all the way to fairy

Chapter 164 Auction

Chapter 164 Auction (4)

Everyone's brains went down for a moment, and the combination of transformation and third-order, no matter how you think, it is wrong. Monster beasts usually have ninth-order transformations, and third-order monsters are the bottom of the monsters. Those monsters that have the potential to transform The beast is mostly a cub at the third level.

As the red cloth was lifted, a fifteen or sixteen-year-old boy was curled up in a corner of the cage. With his bare upper body and messy black hair, he was no different from an ordinary human boy. If the auctioneer hadn't already said that he was a changeling Feng Xinglang, I really can't tell that he is a monster.

Yunli was stunned for a moment, feeling a little weird, as soon as this incident happened, Jinye Pavilion always gave her the impression of being a human trafficker who abducted and trafficked children.

She shook her head, looking at the essence through phenomena, no matter how much she looks like a person, she is not a person, not to mention that there is no difference for monks. If selling people's cultivation can make a profit, they will do it without any concealment. Zuimenglou refines monks into medicine Isn't it much crueler to sell furnaces than this.

As a little transparent practitioner, I am still in prison, so take care of yourself first.

"By chance, this popular wolf ate the Transformation Pill by mistake and transformed into a form ahead of time. A third-order monster with chaotic spiritual intelligence can have such a chance. Up to the seventh and eighth rank monsters, would you like to give it a try?"

Hearing this, Lin Xi sneered, "This steward is really eloquent, he can tell him that he is dead. With the talent of this wolf cub, if you want to cultivate to the seventh or eighth level of monsters, it is tantamount to nonsense."

Although her words are harsh, they are also true. Monster beasts are different from human cultivation. They pay more attention to blood in cultivation. The blood at birth almost determines how far they can go in the future.

But human cultivation is different. For human cultivation, although talent is also important, hard work, character, and opportunity can also make up for part of it. The further you go, the less the influence of talent.

The icy silver cage on the round platform was opened, and the auctioneer pulled the wolf cub out of it with spiritual power, and suspended it in the air like the previous item for guests to appreciate and judge.

The wolf cub roared and struggled angrily, and kept roaring at the crowd, but it was of no avail. There were formations around the round platform, just to prevent accidents when the auctioned item escaped or hurt people when auctioning a living thing like it, and at the same time to prevent There are daring people who take risks.

The wolf cub's intelligence is not high, and he has been doing fearless and disorderly struggles. His clear green glazed pupils are burning with anger, but it is these anger that reveals his fear. A creature like a wolf is always calm. Patience is a fatal blow, and anger is just a cover for its bewilderment.

The beautiful glazed pupils, wild and unruly face, inadvertently revealing a trace of bewilderment, all stimulated the spectators in the venue, and someone tentatively bid, "One piece of Lingshi."

"Two spirit stones." Someone immediately followed up.

"Three dollars!"

The corners of Yunli’s mouth twitched. It’s more than this price to buy a demon pill. This group of people really dare to offer it. It’s not the way to pick up a bargain. Everyone is not a fool. How could they let you pay such a low price? The price is taken away.

Such a price is more like a humiliation to wolf cubs, or a humiliation of humans to other intelligent creatures.

Looking at the wolf cub who didn't understand the humiliation at all and was still struggling, she couldn't help cursing in a low voice: "Idiot."

The more you struggle, the more you will irritate those madmen. At this time, quietly observe the changes, reduce the interest of others, try to let yourself fall into the hands of low-level monks, and then wait for an opportunity to escape. It is the right way to just struggle and show yourself charm?
Everyone else in the room turned to look at her, Yunli spread her hands, "I mean those people who want to take advantage, only idiots would treat others as fools."

Su Xu wondered, "What is an idiot?"

Yunli: ".It means stupid."

Su Xu nodded suddenly, "Nephew Yun is a wonderful person."

Yunli chuckled, and raised her eyes to look at Yuantai again.

As if feeling something in his heart, the levitating wolf cub also looked over, and slowly stopped struggling.


A slightly angry voice joined the bidding, and Yunli obviously saw that the expressions of everyone in the room had changed, especially An Ran, who had an undisguised disgust on his face.

