all the way to fairy

Chapter 161 Auction

Chapter 161 Auction (1)

Yunli nodded and became good girlfriends. If they are still called according to their cultivation level, they will be divided. It makes sense for her cousin to call her Junior Sister Lin.

"So, do you understand?"

"Understood." Yunli cried with a sad face, she is now a potential rival in love that Lin Xi wants to eliminate.

She shook her head speechlessly, it was really a mistake, if I had known today, I should have tried every means to recognize my cousin first, let her accept me, it was better than following a cultivator and being targeted by the second generation of cultivators.

Wait, Uncle Lin Chen?He has formed a pill!

"Is Lin Chen real again?"

Guanshi Xu's face was shocked, his eyes sparkled, and he expressed his admiration: "Master Lin Chen, he is the most valued grandson of the head teacher. He has mutated Lei Linggen and worshiped under the Supreme Elder Zhenjun Ling Su. He started practicing Taoism at the age of six. Establishing the foundation at the age of 14 and forming the alchemy at the age of 50, he is also a top genius in the entire Canglan Continent."

After talking about Lin Chen's glorious past in one breath, he turned into a fanboy: "The trouble is, Uncle Lin Chen has a very good temper, warm and clear, just like the bright moon on a summer night, so he is called Mr. Mingyue. Chu Feng, Ye Chuning, the Jinghua son of the Ye family, are called the three masters of the Canglan Continent."

Lin Chen's demeanor is indeed as gentle as the moon, but he is too homely. Yunli still remembers that he entered the inner cabin on the spirit boat and never came out except for accidents.

In addition, their character is not good, they run away when they are in danger, and they don't think about how a bunch of children who have not yet entered their bodies face the vast sea. Gu's Jindan real person gave up.

After complaining silently, she looked yearning and acted like a nympho: "I haven't seen him in so long, uncle, can you tell me where I can meet him by chance?"

Ask him about his activity route so that she can avoid it, and she must not meet him, at least until she gets the antidote to Devil May Cry.

Regarding her performance, Manager Xu was not surprised at all, let alone female cultivators, most of the male cultivators worshiped Master Lin Chen closely. You won't be able to get out of the customs before the competition for the Qing Yun Ranking."

Good retreat!

Yunli was completely relieved, "It seems that I really came at the wrong time."

After a few more pleasantries, she took the little black chicken and its rations and walked slowly towards Fei Qifeng.

Although it is safer to ask my cousin to help her refine the antidote, my cousin doesn't know if I can refine this kind of elixir, and I don't know if I can get all the ingredients together.

In short, there is no way to get the antidote in a short period of time, and Wen Xueluo must be pulled out as soon as possible, but the inner door is so big, how to find her?

After much deliberation, she still decided to wait for the meeting with An Ran Mu Yan in three days and get more information before acting. Right now, she is already under the attention of Mo Huai's fans, so she must be careful and careful in her actions.

When the sun was setting, Yunli took the little black chicken back to Feiqi Peak. From a distance, he saw Mo Huai standing at the end of the road with a gloomy face. Won't you just let her go?

She slowed down her pace, and with Mo Huai's knife-like gaze, she and the little black chicken swayed three times, and the short distance took her a quarter of an hour.

With such an obvious deliberate behavior, one can imagine what Mo Huai's anger would be like. His eyes spewed fire, and he gritted his teeth: "Where are you going?"

Yunli pointed to the little black chicken at her feet, and said solemnly, "Hey, Manager Xu asked me to adopt it."

Mo Huai said gloomyly, "When did it happen? Why didn't you tell me?"

"Manager Xu came to me, but not you, why should I tell you?" Yunli looked puzzled.

Mo Huai word by word: "You are my Taoist boy!"

"Ah, do you still have this request? Next time, I will tell you next time."

Seeing that his face was still dark, Yunli said: "If the uncle despises me, you can change to a Taoist boy."

Mo Huai took a few deep breaths, tried to suppress the restlessness in his heart, and turned around to enter his yard.

