all the way to fairy

Chapter 160 Possessing 2 Jobs

Chapter 160 Holds Two Jobs
With a lot of question marks in her arms, Yunli sneaked away while Mo Huai was practicing sword in the afternoon of the next day, and waited for a long time under Feiqi Peak, but no one passed by, so she couldn't help but have black lines all over her head.

Feiqi Peak is too deserted, Xiaohei's Xiaomu Peak is more lively than this one, although there is only one chicken on the mountain, but there will definitely be people when you go down the mountain.

Isn't Mo Huai very popular with little girls?Is there no one here to squat here, just in case we meet by chance!
This group of star chasing girls are too sensible.

As she sighed, she walked in a further direction. Seeing that she was almost at Tianxiang Tower, she decided to go to Tianxiang Tower to have a big meal. Anyway, she didn't expect Mo Huai to give her a promotion. salary.

Unexpectedly, when passing by the deacon's hall, he found a group of people watching something, blocking the gate of the deacon's hall tightly.

Could it be that another handsome man came to choose the maid?It's still a beautiful female cultivator, so it's no wonder that I didn't meet a living person along the way, so I came here all the time!
After thinking about it, she decided that it would be better not to go to watch. The last time she watched, she ruined her freedom. If she goes to watch again, what if something bad happens.

She pushed the onlookers who were blocking the middle of the road, "Excuse me, give way, give way."

Ouch, can the onlookers have some quality, so as not to affect the normal traffic flow.

When she was sighing in pain, suddenly there were a few fluttering sounds, and when she turned her head, a black thing fell from the sky and rushed towards her. blocked out.

After a bang, the crowd dispersed consciously, and it was eerily quiet.

Yunli looked down, and the little black chicken staggered up, Mung Dou's eyes were full of grievances.

"Xiao Hei? Why are you here?"

Yunli was puzzled, could it be that he ran out of food again?No, it's only been a few days.

When she thought about the food, her heart ached, and she didn't eat a single bite of the excellent three-month rations that she was trying to get.

Someone in the onlookers recognized her, and couldn't help gloating about her misfortune, and even threw out Danyang's favorite pet, the fifth-order black-crested pheasant, and this will be a good show.

Unexpectedly, upon hearing her voice, the little black chicken wobbled and flew towards her, looking at her eagerly. There was nothing like waving its wings and paws and fighting as they expected. On the contrary, the arrogant black-crested pheasant He even acted coquettishly on her.

Everyone's jaws dropped in shock, she must be very lucky, she was favored by Master Mo Huai, and even Daoist Danyang's spiritual pet treated her differently.

At this time, Manager Xu came over, seeing Yunli as if he saw a savior, "Nephew Yun, you've come!"

Yunli: "What's the matter?"

Manager Xu looked bitter, and waved his hands to the crowd: "It's all gone, gone, gone."

Then he pulled Yunli to pour bitter water: "Oh, this chicken ancestor, since you left that day, you have been making a fuss, and all the disciples I sent to Xiaomufeng to take care of it were beaten up with bruises and swollen faces. What's more, after injuring the disciple, he ran from Xiaomu Peak to my deacon's hall and made my deacon's hall jump like a dog."

Yunli lowered her head and glanced at the quiet little black chicken at her feet, "It's pretty quiet, isn't it?"

Manager Xu's eyes were all bare, and he slapped his thigh: "Hey, it's strange to say that for more than half a year, the disciples who took care of it changed from one crop to the next. As long as you raise it the most vigorously, it also listens to you , presumably you are destined for it, why don't you continue to take care of it?"

Yunli straightened up in surprise, her eyes burning: "Can I go back to Xiaomu Peak?"

"That's impossible."

Yunli: Tch, you still want to trick me into taking two jobs, don't even think about it.

She resolutely refused: "Uncle Xu, forgive me, Fei Qifeng is busy with affairs, and I really don't have many skills."

"Senior nephew, don't rush to refuse. It is really difficult to take care of two jobs at the same time. Our deacon hall has also considered the difficulty of senior nephew. In this way, you don't have to worry about other miscellaneous things except taking care of senior brother Mo Huai and the black-crowned pheasant. We will send someone else to do it, and the people from Tianxiang Building will deliver the food every seven days."

Tianxiang Tower?
Yunli's eyes lit up, she had only been Mo Huai's Taoist boy for three days, and she hadn't touched many things. Could this mean that he could eat the spiritual meal in Tianxianglou for free?

