Chapter 167
It's just that the wealth is not revealed, she is a small disciple of external Qi training, and her financial resources are comparable to those of the Nascent Soul Stage. Doesn't this tell others that she is a fat sheep?

Painful to pay the down payment, she rushed to the hall: "Little baby, sister is here!"

Hearing everyone staggering, what's the matter with the tone of this dude visiting the brothel.

Yunli stroked the blade gently with both hands, and said intoxicatedly: "It's so beautiful, the love knife in my dream."

Some of the guests who hadn't left couldn't help being speechless after hearing this. The spirit stone is so beautiful because the knife is so beautiful!
The little girl now is such a prodigal.

She held the handle of the knife and lifted it, but without accident, she didn't move it.

She is not in a hurry, it doesn't matter if she can't carry it now, take it back first, and then she will be able to carry it later.

Thinking of this, her spiritual consciousness pulled the knife into the storage bag, but she didn't put it in. Instead, her spiritual consciousness felt a sense of exhaustion and emptiness, and cold sweat broke out on her forehead for a while.

"Tsk, why do you think it was carried up by twelve individual practitioners just now, this one can't be put into the storage bag."

Lin Xi couldn't help gloating. She admitted that the girl's performance had shocked her just now. At such a young age, she was able to make high-grade talisman seals, which also made her feel a sense of crisis.

With such a talent, the big talisman masters in the Huihui Sect are still vying to accept her as an apprentice. By then, the difference in status between her and Brother Huai will be small.

Yunli was dumbfounded, "So I just have to drag it back?"

An Ran raised her eyebrows: "That's not true."

Yunli swallowed, turned around and looked at the steward of Jinye Pavilion: "Are you in charge of home delivery?"

The steward hadn't done much work yet, the twelve body repairmen who brought up the knife shook their heads like rattles, and kept winking at the steward. Their uniform movements made the others laugh.

The steward smiled and shook his head to refuse, other things are fine, let's forget about this knife.

Jinye Pavilion is unreliable, Yunli can only go up by herself.

She spread her legs into a standard horse gait, lowered her dantian, bent down, and held the handle of the knife with both hands. Slowly leaving the ground an inch or two, her face was flushed, her teeth were clenched, and the blue veins on her white arms were shocking.

The people around were stunned, especially the twelve individual practitioners, who felt the weight of the knife most intuitively. With the combined efforts of the twelve of them, they could barely lift the knife an inch off the ground. They were dragged from the distance.

But now, a cardamom girl lifted it off the ground with only one person's strength.

Of all the people, An Ran is the most disillusioned. In her memory, her cousin is still the little girl who can't hold a watermelon, but now, this person who mentions a knife that can't be lifted by twelve visceral training period physical training who is it?

No, it's definitely not her cousin!

Mo Huai had seen Yunli's epee before, and had certain expectations for her strength, but he never expected her strength to be so great.

Yunli, who was trying to feed her milk, suddenly thought, no, she hasn't admitted her master yet with a drop of blood!
Thinking of this, she let go of her hand, and the blade, half of which had been lifted off the ground, fell back to the ground again, and with a touch, dust was everywhere.

Everyone retreated in unison, Yunli waved her hand and slapped her, "Wow, it's been a long time since you cleaned this place, it's too dirty."

The night steward looked at the hollow part under the carpet, you smashed the floor for me, can there be no dust.

She forced a drop of heart blood into the knife, the blade made a soft sound, and then regained her composure, and Yunli also felt a faint connection between herself and the knife.

This connection is extremely weak, like a slender spider thread, which will be broken when the wind blows, and she has entered the sacrificial hand formula and the imprint of divine consciousness, and this connection has changed from a spider thread to a hair thread .

Seeing her sacrificial alchemy formula clearly, Su Xu was surprised: "Aren't you a talisman?"

The others also realized that the sacrificial hand formula she entered just now was not a natal magic weapon, and they were all surprised. They almost spent the rest of their lives in it, but the knife they bought was not used as a natal magic weapon. Outrageous.

