all the way to fairy

Chapter 169 Chasing and Killing

Chapter 169 Chasing and Killing (1)

A little girl at the first level of Qi training looked curiously at the crowd indifferently queuing up around her. This was the first time she had been to the monk's city square and the first time she had seen so many monks.

The old man behind her glared at her, and said in a low voice, "Don't look around."

The little girl stuck out her tongue mischievously, turned her head away, and stared straight ahead. After only a short period of time without squinting, she began to observe the people around her secretly again.

Obliquely ahead, a young man's exquisite side profile caught her attention. He is so pretty. She has never seen such a good-looking person in her age.

The little girl stared blankly, maybe her gaze was too direct, the young man felt something, turned his head and looked over, the beautiful phoenix eyes, the deep pupils were like a deep pool, the little girl felt that her heart was falling Into that deep pool.

It wasn't until the boy turned his head away that she woke up like a dream, her face was covered with red clouds, and it was terribly hot. She raised her hand to try to cool her cheeks with the cool palm, and suddenly felt that she had seen that face somewhere before.

After thinking about it, she took out a piece of paper that was folded squarely from her purse and opened it. On the snow-white paper, the portrait outlined in light ink was exactly the delicate face that she had seen just now.

"Ah, Master, he is the villain on the hunting order!"

The little girl tugged at the sleeve of the old man behind her, and pointed at the young man obliquely in front of her in surprise.

Puzzled in the clear eyes: "Are all the bad guys so good-looking?"

In the silence, the voice was extraordinarily crisp, and the word 'chasing and killing order' particularly stimulated everyone's nerves. All kinds of eyes looked over, and then followed the direction of her finger.

The delicate boy turned his head, his eyes fell on the portrait in the girl's hand, his phoenix eyes flashed, and he shouted: "Get out!"

Wei Lin jumped up in the air, and before everyone could react, Yujian fled away. With a short glance, he clearly saw that next to his portrait on the hunting order, "The Killer of Canye Pavilion Qianjiu stole the Hui from Yuan'an Temple." Jue Master Buddha's relic, everyone gets it and punishes it. '

"It's the killer of the Canye Pavilion! Hurry up and inform the city lord, and the rest will chase after you!"

The guards yelled and ran towards Anxi City. A group of Qi practitioners watched the three flying away and hid in the city in fright. The killers of the Canye Pavilion are all ruthless masters. Wherever they are, blood flows Chenghe, the three of them are still at the foundation stage, dealing with them is not as simple as crushing an ant.

The few Foundation Establishment cultivators didn't even think about it, they chased them out immediately, and sternly shouted while wielding their swords: "The Killer of the Canye Pavilion, everyone can kill him, you can't escape, hand over the Buddha's relic, Daoist leave you a whole body!"

The three of them didn't turn their heads back, and tried their best to fly with their swords. After a short time, a Golden Core cultivator chased him from Anxi City.

Ying Qi yelled anxiously: "What's going on? How could they have our portraits? Hasn't no one in our Remnant Night Pavilion's killer ever known the real face?"

Ying Jiu, who was a little behind, tried his best to control his trembling fingertips, and said in a deep voice: "I don't know! Such a situation has never happened before! Maybe there is a traitor in the pavilion."

Wei Lin's heart turned sharply. There was only an early Golden Core cultivator chasing him from behind. Considering the size of Anxi City, he was probably the only Golden Core Stage monk near Anxi City. He was too close. He had to be killed before they could escape. .

The thought turned in his mind, and he immediately sent a signal to the other people in the forest to respond. He glanced at the few foundation-building monks who were chasing after him, turned around and swung his sword. He didn't expect that he would suddenly turn back The monk immediately felt a chill on his neck, and then fell from the air like a dumpling.

The few people who did not chase after him pointed the direction to the Golden Core cultivator who was chasing after them, and they opened up some distance. Wei Lin took a deep breath and said in a deep voice: "Let's go down."

Ying Qi Ying Jiu was a little hesitant. In the high altitude, there was nothing blocking him, so he could go on his way with all his strength. If he entered the forest below, his speed would drop sharply, and the possibility of being chased would be even greater.

Seeing that Wei Lin had already controlled the flying sword to dive down after finishing speaking, the two of them hesitated again and again, and finally followed and descended.

