, so Uncle An Ran has to help her keep an eye on Mo Huai, this is a good time to watch!

"This Mu Yan is also lucky. She got close to Master Uncle An Ran, and not only lived with her in the main peak of Taiqing Peak, which is full of aura, but I also heard that Uncle An Ran took good care of her and guided her in alchemy."

The girl on the left couldn't help but said sourly. Before thinking about it, Mu Yan was just like them, planting lingmi lingguo day and night, and living a tight life. Uncle An Ran, who is on this list, came here every now and then. Tianxiang Building.

The girl on the right said lightly: "It is said that they are from the same village and they have known each other before. Besides, Uncle An Ran has a bad temper and is not fake to Uncle Mo Huai, not to mention Mu Yan, a little girl who is attached to her. Being gentle and kind, who knows how many crimes have been committed behind the scenes."

On the other side, Mu Yan hurried back to Wanqing Hall.

"Why have you been here for so long today?"

Hearing the noise, An Ran came out of the inner room, pinched her smooth neck, "After practicing this potion-replenishing panacea, this month's task is complete."

Mu Yan put the food box on the table but didn't open it, An Ran raised her eyebrows: "What's wrong?"

Along the way, Mu Yan also calmed down. Since the last time we met in Tianyun City, Ah Li didn't let her tell anyone about seeing her, and she didn't intend to come to Taiyi School at that time, so maybe she came at this time. I also don't want others to know.

It's just that they are in the same sect after all, and now she is the Taoist boy of Martial Uncle Mo Huai, it is inevitable to meet each other, so I still have to remind Uncle An Ran.

Thinking of this, she thought about it: "Outside the Tianxiang Building, I met a few junior sisters who said that Uncle Mo Huai found a Taoist boy from the deacon's hall a few days ago, and it seems to be Yunli."

An Ran's pupils shrank suddenly, her lips opened and closed silently, but she didn't say anything, she just raised her hand and kept stroking her hair.

Just when Mu Yan was surprised by her reaction, she narrowed her eyes slightly and said sharply: "Go, go and have a look!"

The white cloud gauze covered the sky, and the sun became gentle, falling from the cracks in the leaves.

On the green low table, hot steam came out from the mouth of the jade-colored teapot from time to time, making the white tea cup beside it steam. Looking at it, the expression on his face became more and more impatient.

What's the problem, if you practice swords, you will practice swords. What do you want her to do here, she doesn't need to practice.

She rubbed the leaves in her hands, and wanted to continue practicing illusions, but she was worried that there was such an outsider by her side. The illusion, like Huanshiling, was her trump card and could not be exposed at will.

 Thank you book friend 20190403152018629 for the monthly ticket, thank you! !

(End of this chapter)

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