There is already a natal magic weapon, Yunli blinked and replied: "I will talk about it later when I can use it."

Su Xu thought about it, and nodded appreciatively at her: "Nephew Yun is cautious."

Buying a knife is a purchase, and it is still a question of whether it can be used. If you rashly sacrifice it as a natal magic weapon, you will be in trouble if you really can't use it in the future.

A monk can only have one natal magic weapon. If he wants to change it later, not to mention the complicated process, there will be barriers to re-sacrificing the natal magic weapon.

Yunli blushed, she hadn't thought about this question at all, after she came into contact with the formula for refining natal artifacts, she discovered that the formula for refining natal artifacts in Huanshi Ling was the natal technique, and it was more popular than the current public A more advanced method of sacrificial refining.

Huanshiling is very comfortable with her, and the grade is not low, she never thought about changing it, she was surprised for a while and then put it down; she also likes this knife, but Huanshiling is the one. The natal magic weapon in her heart was not for the natal magic weapon when she first bought the knife.

She smiled, and then tried to put the knife into the storage bag. Once again, Zhihai couldn't bear the weight of the knife and tumbling, she stopped with a pale face.

It still doesn't work, it seems that I can only carry it back hard.

Yunli once again used Lu Zhishen's strength to pull the weeping willow upside down, and lifted the knife off the ground little by little. This time, because of the weak connection of recognizing the owner, it was much easier than before. She slowly stood up straight, and the knife was completely lifted. Leaving the ground, her body swayed, and just when everyone thought she was about to fall, she yelled loudly and stomped the floor with her left foot, and the knife suddenly rushed to her shoulder and lay flat.



There was a sound of gasping, and the eyes of a group of people were about to pop out. The carpet under her feet had already sunken. One could imagine how much strength she had exploded just now.

Yunli tried to take a step, and then staggered back two steps. Seeing her wobbly, everyone backed up one after another, fearing that if she couldn't hold on, she would fall, and then she would be hit by the knife .

She shook for a while, finally stabilized her body, and then walked out.

Now that she could leave, everyone was about to go back home, when Mo Huai suddenly said, "The wolf cub is still up there."

He turned and went upstairs, and when he came down, Yunli had only walked less than a foot away, and the others stood beside her, watching her tilt her head slightly in horror, lift one foot, take a step, stand still, and lift the other foot , step forward, stand still, a walking movement, abruptly disassembled into several slow motions, as if walking hard step by step in the mud.

A quarter of an hour later, she walked to the entrance of the hall, and half an hour later, she arrived at the entrance of Jinye Pavilion.

"Huh - no, I can't, I huh, I can't."

She leaned against the wall and slowly slid to the ground, put the knife aside, bent down and panted desperately, exhausted, exhausted!

"are you OK?"

Mu Yan knelt down and handed her a teacup.

Panting, Yunli took the cup and shook her head, "I'm fine, but I'm a little tired. Just take a break and I'll be fine."

After drinking the water, she raised her head and said, "You guys go back first, I don't know how long it will take me to go back to the sect, so I won't delay the cultivation of all senior uncles and sisters."

Su Xu smiled faintly: "That's fine, then Nephew Yun, take care and return to the sect as soon as possible."

At her speed, they really couldn't walk back with her, they couldn't control the sword, and they couldn't go back to the sect with their legs in less than ten days and half a month, not to mention her slow speed.

An Ran shook her head slightly, and the sound transmission said: "Be careful, don't worry about the knife in case of danger, it's important to run away, no one can take the knife away."

"Don't worry, I'll be fine."

Mu Yan couldn't help but said via voice transmission: "You really don't need us to accompany you, you showed your fortune in Jinye Pavilion, so it's hard to guarantee that no one will be distracted along the way."

This is indeed a problem, but it is obviously unrealistic for Su Xu and the others to accompany her to go back to the Taiyi School for two or three years. It’s all gone, at least the possibility of those Jindan Nascent Souls doing something is very low, and the rest of them are not a big threat.”

(End of this chapter)

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