all the way to fairy

Chapter 163 Auction

Chapter 163 Auction (3)

It turns out that the little demon girl's name is Yunli, isn't she from the Canye Pavilion? How did she join the Taiyi sect?

Ye Chuchen felt even more anxious. When he recalled the conversation between her and the other two fellow students that day over and over again, after guessing that she came from the Canye Pavilion, he also thought about telling the clan. However, once he had this idea, The sea of ​​consciousness was overwhelmed, and the pain was so painful that he was dying.

After a few casual greetings, he hastily left: "There are still some things in the pavilion that I need to take care of, so I will leave first, and if the hospitality is not good, I hope Haihan."

Su Xu nodded: "Friend Daoist Ye is busy first."

Mo Huai's eyes fell on Yunli and Mu Yan's arms, and his expression was inexplicable: "Who are you?"

Yunli blurted out: "It was like old friends at first sight."

Mu Yan smiled shyly: "Junior Sister Yun and I get along quite well."

Su Xu said softly: "They are about the same age, so it's easy for them to hang out together. It seems that Nephew Mu also has company."

Age is second, and the main thing is cultivation. They are not much different in age. Although Lin Xi is also in the Qi training period, she is the granddaughter of the head teacher, so she is naturally not afraid.

Mu Yan is only in the Qi training period, and her status is also lower. She has such a timid temperament, and she is naturally restrained with them. Now a person who is almost the same age, cultivation level, and status as her has come, and she has a better relationship. Makes sense.

The suspicion in Mo Huai's heart faded away, and he felt suspicious again. Mu Yan joined Taiyi Sect with him in the same batch.

He rubbed the center of his brows, turned and entered the box, and An Ran gave them a careful look and then went in.

Yunli and Mu Yan looked at each other with a smile, and entered the box arm in arm. After a while, a waiter brought refreshments and their auction number plate.

Not long after, the night pearl lamps gradually went out, only a few huge pearls on the top of Yu Yuantai were still on, and everyone quieted down. Most of the people who came here were regulars and knew the rules. This is the beginning.

A beam of light suddenly shone on the round platform in the center, and the red curtain was slowly retracted, and a man with a friendly face in the middle stage of foundation establishment appeared on the stage, with a standard 45-degree smile on his mouth: "First of all, thank you for visiting our store. In [-], our Jinye Pavilion carefully selected today's auction items for everyone, each of which is a rare treasure."

After a pause, he turned sideways, stretched out his hand and said, "Not much to say, next, please come to our first auction."

A girl in white walked over to him with a tray in her hand. The man lifted the red cloth on it and said loudly, "The eighth-level cloud leopard demon pill!"




As soon as he finished speaking, there was a gasp from below. The appetizers were all eighth-order monster pills, and the ones in the back were even better!
"How precious this clouded leopard's demon pill is. If I don't say anything, everyone knows that it is the main material for refining the Yuan pill, not to mention that it is an eighth-level clouded leopard's demon pill."

The man scanned the audience, and with a wave of his hand, the demon pill containing huge spiritual power flew up on the tray, suspended in the air above his head, so that the guests upstairs and downstairs could see the demon pill in all directions without blind spots.

After fully mobilizing the passion in everyone's hearts, he slowly said: "The starting price is 120, a middle-grade spirit stone."


Yunli took a deep breath, and opened her mouth wide. Middle-grade spirit stones, in conversion, are 120 million low-grade. I'll go, I'll go, it's expensive, dare to love high-ranking monks who buy things with middle-grade spirit stones. unit!

After thinking about it, the eighth level is the overlord among the monsters, one step away from the transformation form, and most of the same level human cultivators are not opponents of the monster cultivators at all. The origin of such a demon pill must be accompanied by blood. The price is actually acceptable.

Lin Xi turned her head and glanced at her, with strong disgust in her eyes: "The bumpkin."

Yunli: "."