Manager Xu has been observing her expression. He is also a spirited person. He immediately caught her interest, and the words twitched at the corner of his mouth, suppressing the conditions he had prepared earlier.

"You must have been to Tianxianglou. The spiritual chefs inside are all top-notch chefs carefully trained by the sect. They are excellent in craftsmanship. They are open to the elite disciples of our sect for free. It is really hard for you to do two jobs at the same time. Let me tell Tianxianglou , I will add an extra portion to the spiritual meal sent to Fei Qifeng in the future."

Yunli's heart was moved. For a foodie with no cooking skills, this condition was too tempting. She was about to agree to it when she caught a glimpse of Manager Xu's joy. There was still room for bargaining, so she swallowed it immediately. Word of mouth 'good'.

She hesitated, "But, Master Mo Huai has to practice swords all day, I have to stay by the side all the time, no?"

"Another 100 yuan of spirit stones will be given every month." Manager Xu had a heartache on his face.

Cheapskate, it's only 100 yuan. After complaining, she nodded with a smile: "Guanshi Xu is so kind."

Anyway, what she valued was the spiritual meal, and there was also Xiao Hei's spiritual fruit.

Manager Xu gave her a blank look, and then worried that she was just focusing on the spiritual meal and the spiritual stone. If the black-crested pheasant was ignored, Daoist Danyang would have to blow up their deacon's hall when he left the customs.

"It's no problem for you to take care of two jobs at the same time, do you need me to send someone to help you?"

Yunli waved her hand: "It's okay, it's okay, one is taking care of them, and the two are also taking care of them, let's be together."

Manager Xu:
Comparing Senior Brother Mo Huai with the chicken, this girl really dared to say it. He touched the tip of his nose and pretended not to hear.

"Oh, by the way, Xiao Hei's taste has changed. Last time he ate very happily in Tianxianglou. Do you think the food allocated to him will also change?"

Now that he has taken over the task, Xiao Hei naturally wants to take good care of it, even for the spiritual fruit that he selflessly dedicates, and he has to get more benefits for him, so he can't let him suffer because he can't speak.

Manager Xu was stunned for a moment, "Didn't it only eat Lingmi, Lingguo, Lingzhi and vegetables?"

"I didn't lie to you. The last time I took it to Tianxiang Tower, a bunch of uncles, uncles, brothers, sisters, brothers and sisters saw it. It tastes delicious. If you don't believe me, go ask."

It was Xiao Hei who wanted to eat meat, and it had nothing to do with her. So many people can testify to her that Daoist Danyang left the customs, and she can't be blamed.

Manager Xu hesitated for a moment, and finally said, "Okay, I'll make arrangements."

Just as she was about to take Xiao Hei away, she suddenly remembered that her doubts had not yet been resolved, so she glanced at Manager Xu, isn't this a ready candidate?

"Uncle Xu, you also know that I just came here, and I'm blind to many things and people in the sect."

She pondered over her words, "Yesterday, Uncle An Ran from Taiqing Peak came to Fei Qifeng aggressively, said a bunch of inexplicable things to Uncle Mo Huai, then left, and also mentioned Uncle Lin."

"You're talking about Lin Xi, right? Hey, you have to call her Senior Sister Lin."

Yunli was stunned, her cousin's cultivation was at the late stage of Foundation Establishment, isn't it the one who can make her call Junior Sister?

Looking at the dazed Yunli, Manager Xu was determined to talk to her. After all, he has two jobs and they are irreplaceable. Not beautiful anymore.

"Lin Xi is the granddaughter of the head teacher, the younger sister of Master Uncle Lin Chen, son of Mingyue, who has the three spiritual roots of water, wood and earth, and lives with the head teacher in the main hall of Taiyi Peak. Senior brother Mo Huai also lived with the head teacher in the Taiyi Hall before the foundation was established. , he is good-looking and hardworking, so he comes and goes.”

He didn't say the rest clearly, Yunli understood in seconds, naturally Lin Xi is the incarnation of a fanatical star-chasing girl, or the kind of white and rich beauty who has the opportunity to marry her idol.

Seeing that she understood, Manager Xu continued: "As for Senior Sister An Ran, she is the closed disciple of Zhenjun Fuyu of Taiqing Peak, with a single fire spirit root, which was brought back to our Taiyi Sect by Uncle Lin Chen himself, and Lin Chen Martial Uncle has a bit of a sweetheart, and he is naturally close to Lin Chen's sisters, and they are all girls of the same age, so they come and go."

(End of this chapter)

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