all the way to fairy

Chapter 170 Chasing and Killing

Chapter 170 Chasing and Killing (2)

The man's face was ugly. These little bugs really had the means to hurt him. He put away his contempt, moved around, and avoided the deadliest attack. The ground shattered the formation of the heavy earth technique.

Although this simple formation is not fatal, it limits his speed and makes the attack of the kid in front of him more dangerous.

The man stretched out his arms, and used the long flute in his hand as a sword to block Wei Lin's fierce attack. The ink glow on the flute exploded, and the powerful force exploded from the flute, shaking Wei Lin's arms numb, and he could hardly hold the sword firmly. The violent spiritual force left deep and visible scars on his body.

The defensive formation that had dissipated on the wooden sign was activated again, no, it must be resolved quickly. After the injury, Tiandao's malice became apparent again, and Wei Lin had clearly felt that his perception ability had been greatly weakened.

With a fixed gaze, a steady stream of spiritual power was sent into Mo Li's sword, pieces of green leaves spread from the sword to the front of the body, and the sharp sword's force temporarily restrained the man's attack, achieving a short-term calm.

There was a whirlwind behind the two of them, and the other disciples who wanted to help did not dare to approach the center of the battle. They were afraid that they would be torn apart by the turbulent spiritual power swords of both sides before they got close.

After all, the man is at the golden core stage, Mo Xiao blocked the long sword that could pierce the spirit gang, and the deadly threat was less. : "It seems that apart from the Buddha's relic, you have quite a lot of treasures."

As Mo Xiao's strength gradually increased, Wei Lin finally couldn't hold on anymore and was thrown flying. He wiped off the blood from the corner of his mouth and stood up, saying: "It's done."


The man was stunned, and then he found that his body was a little numb and hot, poisonous!

When did it happen?

In the short time he guessed, his body swelled up quickly as if he had been blown.

Ying Qi walked out from behind the tree, and couldn't help being proud: "You must be very strange, when you got poisoned, the previous explosion charms were not for you to set off fireworks, but there were poisonous powder on them, and they exploded around you Floating, just now you fought with your junior brother for so long, your blood—"

Before he finished speaking, Wei Lin raised his sword and rushed forward again. The poisoned man's actions were much slower than before, and he was pierced through the heart by a sword before he even had time to react.

Thoroughly crushing his heart and confirming that he was dead, Wei Lin drew his sword and turned around, raised his eyebrows and asked, "Why don't you continue talking?"

"He is dead."

Ying Qi, who was cut off halfway through the pretense, had a constipated expression on her face. She didn't have any sense of accomplishment when she was dead. This sense of accomplishment had to be seen on the other person's expression, his astonishment and despair. It's only interesting to be stunned and annoyed, otherwise what would you do with such effort.

Wei Lin lowered his eyes and used his sword to pick out large and small storage bags on Jindan Nanxiu's body, "Dead ones are safer. If you want to finish speaking quickly, you have to leave as soon as possible."

Ying Qi's face was flushed red, and she smiled mischievously: "Hehe, junior brother just likes to joke."

"Pfft, hiss—"

Ying Jiu and the others couldn't bear it any longer, they laughed out loud, touching the wound, and couldn't stop gasping.

Ying Qi was amused by their grinning appearance, and he didn't feel embarrassed for a while, and then burst out laughing.

Wei Lin threw a bunch of storage bags to them and said, "Let's go now."

Ying Qi was surprised and said: "Divided? You killed him."

Wei Lin: "I can't kill him alone. The brothers and sisters have all contributed, and the spoils should be divided."

At this time, my perception was weakened by the way of heaven. If I didn't find any imprints on the objects of the Jindan cultivator, I would be trapped to death if I got unlucky later.

Everyone looked at each other, Jin Danqi's net worth, they really didn't have the guts to refuse, thinking about their efforts, if not for their restraint, Junior Brother Qian Jiu would not be able to kill Jin Danqi, no matter how talented he was, he couldn't help but feel at ease stand up.

Ying Qi handed the ink flute to Wei Lin: "Junior brother contributed the most, this ink flute is taken by junior brother, and everyone expects it."

