all the way to fairy

Chapter 165 Auction

Chapter 165 Auction (5)

The curtain on the opposite side shook violently, it seemed that Qi Lu's thick panting from embarrassment had blown the curtain, and after two breaths, his distraught voice sounded.

"A medium-grade spirit stone, plus 2 low-grade spirit stones!"


Someone couldn't hold back and laughed out loud. He never expected that he would add 2 low-grade spirit stones after holding it in for so long.

"2 middle-grade spirit stones."

Mo Hai's faint voice sounded again, with a light and calm look, as if what he was going to give was not a spirit stone, but a pile of paper, Yun Li looked at Mo Hai with bright eyes, what a local tyrant!

The other side fell silent, and the whole scene was completely silent. Now not only in Yunli's heart, but probably in everyone's heart, Mo Huai is the representative of people who are stupid and have a lot of money.

The auctioneer below smiled more sincerely, "Two middle-grade spirit stones once."

He scanned the audience and didn't stir up the atmosphere any more. This was already the best price that could be sold.

"Twice for two medium-grade spirit stones, three times for two medium-grade spirit stones, deal!"

Looking at the vigilant wolf cub on the chain, and Mo Huai, who is generous in paying Lingshi, Yunli can't help but sigh again that people are stupid and have a lot of money. Young people are just angry. Although it is cool to spend a lot of money, although it is awesome, it is still stupid. , What can't you do, you have to make trouble with Lingshi.

Mo Huai signed the pet contract with the wolf cub cleanly, and removed its chain. With the pet contract, he was not afraid of it hurting others. The wolf cub was still vigilant, huddled in a corner of the room, and kept staring at them.

Next, the auction started again, and they were all things they couldn't afford. Yunli was bored watching it again, and the auction was talking about being lively, but that's exactly what happened.

Gradually, the auction has come to an end, and the manager's voice is a little hoarse: "Next is our last auction item. I believe many old friends already know what it is, so I won't introduce it much."

After speaking, he turned sideways to look to the side.

What the hell?
Yunli's drowsiness also decreased a bit, and she couldn't help asking: "What are you going to shoot?"

Mu Yan regretted: "A knife has been auctioned in Jinye Pavilion for many years, but it has not been sold."

Yunli was a little curious: "Why?"

"Because it's too heavy, so far no one can lift it. It is said that even Zhenjun Yuanying can only barely move it, and cannot use it freely."

"So heavy?"

Yun Li was so shocked that she couldn't close her mouth, what kind of power Yuanying Zhenjun could move a mountain, he couldn't hold a knife?

Lin Xi squinted at her, "What do you know, that knife was taken out of the ancient battlefield by several bone-forging practitioners 10,000+ years ago, but no one has been able to use it. hands."

"At first, the Ye family kept it in their own arsenal, hoping that some of the family's children would be recognized by it. However, 10,000+ years have passed, and no one has been able to get its approval. More than ten years ago, the current Ye family members counted, Just put it up for auction, because no one can take it, so it has not been sold."

Is it so amazing?

Yunli stretched her neck and looked down. She wanted to see what kind of knife it was. It was so awesome that she couldn't find a master for 10,000+ years.

Following the eyes of the auctioneer on the stage, two burly men emerged from the diagonally below their box, both of them were practicing visceral physical training, with thick ropes on their shoulders, and they seemed to be holding big knives.

She thought she would see a huge sword bigger than her epee, but behind them, two more people appeared side by side, also wearing thick ropes.

And judging from the blade exposed between the four of them, it is not a blunt broadsword, the blade is extremely thin, the center is a clear peach red, and the edge is glowing with silver light, the short blade can already see it beautiful.

Yunli stood up abruptly, resisting the urge to rush out of the box, staring at her with burning eyes, even holding her breath involuntarily.

Seeing her reaction, the others were stunned for a moment, and Lin Xi doubted: "You don't want it, don't tell me whether you need it or not, the price of Lingshi at that day is not something you can afford!"

