all the way to fairy

Chapter 166 Auction

Chapter 166 Auction (6)

Those cultivators who were half a beat slow and got up halfway sat back silently. The little girl's move was too cruel.

The monk who stood up was stupefied, looked at Yunli's determined eyes, and thought about the price of 100 high-grade spirit stones, which completely exceeded his entire net worth, and it was too expensive to please Ye Shi in this way.

He blushed, moved his arms, blew his beard and stared: "You girl, you are too thoughtful, the old man just got up and moved after sitting for a long time."

Yunli: Hehehe, you don't hide the malice all over your face.

Upstairs in the staff box of Jinye Pavilion, Ye Chuchen thumped in his heart, 100 top-grade spirit stones, and after thinking about it, he knew that the little demon girl didn't have so many spirit stones. Don't worry, the little demon girl had the confidence to bid because of him.

He was in a panic, even as a direct descendant of the family, he didn't have so many spirit stones!
This is an auction item prepared for Yuanying Zhenjun. He is a monk in the foundation period, no matter how important the clan is, he can't give him so many spirit stones, not even a tenth, what should we do?How to do?
If he offends the little demon girl, he will definitely die, but if he uses his identity to embezzle the Lingshi, he will be expelled from the clan if he turns around, or be beaten to death by his grandfather at worst.

In Tai Yizong's box, the stunned people finally came to their senses and left the box one after another. Lin Xi was the first to ask, "Do you have so many spirit stones?"

Yunli shook her head, and answered simply: "No."

The onlookers lost their minds, so they just said, how can such a huge sum of money come from mere seven-level Qi training, looking at the steward's face as black as pot ashes, he thought about watching a good show again, little girl, you are quite courageous Well, Ye Shi dares to play tricks.

Looking at a bunch of malicious gazes around her, Yunli knew that in order to have a clean life in the future, she had to give a solution to this matter in front of everyone.

Otherwise, they should treat her like a little fat sheep. She would be very happy when low-level monks came to rob her, but with so many monks, many of them Golden Core Nascent Soul, if they came to rob her, it would be a big deal.

The steward on the stage had a dark face, and said coldly, "What do you mean, Fellow Daoist?"

"Don't worry, I will definitely buy this knife, we can pay in installments."

Yunli hurriedly gave him a reassurance first, and then explained concisely: "I will pay you part first, and the rest will be given to you slowly, and I will give you some extra spirit stones every year. What do you think?"

Seeing that the steward no longer had a dark face, Yunli continued: "Anyway, you can't sell this knife, and it will be dusty if you put it in the warehouse. Although you can't get all the spirit stones at once if you sell it to me, you can buy it every year. I can get some of it."

Seeing that she didn't intend to force himself to give it to her, Ye Chuchen in the box was greatly relieved, and hurriedly sent a voice transmission to the steward: "Take her to discuss in detail later."

What if she was in a hurry and changed her mind and forced herself to send it.

Although he was extremely reluctant to come forward and remind the little demon girl of her existence, who would have met Su Xu and the others at the beginning? If he didn't go out, he rubbed his eyebrows and told the waiter beside him: "Go and invite Seventeen." uncle."

After a cup of tea, everyone from the Taiyi Sect started a meeting with the Jinye Pavilion delegation. Of course, everyone from the Taiyi Sect except Yunli came to drink tea and watch.

At the beginning of the negotiation, the night steward of the auction reported the situation of the auction just now and the solution proposed by Yunli to the head of the Ye party. The shrewd Ye family took over Ye Tiancheng, the commercial director of Tianyun City, and immediately caught him. The crux of the problem, said: "The method is feasible, but are you sure you can earn 100 high-grade spirit stones?"

Faced with Ye Tiancheng's doubts, Yunli took out her own talisman seals: "I am a talisman master, and now I can stably produce high-grade talisman seals with a success rate of [-]%."

In fact, she already knows the ground-level crane talisman now, and the other ground-level talismans are not available in the talisman book, so she hasn't learned it yet, but the hole cards still have to be kept, and the seventh-level cultivation base can produce high-grade mysterious-level talisman seals, It has already been shown that she is extremely talented in Fu Zhuan, no matter how high she is, she will be suppressed by others.

