all the way to fairy

Chapter 159 See You Again

Chapter 159 See You Again

I fidgeted and pulled my hair, no, sitting like this is a waste of time, she has to sleep at night, and the time for cultivation has been reduced a lot, if you don't hurry up during the day, it will take a year of the monkey to form a pill.

Taking a deep breath and thinking about it, she simply took out the talisman pen and talisman paper to draw talismans. She couldn't practice, so she could earn spirit stones by drawing talismans.

An hour later, Mo Huai was finally tired, he put away his sword and walked towards this side, Yunli let out a sigh of relief, put away the talisman tools and stood up.

Mo Huai picked up the teacup, slowly picked up the lid, blew lightly, took a sip, frowned, and spit on the ground sideways, displeased: "How did you make tea?"

Yunli: "The water is boiling, throw the tea leaves in."

After finishing speaking, she glanced at Mo Huai's brows that could pinch flies, suppressed her joy, and said in shame, "I really don't have much talent in making tea, why don't Shishu get another sword boy who can make tea?"

Mo Huai raised his eyes, his eyes were deep: "This is the main peak in the center of the Taiyi Sect. The spiritual energy is much higher than that of the small wooden peak. You don't need to do anything else every day. I really can't understand why you are not happy."

Ma Dan, you have to practice swords all day long, so this Taoist nun has to sit here and make tea, but you can practice at night, my Taoist nun has to sleep, and there are spiritual energy and so on, who cares, Yaodan doesn’t Is it fragrant?

After a pause, Mo Huai changed the subject and said in a cold tone, "Could it be that, as that nephew said, you have some ulterior secret?"

"Hehe, Master Uncle was joking. This cultivator has no secrets. It's just that I have never served anyone, and I am stupid. Please take care of Master Uncle."

Hmph, it's hard to please the leader, and it's not easy to make the tie annoying, I'm going to see how long you can bear it!

At this time, a rainbow light from the sky flew straight towards this side, and the two looked up together, the gorgeous colors approached their eyes with an irresistible attitude, Yunli's eyes lit up, this passionate red, She was too familiar with this domineering appearance, it was An Ran!
On the flying sword, the sleeves of the red-clothed girl's clothes fluttered, bright and compelling. Behind her, a blue belt was faintly exposed. As the flying sword approached, it could be seen that it was a girl in green clothes.

As soon as she landed, An Ran stared straight at Yunli, her beautiful eyes were bright, and her face was stained with a blush.

Yunli tilted her head, blinked at her, her almond eyes bent into half moons, and then smiled brightly at Mu Yan behind her.

Happiness came so suddenly, Mo Huai, a frenzied sword practicer, thought it would take at least three to five months before he could see his cousin.

Now it's all right, not only did I meet my cousin, but I also met Ah Yan.

"Senior Sister An, are you here to look for me?"

Mo Huai cupped his hands, his face full of astonishment, An Ran was also a frequent visitor to Taiyi Peak in the past, but most of them came to see Lin Xi, in recent months Lin Xi went back to Lin's house for a short stay, and An Ran never came again;
And because of her attitude towards Lin Xi, An Ran had always looked down upon her, but now she went directly to her own Feiqi Peak.

An Ran withdrew her gaze, returned a salute, raised her chin, and said in a strange way: "I heard that Junior Brother Mo has accepted a Taoist boy. Let me see who can enter Junior Brother Mo's Dharma Eye."

Sister An?
The corner of Yunli's mouth twitched, cousin still likes to use her title as her name so much.

Wait, what's with that tone?

Did she not recognize herself?No, it's just that they have been separated for too long and have changed too much, but Ah Yan met her a few years ago?

She suddenly remembered what she had told Mu Yan before, and she understood, Ah Yan didn't tell her cousin?
At that time, I didn't expect that Tai Yizong would come one day, hey, the anxious speed just now was not because of me.

Yunli was in a state of confusion, and was about to send a voice transmission to An Ran to say hello.

An Ran suddenly raised her hand to support the cloud bun that was pressing down on Wuwu, and then gently pressed it down.

Shut up?

Yunli was puzzled. This movement was a secret signal between them. In order to meet Concubine Zhao's niece——Xiaobailian Zhao Wanying, the two of them specially agreed on a bunch of secret signals. do not speak.

Obviously, my cousin recognized me, but why not let the voice transmission?