She couldn't help touching Mu Yan, and asked curiously, "Who is this person, do you know him?"

Mu Yan hesitated, "It's Qi Lu, the thirteenth young master of the Qi family in the city, he, he"

An Ran took the words, and said coldly: "It's just a dude who bullies men and women."

Seeing An Ran's expression of loathing flies, Yunli's eyes rolled, this Qi Lu should be unusually dandy.

There are quite a few Gaoliang disciples in Liang Guo, and An Ran can be regarded as someone who has seen a big scene. It can make her disgusted like this. Look at the wolf cub's beautiful pupils and wild face, and listen to the turmoil that keeps ringing in the field Voice, what else does she not understand, this Qilu Cliff has such crooked thoughts about wolf cubs.

Turning her eyes around, she aimed at Mo Huai: "Uncle Mo, don't you want to take pictures?"

Mo Huai said coldly, "What did I shoot it for?"

Lin Xi looked her up and down, and her hairs stood on end with vigilance: "What the hell are you thinking?"

"Senior Sister Lin is joking, what bad thoughts can I have?"

She looked at Mo Huai with a standard 45-degree smile on her face: "As a Taoist boy, I naturally think of what Master Mo thinks, and worry about what Master Mo wants."

An Ran: "Speak human words."

"Uncle Master can't find a suitable sword boy, why don't you train one yourself, look at this sharp little eyes, it must be a very suitable sharp sword boy after training."


"That's right, what could be more satisfying than the sword boy you cultivated by yourself? It's just a blank sheet of paper now, you can paint it however you want!"

Lin Xi glared at her fiercely, then turned to Mo Huai and said, "Brother Huai, don't listen to her nonsense, the wolf cub is inhumane, it doesn't matter how serious it is, what if I hurt you?"

"Hey, the enemy won't be soft-hearted to him. It's useless to practice as a training partner without any danger. It's also an embroidered pillow after training. It's not useful if you look at it."

Mo Huai was thoughtful, no matter what her intention was, he had to say that he was moved by this suggestion.

Among the people who came to choose him as a sword boy, there were many fellows with decent swordsmanship, but most of them were afraid of fighting because of his status, and they couldn't achieve the effect he wanted. Perhaps this wolf cub was a good choice .

Thinking of this, he turned his head to the outside and said, "A middle-grade spirit stone."

"Brother Huai!"

Lin Xi pouted her lips unhappily, and at the same time, she was alarmed at Yunli. A Taoist boy who has just been a Taoist for a few days can easily persuade Brother Huai. Brother Huai doesn't listen to everyone.

The deep voice was mixed with the power of spiritual consciousness, and it was clearly transmitted to the ears of everyone in the hall. All eyes were attracted, and they looked towards the box where they were.

Many people present were frequent visitors to this auction, and Mo Huai's voice was undisguised, and many people recognized who the bidder was.

There was an uproar in the audience, and everyone thought he was crazy. It was just a third-order popular wolf, and it could be bought for more than 1000 low-grade spirit stones outside. Even because of the special human form, it would not cost more than 3000 spirit stones.

And now, this kid from Tai Yizong actually produced a middle-grade spirit stone!
Yunli also gasped, unexpectedly, Mo Huai looked shrewd, and he turned out to be a fool with a lot of money. That's [-] low-grade spirit stones!

In the box opposite, someone stared straight at this side. It was Qi Lu, who was in a hurry before, "Senior brother Mo Huai, what do you mean?"

What else can I say, I have already bid, so I naturally want it, Yunli shook her head, she didn't look very smart.

Mo Huai said lightly, "If the nephew wants to, he can continue to bid."

He bit the first two words of this sentence very hard, Qi Lu was originally a Qi training eighth level, but always relying on his status as a child of the Qi family, he fell in love with the elite brothers and former brothers of the foundation establishment of the sect.

Although Lin Xi was dissatisfied with Mo Huai's acceptance of Yunli's suggestion, at this time, she naturally wanted to stand up and speak up for Mo Huai, "This is Jin Ye Pavilion, whoever bids the highest will get it, Qi Lu, if you don't have a spirit stone, don't be blind call."

(End of this chapter)

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