She turned her head and sent a voice transmission to An Ran: "Can we change it? This young lady talks too unpleasantly, and I don't want to have a good relationship with her."

The corner of An Ran's mouth twitched, "Be patient first, she is still wary of you now, just get familiar with it."

'Heh, you are now in the same room with a bumpkin, and you are a bumpkin even if you round it up!snort! '

Yunli winked at the back of Lin Xi's head and turned back silently, making Mu Yan who was beside her almost laugh out loud.

Outside, the clouded leopard's demon pill has been carried to 1000 middle-grade spirit stones, and finally sold for 1020 middle-grade spirit stones.

Linglong House flashed like garbled codes in Yunli's mind. It turns out that a Linglong House is only worth one eighth-level demon pill, so it doesn't look very expensive. If you improve your cultivation in the future, you should also consider Linglong House.

The following are some spiritual plants that are said to be very precious. Yunli doesn't know much about them and has no need for them. Master's private medicine garden can be used at will, so there is no need to spend sky-high prices to sprinkle spirit stones in Jinye Pavilion.

Mu Yan's level of alchemy is too low, and she won't be able to use these rare spiritual plants for the time being. Of course, she doesn't have the financial resources. The others are not alchemists and have no need for spiritual plants.

As the starting price is getting higher and higher, the competition circle has concentrated on the boxes on the second and third floors. The seats in the Jinye Pavilion are very interesting. Needless to say, the hall below is ordinary people who have the qualifications to enter;

On the second floor, there are mostly big sects near Tianyun City, genius disciples of big families, and second-generation cultivators. Most of them come to gain knowledge. If you like something, you will win or lose.

As for the third floor, those who really have the ability to participate in the auction, but usually, there will not be many, except for the items that catch their eyes on big occasions, otherwise, once a year, whoever has the leisure to come to participate every year.

Halfway through the auction, the purses of most of the guests have been emptied, and some of the people who were overwhelmed by the bargaining price have begun to wake up. Their purses have been emptied.

Seeing that the price increase was slower and smaller each time, the man who presided over the auction did not rush to stir up everyone's emotions, but politely and lawfully completed the bidding.

I saw him smile mysteriously, "Then we will have a break at halftime and enter our special session. The auction is for a spiritual pet, a very special spiritual pet."

Yunli is confused, it's all auctions, what's so special about it?

Mu Yan saw her doubts, and Transsion explained to her: "During the half-time break, Jinye Pavilion will release some interesting gadgets as entertainment, and the price is usually not high. The starting price is a low-grade spirit stone, such as a handle with The magic weapon of the story, some low-grade but uncommon pills, and some weird things. If you are lucky and no one bids with you, you can even buy some hundreds of spirit stones with one low-grade spirit stone objects."

Yunli nodded, it was Jinye Pavilion's feedback.

"This is the part that we, the shy monks, are looking forward to the most. It is said that someone once took a simple hairpin with a piece of spirit stone, and found that it was a mustard space after returning."

"It's the same as picking up leaks in the stall area, right? It depends on luck."

Her eyes were shining, and she couldn't help but look forward to it. The senior brother personally proved that her luck is very good. She is very good at fighting for luck!
A half-person-high cage was pushed up, and it was covered with a red cloth that cut off the detection of spiritual sense as usual. The man put his hands on the red cloth, and he was not in a hurry to open it, but smiled and said: "This is a three-year-old cage. A super popular wolf."

As soon as this remark came out, everyone couldn't help being surprised. Special sessions are known for being special, and the biggest feature of the auctioned items is that they are special. Don't worry about those with noble bloodlines. If they are noble bloodlines, they won't appear in the special session.

To be special, at least it should be rare. An ordinary monster like Fengxingwolf is not suitable for a special session no matter how you think about it. However, the reputation of Jinye Pavilion made everyone puzzled, but no one made a fuss.

Wheezing his appetite, the man lifted the red cloth and said loudly, "A Tier [-] popular wolf that has transformed!"

(End of this chapter)

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