Yunli ignored her, staring straight at the clear powder.

Really want it? !
An Ran was shocked, and sent her a voice transmission: "Don't be impulsive. Although the knife is beautiful, it is really heavy. Lin Xi didn't coax you, and the price is not cheap, which is why it hasn't been auctioned all these years."

Yunli's attention was still on the knife, and she turned a deaf ear to her persuasion. Since entering the Canglan Continent, she had never felt such a strong feeling. She only saw a small part, and she was determined to get it.

Two more big men came out side by side, and a section of the blade appeared again. Slowly, twelve big men carrying knives appeared in the hall. It was extremely difficult to say that they were carrying the knife, rather than dragging the knife.

And the whole picture of the knife also appeared in the eyes of everyone, Yunli was so excited that she couldn't speak, this was the weapon she wanted, it was so beautiful, it was very suitable for a little fairy like her.

An Ran was secretly anxious, and wanted to get up and hold her back, but their relationship in front of everyone is not that good yet. Thinking about it again, this knife is a sky-high price, not to mention the cousin, it is the spirit stones of all of them together Not enough, when she heard the price, she knew she would give up.

Twelve body repairs did not send the saber to the round platform. The round platform that can be ascended with a light jump is as difficult as a natural moat for them who carry the saber.

As they put the knife on the ground and walked away with vain footsteps, the knife completely revealed its entire appearance, the overall length was only one foot, the blade was about half an inch wide, and the tip and edge were silvery white;

The clear peach-red blade has an irregular bend in the middle, making the entire blade appear in a shallow, large wave shape; the handle is dark red with ancient tree patterns, polished very smooth.

The color of the whole knife ranges from light to dark, from light to dark, and the connection is very natural. One can imagine that the moment the knife is swung, the peach-red shadows of the knife are like peach blossoms flying all over the sky. In the ultimate bright dream, it kills the enemy invisible.

The steward took a deep breath, and explained in an extremely perfunctory manner: "I don't think I will mention the power of this knife, but you all know that those that came out of the ancient battlefield are all from the upper world. Now start bidding, the starting price is 100 pieces High-grade spirit stone."

Yunli's brain went down, and a bunch of zeros flashed, how much would a hundred high-grade spirit stones be converted into low-grade?

"It seems that no owner has been found for it this year."

Someone below laughed, "Let's not talk about this year, you won't be able to find a master in the next hundred years, such a heavy knife, no matter how high the grade is, it's just a decoration."

"That's right, Steward Night. It's better to take back such fetishes and keep them. They move in and out every year. It's not easy for these fellow daoists who are practicing viscera. Why bother them?"

Yunli is trying to start the calculations in his brain. No, the auctioneer below, who is not hopeful, is ready to end after going through the scene quickly, "I believe that one day, someone will get its approval and make it shine. Today's auction This is the end, I hereby say goodbye to all of you."

Yunli was in a hurry, and didn't care about the pile of zeros, so she rushed out and shouted at the steward below: "Wait a minute, I want it!"

The whole audience was silent, and everyone looked up at the girl in Tsing Yi who had half of her body leaning out of the fence above. After a short period of sluggishness, someone murmured: "Whose prodigal daughter is this?"

"New face, never seen before."

"It came out of the boxes of the juniors of the Taiyi Sect. Could it be the new disciples of some Taiyi Sect True Monarch?"

There was a lot of discussion below, guessing everything, and the guests in the other boxes upstairs also came out, pointing at Yunli and talking about it.

Yunli shouted to the sluggish steward, "I want it, 100 high-grade spirit stones."

Seeing that she was bound to win, someone below rolled his eyes and stood up. Yunli immediately said: "If anyone raises the price, I will give up immediately."

If it's a big deal, go and rob. Now that the cultivation base is low and you can't rob, you can also remember it first, and then go after the cultivation base increases.

(End of this chapter)

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