Yunli shrugged, why did they torture each other?
She walked to the open space in the corner of the yard, took out her small wooden house and put it on. After thinking about it, she chopped some branches with a sword and built a simple shelter for the little black chicken. She bent down and said to the little black chicken: "You are here temporarily Let’s settle here, tomorrow the deacon’s hall will send someone to build a house for you.”

Patting it on the head, she put the defensive formation, was about to enter the house, and turned around and said: "Old rules, you must not enter my cabin, otherwise you will know how delicious chicken stewed mushrooms are. "

After speaking, I happily went back to the house and went to sleep.

She doesn't like to have any outsiders around when she sleeps. The little black chicken looks like a pet, but it is actually a fifth-level monster. If she is in the same room with it, she will definitely not sleep well.

On the other side of the yard, Mo Huai's heart sank. He looked carefree, but he was very defensive. He closed his eyes, a look of pain flashed on his face, and the veins on his forehead faintly flashed.

Three days passed in a flash. As soon as Mo Huai carried Yunli out of Taiyi Peak, he met An Ran and a young man in white. As usual, An Ran was dressed in red, warm and powerful, but he didn't see Mu Yan.

Mo Huai greeted casually: "Senior Sister An, Senior Brother Su."

An Ran responded with a perfunctory response and remained silent, but the young man in white beside her apologized, "Junior Brother Mo, please worry about me. The little master has been worried about alchemy recently, and he is in a bad mood."

"cough cough"

Yunli is out of breath from coughing, little master?This seniority is so high!

The boy in white looked over, "This little nephew is very unfamiliar, why don't you introduce me to Junior Brother Mo?"

"My Daoist, I heard that he just got started not long ago."

Yunli smiled, "Yunli has seen Master Su."

Mistake oh mistake, I didn't expect that there are so many foundation-establishment monks at the age of Taiyizong, and it is a generation shorter than so many people, so I have to find an opportunity to adjust my cultivation base to the early stage of foundation-establishment.

Along the way, seeing the young man in white facing An Ran on the saddle, Yunli felt like a cat's paw, her gossip soul was already burning. However, no one in the group wanted to speak, and An Ran kept pressing her hair to signal her to shut up. , she was about to choke out internal injuries.

After leaving Huzong Mountain, I suddenly received An Ran's voice transmission in my mind: "Don't reveal our relationship, and voice transmission in the Zongmen is not acceptable."

Yunli is in a daze, she completely agrees not to reveal the relationship, and she just doesn't want to reveal it, but why can't she use voice transmission?

An Ran continued to transmit: "The multi-infant true monarch in the sect, the sound transmission will be intercepted."

"That's why you only met me when you came out of Huzong Dashan?"

Yunli was speechless, she had to be honest in front of Zhenjun Yuanying, but there was no need to be so careful in front of the people building foundations and practicing qi.

"Well, tell me, where have you been for the past seven years? Where's Wei Xiaosan? Are you also in the sect?"

Yunli said vaguely: "That's not true, there was a little accident, but we survived successfully, and now we are separated again."

"As long as you are still alive, there is always the possibility of seeing you again in the future. You can still be alive and well. With Wei Xiaosan's ability, no matter what, you can do better than you."

Wei Xiaosan has dual spiritual roots of fire and wood, such aptitude is at least an inner disciple in any sect, and he has been a martial arts student since childhood, and his heart is firm, no matter what, he can hold his hand and hurt his heart compared to his cousin. A boudoir girl who cries all night is more able to adapt to the monk's rules.

Yunli lowered her eyes, this is really not certain, with the bad luck of the senior brother, and the overt and secret targets of the pavilion, I don't know how he is doing now?

"Cousin, if I want to find an inner disciple in the Taiyi Sect, how can I find it faster?"

"Who are you looking for?"

"A girl who got started on the same day as me, her name is Wen Xueluo."

"This is easy to handle. Give me her portrait when you find a chance. My medicine nursery still lacks a disciple who takes care of Lingzhi. I will go to the deacon's hall and ask her to come here."

"She is an inner disciple, does she want to work too?"

An Ran thought for a while, "Tell me about the situation in detail."

"I don't know much. I should be about the same age as us. The three spiritual roots of gold, wood and earth are at the early stage of foundation establishment."

(End of this chapter)

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