Although the sound transmission is in danger of being intercepted, but Mo Huai is only in the foundation building stage, so it's okay to be in front of him, right?
She blinked her eyes and was confused, but she obediently shut her mouth and acted like a mute.

Mo Huai: "It's just a rough Taoist boy, but he still has to make a special trip for Senior Sister An."

Yunli curled her lips, you're a crude benzene!
Mu Yan on the opposite side was also full of doubts. Uncle An Ran's reaction was not right. Thinking of An Ran's strange reaction in Wanqing Palace just now, she was suspicious, maybe she didn't recognize it?

The corners of An Ran's lips rose, "Since the younger brother doesn't like it, why don't you let me, this girl looks quite to my liking."

Mu Yan was full of doubts, did she recognize her and wanted Ali to leave, or was it because she wanted to help Senior Sister Lin Xi kill all her opponents in the cradle?

If it was really the second type, her eyes became more subtle.

Yunli didn't know that Lin Xi was still there, and she was so moved that she wanted to cry, it's better for her cousin, as soon as she knew that she was flying Qifeng, she rushed to save her from the fire.

Thinking about it this way, An Ran's yin and yang aura earlier also made sense, tactics.

Mo Huai: "Senior Sister loves to joke. Who knows if you are satisfied with Nephew Mu Yan? Why, are you going to abandon Nephew Mu and change to Dao Tong?"

An Ran rolled her eyes, and after a moment of silence, she said, "There's no need to change Dao Tong. Since Junior Brother likes it, just keep it."

Yunli was dumbfounded, what happened, why did she suddenly change her mind?

An Ran stroked her hair again, and pressed it again, as if she loved her hairstyle very much, "Oh, by the way, there will be a big auction in Ye's Firm in three days, I must have received the post from Junior Sister Lin, remember Take your Taoist boy."

Mu Yan was stunned for a moment. Didn't she already reject the auction in three days?

After receiving the signal to shut up again, Yunli didn't dare to act rashly because she didn't know the situation. It seemed that her cousin didn't intend to recognize her, although it was in line with her idea.

After all, she is an undercover agent of Canye Pavilion, who knows when her identity will be discovered, if she recognizes her, she will definitely drag her cousin and Ayan down after the incident; besides, she can't explain where she has been all these years.

However, we can't recognize each other on the face, so let's communicate with each other through voice transmission, let's have a secret code.

She glanced at Mo Huai next to her, and finally remembered that An Ran had mentioned Junior Sister Lin just now, and her tone seemed to be warning Mo Huai.

Blinking her eyes, she asked curiously: "Uncle, who is this, so arrogant. Also, who is Uncle Lin, why do I think she is threatening you?"

"Taiqing Peak, Zhenjun Fuyu's closed disciple, An Ran. If you see her, go farther away."

Mo Huai's tone was light, it seemed that he was afraid of his cousin, but Yunli still caught a fleeting look of contempt on his face.

What is he belittling?
He is also a disciple of Zhenjun Yuanying from the Fuzi generation, but his cousin is still a single-fire spiritual root, and her cultivation has reached the late stage of foundation establishment, surpassing his two realms; Zhenjun Fuyu is a alchemy master of the Taiyi sect, and he is no worse than Zhenjun Fuyue who teaches .

Could it be that the sword cultivator's natural contempt for fighting the five dregs alchemists? !
An Ran, who returned to the Wanqing Palace, sat without saying a word. When her silence ended, Mu Yan was about to step forward to explain, but An Ran stopped her with a look, and said, "There are still seven or eight days. Dan pushes back, you go to Tianyun City and tell Junior Sister Lin, I will be there for the auction."

Although Mu Yan was surprised, she didn't say much after all, and after answering, she turned around and wanted to go to Sky Cloud City.

An Ran behind him suddenly said again: "You know what to say and what not to say?"

Mu Yan turned around and looked into her eyes. If she didn't recognize Ah Li, given the relationship between Uncle An Ran and Lin Xi, she would definitely let her finish the book and tell Lin Xi what happened, so that Lin Xi could see Master Mo Huai clearly. Uncle's true face.

So, what this means is, help to talk in front of Senior Sister Lin Xi, so that she can't really meet Ah Li in three days.

Mu Yan felt that her head was hurting. The words of these people who came out of the deep palace were too many twists and turns. She had been with Uncle An Ran for several years, and she thought she had adapted to it. far.

She nodded, turned around and rushed to Tianyun City.

(End of this chapter)

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