As soon as he entered the forest, Wei Lin immediately ordered the two of them to restrain all their aura, and controlled the flying sword to walk through the forest. After meeting with the others, he said: "We can't escape the speed of the golden core stage, we can't escape until there are more The Jindan Nascent Soul cultivator has come, and we are going to die."

Raising his eyes, he scanned the faces of the terrified people one by one, and said word by word: "So, he must be killed."

Everyone is a killer, and they also know that the more they need to be calm at this time, Ying Qi trembled: "How to kill?"

"Take out all the talismans and poisons, you guys in a while"

After a rustling sound, the forest returned to tranquility, and a moment later, a man with gray beard arrived here.

Explosive talismans flew towards him from his left, right, and in front of him. When he saw the talisman seal clearly, contempt flashed in the man's eyes. The top-grade burst talismans of only the mysterious rank were a threat to monks in the Foundation Establishment Stage, but to Jindan Stage , that's like scratching an itch, even the Linggang can't be broken.

Glancing around, there was a sneer on the corner of his lips, and he tapped his black flute a few times in his hand: "Tsk tsk, the ignorant are really fearless, a group of brats who don't run away, but learn to ambush, interesting, interesting .”

Explosive talismans were still being thrown at him, his whole body was shining, and he was strolling in the courtyard amidst the rumbling explosions and smoke, his feet suddenly felt a little heavy, as if he was stuck in mud, and when he checked his consciousness, it turned out to be a small The earth-heavy formation method, the green technique, and the simple formation are obviously arranged by a formation master who has just started.

He shook his head: "Things that are not on the table."

As soon as he finished speaking, the white mist filled the air, and a sharp object came through the air. He lifted the flute lightly in his hand, and was about to block the sharp object that was approaching the mask, but he didn't want to tighten his wrist, and the vines wrapped around his limbs.

"Although they are just small bugs, they are still annoying."

He murmured softly, with the spiritual power lingering on his wrist, the vines wrapped around it broke one by one, and there were muffled humming sounds in the smoke, it was the monk who performed the vine technique being backlashed.

There are still a few vines that have not been broken, and a blue long sword has reached his chest. The man's face is still calm, and with the spirit gang, this group of little bugs who have never seen the world can't hurt him at all.

Unexpectedly, the long sword pierced through his protective spirit gang without any hesitation, the man's pupils shrank, and the blood all over his body froze instantly. But it made him half a beat slower, the long sword had already pierced into his body.

Fortunately, that dodge finally had some effect, he avoided the fatal point, and the long sword was inserted into his chest two inches away from his heart.

The man was furious. He was forced to come here by a group of foundation-building monks. He shouted and broke all the vines. Slap hard.

The violent spiritual power in his palm stirred up a whirlwind. Before the palm print arrived, Wei Lin's face was deformed by the whirlwind, and his mouth and nose were bleeding. He flipped his left hand, and a simple wooden sign appeared in his hand. In the palm of the hand, the spewing spiritual power aroused the defensive formation on the wooden sign and blocked the big palm.

He breathed a sigh of relief in his heart, and his mind sank into the Li Li sword. The sharp sword force erupted from the sword, and the green leaves seemed to have substance, and they sank into the man's hands lightly.

Feeling the power of the sword raging in his body, the man let go of the sword and backed away in shock.

The dense smoke dissipated, and the man looked at the blood-stained long sword in Wei Lin's hand, and smiled coldly: "It turns out that he is a swordsman who has already cultivated his sword power, no wonder he dares to be so arrogant."

With a flick of his wrist, Wei Lin pulled out afterimages, his body and sword merged into one, and attacked the man again, without giving him a chance to breathe.

We have to kill him as soon as possible before the defensive formation of the wooden sign disappears. Even if we can't kill him, we must seriously injure him as much as possible!
The man was forced to retreat steadily by his fierce attack. To make matters worse, the monks who were injured by him also slowed down at this time, and the vines wrapped around his limbs again.

Wei Lin shot without any scruples, his moves were fatal, and in the blink of an eye, Jindan Nanxiu's body was covered with scars and dripping with blood.

 Thanks to book friend 20190403152018629 for the monthly ticket, thank you! ! !

(End of this chapter)

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