Chapter 168
She waved goodbye to everyone, and smiled at Mu Yan, who was looking back frequently on the sword, until several rainbow lights disappeared into the sky, then she looked away, glanced around, and unexpectedly met many malicious eyes.

Seeing her looking over, these people hurriedly looked away and looked elsewhere, as if they just looked at each other inadvertently.

Soldiers come to block the water and cover them with soil, so they can only take a step to see.

When the willows were on the top of the moon, Yunli was still carrying a knife and trudging through the streets of the city. He followed the people who were ready to move out of the Jinye Pavilion, drank pot after pot of tea, and did not wait for her to walk out of the city gate.

There are people from Ye's firm everywhere in the city, it would be too disrespectful to Ye's if they do something directly in the city, just looking at her like this, she won't be able to leave Tianyun City in a short time.

The people who followed left one after another, and went back to their homes for the time being. Yunli also took out the wooden house and placed it on the street, and began to rest.

Some of the monks who didn't go back couldn't help being surprised, they still had time to sleep. Shouldn't she be rushing to Taiyi sect day and night?
Meimei had a good night's sleep, and after breakfast the next day, Yunli walked out of the city with great energy, carrying a knife on her shoulders. Fortunately, she practiced exercises every day, and she didn't have any symptoms of back pain after excessive exercise.

As she walked tremblingly, she thought, such a beautiful knife needs a nice name, what should it be called?
Little powder?

Not domineering enough.

Mahogany knife?Peach Blossom Dagger?

Is it too straightforward?

The peach tree wards off evil spirits, or is it called the evil spirit knife?

She frowned, but she still felt that there was something wrong with it. It was so difficult to name it. Could such a beautiful knife really be called evil spirits?It made her feel like a ghost hunter, "Uh, I was originally a priest."

Shaking his head, he stared fixedly at the knife on his shoulder. Under the sun, the peach red is more clear, like the peach rouge carefully crafted by the master. The silver luster of the knife tip is not cold against the warm peach color. , revealing indifferent delicacy.

After watching for a long time, her eyes are full of peach color, she seems like pieces of peach blossoms are flying down, like a dream, a faint silver light flashes and disappears from the rustling peach blossoms, and the petals shatter wherever she passes, and the blow Afterwards, Yinmang was once again hidden in the soft peach blossoms.

Yunli's eyes lit up, "Meng Zhan, dreamy and decisive, yes, that's a good name, it's called Meng Zhan Dao!"

When the moon sneaked up to the top again, she finally came to the city gate. Looking at the closed city gate, she was not in a hurry. She took the house and rested wherever she went, not too convenient.

Now she is not in a hurry to go back to the Taiyi School, and she has to make tea for Mo Huai in a boring way, so it's better to let her carry the Meng Zhan Dao outside, at least she can exercise.

What's more, there are a bunch of foundation-building monks around who are ready to move towards her. When she thinks that a lot of spirit stones are about to come to her, she really wants to rush out of the city gate and wait for them to come and rob her.

The next day, under the expectation of both parties, before Yunli walked out of the sight of the guards at the city gate, her complexion was sallow, her cheeks were as thin as a piece of skin attached to a bone, and the Qi-training seven-layer male cultivator's sword fell on her. in front of.

Yunli was very puzzled, brother, have you been sucked dry by a goblin?
Cultivators are nourished by spiritual energy all the year round, no matter how old they are, they are full of blood and walk lightly. The image of such an opium addict is really rare.

"Hand over the storage bag, if you—"

Although she was full of doubts in her heart, the movements in her hands were unambiguous. Before the man finished speaking harshly, she threw the Dream Zhan knife and rushed over to punch the man on the bridge of the nose.

After beating the person into a circle, she sealed the spirit vein in twos and twos, and after taking off the other party's storage bag, she carried Zhanmeng on her shoulders and continued walking, not forgetting to say goodbye to the 'junkie' lying on the ground: "Don't worry, a After cup of tea, the acupoints will unravel automatically, welcome to visit next time."