Mo Xiao is the natal magic weapon of the Golden Core Stage, and it is the best of all his items. Ying Qi is quite kind, Wei Lin raised his eyes to look at him, and smiled: "Senior Brother, thank you for your kindness, but I Not good at rhythm, such a magic weapon is like a pearl in my hands, you can discuss this flute, I just want a spirit stone."

Ying Qi thought for a while, but didn't insist, and said: "Then I will fold it into a spirit stone and give it to my junior brother."

Wei Lin nodded in agreement, the natal magic weapon, the most important magic weapon of a monk, it is not an exaggeration to say that it is his brother, such an important magic weapon, the possibility of having a special mark is more than [-]%.

Everyone knew that time was running out, so they quickly divided up the loot and left in a hurry.

After traveling all night, at dawn, the group had already arrived outside a small town in the westernmost part of the Beishan system.

Ying Qi looked around and said softly: "It's here."

This small town is a stronghold of Canye Pavilion on the edge of the Beishan system. Wei Lin's eyes were deep. Those monks in Yuan'an Temple had never seen his true face that day. When they broke into the Yanming Pagoda at night, none of them missed their true faces.

Even if he guessed that the Buddha's relic was stolen by the Canye Pavilion, it is impossible to know that it was him.

It turned out that this was Lan Shu's method, not to intercept and kill, but to reveal his identity.

A little girl at the first level of qi training has his hunting order, and now everyone in the entire Beishan system is afraid that everyone knows about it, and it won't be long before the entire Canglan Continent will know that he is a crippled man. The killer of the night pavilion.

Lan Shu is now in charge of all the affairs of the yellow-level and mysterious-level killers. Since she has done her best this time, there will be no room for it. I am afraid that there is also her eyeliner here.

Thinking of this, he said: "Senior Brother Ying Qi and Brother Ying Jiu, you two go to the base to ask about the situation, and the others will heal first."

Ying Qi Ying Jiu did not refuse, the two of them have the highest cultivation here, although Junior Brother Qian Jiu's combat power far exceeds them, he was seriously injured in that battle, and he had to travel all night, so naturally he had to take this opportunity to heal his wounds .

Wei Lin stared at the direction where the two left and pondered for a while, and said to everyone: "I'll go to the city gate to meet you, and you should keep a few people on guard."

After giving the order, he disappeared into the dark forest like a wisp of smoke.

This town is very small, mixed with immortals and mortals, no one is stationed at the city gate, and there is not even a concealment circle.

Most of the people in the small town were qi-training monks, and they avoided the foundation-building period like Ying Qi and the two from far away. Ying Qi and the two looked at each other, exhaled slightly, and walked quickly to the stronghold.

Wei Lin was also relieved, there were no high-ranking monks, so there shouldn't be any troubles. Looking at the inn, he walked around to the side, lightly jumped to the roof, and found where Ying Qi and the others were.

"You don't know either?" Ying Qi's voice came, showing displeasure, "You are spies, how can you not know such a big thing!"

Wei Lin held his breath and listened calmly.

"Do you know how serious this matter is? We are killers, killers! How can we be killers with our faces exposed! Don't you think we can't die fast enough!"

Ying Qi's lungs were about to explode.

The managers here are inexplicable. They are just the most fringe espionage organization. There are many things that they can get in touch with. After this incident, not to mention the killers, they are the espionage personnel who are the ones who are in danger.

Except for the task that requires contact with people outside the cabinet, the killer spends most of his time in the cabinet, which is much better than those isolated and helpless espionage personnel who are mixed among various forces.

If it wasn't for his lack of combat power, he wouldn't have chosen to become an espionage officer. Fortunately, he gritted his teeth and spent a lot of spirit stones to bribe the steward to get such an espionage stronghold mission.

Going deep into the interior of various forces is the most dangerous.

Looking at the furious Ying Qi, he comforted him: "Brother calm down, calm down, the nature of this matter is too bad, it has touched the bottom line of our Canye Pavilion, the higher-ups will definitely find out, if the senior brother is useful, get the little brother, Go ahead and order."

Ying Jiu also pulled Ying Qi back, it's useless to get angry at them, it's justified to go back quickly, and said: "We need a way back."

(End of this chapter)

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