Ye Tiancheng's eyes lit up, and he took the talisman seals and examined them carefully. The Ye family also has a talisman hall. He is in charge of all the affairs of the entire Tianyun City and its surroundings, and he has some appreciation for the talisman seals. The strokes of these talisman seals are smooth. The spiritual power is restrained and evenly distributed. It can be seen that the producer is proficient in writing, and combined with his age, he is indeed a rare and talented talisman master.

There is no doubt about the ability of a high-level talisman master to earn spirit stones. When encountering secret realm experience and fighting skills, talismans and seals are in high demand, and the price can be sold several times the usual price, and there is never a shortage of fighting skills among monks.

He put away the admiration in his eyes, put down the talisman, and looked at her: "You have only cultivated Qi to the seventh level, can you live long enough to pay off the spirit stone?"

Yunli's face turned dark, Ma Dan, even if you die, this fairy will not die.

The corners of the mouths of the rest of the Taiyi Sect also twitched. What they said was too hurtful, like a curse.

Yunli rubbed her stiff face, neither angry nor angry, a businessman, it's normal to think more, if it were me, if I want to sell such a large order on credit, I would also worry about whether the other party will run away or die .

After thinking for a while, she gritted her teeth and said, "How about this, if I hang up before paying back the spirit stone, you Jinye Pavilion can take back the knife, and the previous spirit stone will be regarded as the rent I paid."

Too bad, the poor have no human rights.

Ye Chuchen, who was sitting by the side, glanced at Yunli uneasily, and saw that she had nothing to do with him except that she glanced at him after entering the room at first, and even so, he was still uneasy.

Seeing that the negotiations were about to start, he was even more anxious. However, he was a child of the Ye family after all, so even if he wanted to help the little demon girl, he had to consider the interests of the family. Only when the conditions were reasonable could he help negotiate.

Ye Tiancheng: "Little girl, what you said, you can still inform us before you die."

He died one bite at a time, Yunli was very unhappy when he heard it, and said angrily: "With your Ye Shi's ability, who would dare to provoke you easily, let alone for a knife that I can't use at all, wouldn't it be foolish to offend Ye Shi. "

Ye Tiancheng also felt that he was a bit difficult to force others to do. Maybe they had to arrange someone to bring them over after they were all dead.

He coughed a few times, and it was better to let her return the spirit stone as much as possible.

Ye Chuchen suddenly said: "The method proposed by Fellow Daoist Yun is very special. In the past, this method was only used in the ticket office, but most people still don't want to go to the ticket office. It can be done this way.”

Ye Tiancheng slapped his head, why didn't he think of this, with this method, a large number of customers who can't afford it now can become their targets, so why worry about the goods not being sold.

Yunli's eyes lit up, and she struck while the iron was hot: "Hey, for the sake of providing you with such a good idea, you can sell it to me."

People need to be content, confiscating the intellectual property fees of your business model should be enough!
Ye Tiancheng realized that this method would bring huge benefits to Ye's Trading Company in the future, and he was kind to Yunli who proposed the idea, and finally stopped criticizing. I sold the knife to Yunli, 110 yuan was the price of the knife, and the other 100 yuan was interest.

In addition, Yunli also signed a directional sales agreement with Yeshi Trading Company Lingfutang. Under the same conditions, the talisman seals made by Yunli will be sold to Yeshi Lingfutang first.

Yunli smiled on her face, and kept cursing the unscrupulous businessman in her heart.

Regarding Ye Chuchen's worry about intimidating him, she never thought about it at all. In this matter, she didn't want to owe favors to others. The knife has a lot of background. If she owes karma today, she will only have to pay back more in the future. , Things that can be solved with money are not things.

Furthermore, in fact, she has enough spirit stones. At the beginning, Zhenjun Shen Shen of the Ye family contained two large boxes of neatly stacked high-grade spirit stones and several boxes of middle-grade spirit stones. Before leaving, they divided the family property, because the senior brother needs to use spiritual stones to practice, so most of the high-grade spiritual stones are with him, but she still has 100 yuan here.

(End of this chapter)

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