The battle ended too quickly, not as long as she had to pull the storage bag. The corners of the eyes of the other followers twitched, and they felt like retreating. Although this girl is a seven-level qi practitioner, she is extremely powerful. In addition, I bought this handle Dao, I'm afraid he doesn't have many spirit stones on him.

However, seeing Yunli's swaying pace, like an old lady with bound feet walking a mountain road, it is trembling, giving people a feeling that they will fall in the next moment, and everyone can't help but rekindle their fighting spirit. As long as the speed is fast enough, It's easy to sneak attack, what if she still has Lingshi.

A Qi-training ninth-level monk took the lead, and the bright fireball hit Yunli's vest. She staggered and let the fireball pass by with her short body. The Mengzhan Dao slid down her shoulder to the ground.

Another fireball flew in from behind, besides the fireball, there were various spells such as wind blade and sword energy. Leap away.

A quarter of an hour later, the monks lying all over the ground, all with bruised noses and swollen faces, Yunli picked up the Dream Slayer and turned around, "I have to go for a long time, don't worry, you have earned enough Lingshi come to me again."

The faces of the robbing monks on the ground were colorful and beautiful. After a cup of tea, their spirit veins returned to normal, and they stood up one by one, watching the one in front of them walk five or six feet away, and trek step by step. , the girl in Tsing Yi, who looks like an old man who is dying, but everyone can no longer have the heart to snatch her.

Among them, there are not only Qi training period, but also a lot of foundation building period, and there are a few late foundation building periods. However, under the girl's hands, there is not much difference, just a few more breaths of time.

Only at this time did they wake up from their desire for wealth. The knife, but the twelve viscera training stage physical practitioners could only drag forward a little bit, and it was extremely difficult for the monks in the Nascent Soul stage to carry it.

For the rest of the journey, no one came to send love. Although it was much cleaner, it also lacked a lot of fun.

Sure enough, fists are the last word among monks, and if they subdue all the dissatisfied, they will stop.

In the afternoon, a disciple of the sect brought a little black chicken, said "Brother Mo Huai said, raise your own chicken", and walked away.

Yunli was deeply speechless, Daoist Danyang could also be regarded as his next-door senior brother, so he just threw the little black chicken to her, not afraid that the passing monks would catch it and drink it in stew.
The setting sun is like blood, soaking the mountains and forests.

Wei Lindang opened his mind and swept over. There were two long queues of monks waiting to enter the city outside Anxi City. He frowned. At this time, are there more people entering the city? Anxi City is just one In a small town and close to the secular world, there are not many monks and caravans coming and going. How could there be such a long queue?
After a careful inspection, there was nothing unusual about the city gate, but the speed of the monks entering the gate was a little slower. As for the formation barrier in the city gate, it is unknown.

"Junior Brother Qianjiu, is there anything unusual?"

A man in the late stage of foundation establishment withdrew his consciousness, glanced at his expression, and asked nervously. He also checked. Among the monks in line in front, most of them were in the Qi training stage, and few of them were in the foundation stage. Yes, it fits the situation of a small monk city like Anxi City.

Wei Lin frowned, he didn't find anything unusual, and he didn't feel any sense of crisis. However, it was this normality that made him uneasy. He looked up at the sky. Is there really no danger, or did the way of heaven blur his perception?
"Are there any other towns around that have Gurong grass?"

The monk with a bandage on the other arm shook his head, "No, this place is adjacent to the secular world, and there are not many monks. Only Anxi City has Yeshi's shop in thousands of miles."

Wei Lin frowned, only the Ye clan had Gu Rongcao, he missed Anxi City, and other large cities with many high-ranking monks were even more dangerous, it seemed that Anxi City had no choice but to enter.

He rubbed the space between his brows, hoping that he was suspicious.

"Ying Qi, Ying Jiu, the two of you follow me, and the others are here to meet you."

He ordered two people in the late stage of foundation establishment with minor injuries to go to Anxi City together with him.

The setting sun has set a few more minutes, and the afterglow has no temperature.

The cool evening breeze blows away the impetuousness in people's hearts, but it cannot blow away the indifference on their faces.

(End of this chapter)

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